The War

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Earth 31
Dylan's POV
We were in the live room when a hologram shot out of our computer. "Mom?!" I said shocked. Pink looks like a teenager in the hologram. "I don't have much time. Zill said to contact you if we needed help. Well we do. Silver betrayed us." There was a loud thud and she looked away in fear for a second. "Ok Zill said you were kids right? So your parents have been captured and I'm about to be myself. We need back up. Please hel-" it went static. My eyes widened. "We need to go!" I panicked. "Yeah, but first we need to get everyone else" Retro said. "Who?" Sky asked. "Everyone whos parents left. Ok guys, lets round them up!" Retro ordered.

Earth 26
We all dropped through the portal. There's no one here. Its an empty lab. "Guys there's a note" Lizz says. Charlie isn't even here. Lizz just insisted on coming. "The child version of your parents are under the control of a microchip in their neck. To get to your parents you have to first release the microchipped younger versions. I hope this was helpful- Aurelia" Lizz read. "How do we know that we can trust her?" Ella asked. "We don't. So we'll have to be careful" Kara said. "Look! That must be where they are" Santana pointed across the field. "Then lets go" I said. We all took off.

Marlow's POV
I'm with Cleo and we managed to find a way inside the fortress. We all split up in better hopes of finding our parents. Cleo extended her stick and it hit me in the face. "Hey watch it!" I whisper yelled. "Sorry, but look" she pointed. Its her moms. "What do we do?" I asked. "We have to get the chip, but I don't think they'll stay still long enough for me to get it." She said. "Let me see what I can do" I said. I'm not good with telekinesis but it is one of my powers. I closed my eyes tightly and took control over Brittany's mind. I made her walk over to Khloe and yank the chip out of her neck. "Jeez you could be gentle" Cleo said. Khloe got up confused. "Where am I?" she asked. I lost control. I could hardly breathe. I had to let her go. "Brit?" Khloe asked confused. She looked over and immediately tried to attack her. Khloe quickly smacked her down with her stick. She saw the chip in Brittany's neck and yanked it out. "The hell?" She asked herself. Britt started to get up so Cleo and I ran away quickly.

Khloe 31 POV
We're all in cages in a power strike room. A power strike room does allow you to use your powers, but it could potentially kill you if you tried. My stick is useless against this cage. Apollo said that on each cage there was a red light at the top. I guess that means its locked. "Khloe look" she pointed up. I looked up and saw that my light was green. I tried to open the cage but it still was locked. I shrugged and sat back down. "So much for that." I said. Apollo sighed.

Quinn 26 POV
Heather came up with the great idea to capture the resistance and make them our slaves. "You're an idiot babe. You know that right?" Lyra asked. "Not your girlfriend and I'm not an idiot" I said. "Yes you are. Heather is trying to take your place as captain but you're to dumb to see it" she said. "Heather is my commander. She serves me" I snapped. "Maybe before but not now" she said. I raised an eyebrow at her. "We both know I'm right darling. Just listen to me." She smiled. "I guess you have a point. But would we stop her?" I asked. "We?! So you admit we're together!?" She exclaimed. "What? No! I... ugh!" I groaned. 

Heather 26 POV
I saw these kids running around on the cameras. "Crap." I mumbled. The guards better take care of them. "Heather!" Quinn called. I went to her room. "Yes captain? Uh... may I ask why there's a demon on your bed?" I asked. "We had sex" the demon said. "No we didn't! Never mind her. Someone told me that you're trying to take my place. Is this true?" she asked. The demon jumped out the window and disappeared. I smirked. "Yep" I grabbed her and threw her across the room. She got up and fired at me. I fired back and we held our beams at each other. "You wanna play with fire? Go ahead!" I blasted past her beam and crashed her into the table behind her. I bent down and put a power cuff on her arm. "Now whos boss?" I asked. I grabbed her chin and lifted her face up to look at me. She groaned under her breath. "What was that?" I asked. "You're the boss" she growled. I laughed and tied her up in another room. Then I went to her spell book and released the time spell. Everything's going according to plan.

Kai's POV
I knew my parents shouldn't have come to this. They never go on shit like this, but the Fates insisted. "Kai!" Someone yelled. I looked back and saw Lyra running up to me. She looks young. This must not be my mom. "How do you know my name?" I asked confused. "I didn't. That's just what I've always wanted to name my kid and from your look, I'm assuming you're Quinn and I's daughter." She said. "Ok?" I said, still confused. "Come on! I can get you to Quinn. Heather took over and now she needs your help." She said.

Lyra showed me where she was and I made us invisible so we could sneak up there. Quinn was tied up in a chair trying to undo the knot behind her. There are no windows in this room but the light was on. I closed the door and the invisibility wore off. Lyra walked over to Quinn. She saw her and rolled her eyes. She mumbled something into the cloth around her mouth. "Sorry what was that?" Lyra asked. Quinn glared at her. Lyra pulled out her claws to cut the rope and the cloth. "Took you long enough" Quinn snapped. She reached her hand out for lyra to take off the power cuff. Lyra smirked. "Not unless you admit that you like me" she said. Yep these are definitely my parents. Quinn groaned. "Fine, I love you. Happy?" She said. "Aww you said love. I was only looking for like but I'll take that" she said and Quinn blushed angrily. She took the cuff off. "Heathers too strong for me and I don't know where she put your parents. Sorry but if you want them back you need to get heather on the your side" Quinn explained. I sighed and connected my mind to Santana. "Teleport to me now" I told her. I didn't get a response, but Santana did teleport into the room. "You called?" She asked. 

Santana's POV
Kai showed me where Heather was. I was nervous, but went out to her. "Heather" I called for her. She snapped her head towards me. "And who are you?" She asked. "Cant say my name, but I'm your daughter" I said. Her eyes widened. "That's impossible." She said. I shook my head. "I'm not from here, but none the less you're my mom and Aurelia is my mom and I'm gonna save both of you." I said. "Hate to break it to you kid but I don't need saving." She snapped. "You sure? Cause Aurelia is here right now, and I'm sure you'd love to see her." I said. She opened her mouth to protest but couldn't find the words. I smirked and connected to Kara. "Bring Aurelia 26 to me." I told her. "I'm on the way." Kara said.

Kara teleported in with Aurelia 26. Aurelia looked like she was gonna puke. "Could you warn me before you do that?" she asked, nauseously. Heathers eyes widened. "There she is heather. You two are our moms so please do this for us. Do it for yourselves" I said. Aurelia looked at her and Heather snapped. "Ah! No! I'm sticking with the plan. You two leave!" She threw me and Kara into a room and locked the room. "And you!" Heather narrowed her eyes at Aurelia. That was all we heard.

Heather 26 POV
I stormed over to Aurelia but before I could say anything, she smacked me across the face. I just stared at her stunned for a moment. I went to talk but she silenced me. "Ah ah ah. You don't get to say anything." She snapped. I shut my mouth and just stared. "You will speak only when spoken to. Understand? Nod." She commanded. I nodded. "Good. First things first. Are you mad at me and why." She said. I paused for a moment. "No. I'm mad at the world for taking you from me." I looked down. She snatched my neck and pulled my face up to hers. "You keep looking at me until I say otherwise. And if that's true, then why didn't you come after me when you had your guards storm the resistance?" She asked. "You were a prisoner there! I thought you were still in the jail and I'd have to go get you myself." I said. "What? No I wasn't! I was the head guard! I was second in command! We didn't even have a jail! Who told you that? And for that matter, if I was in a jail, why hadn't you come to get me already?" She asked. "Quinn told me that, and I was too scared to confront you." I admitted. She groaned to herself. "Ok. Next question. Do you still love me?" She asked. I smiled. "More than anything." I said. "Good! Then if you want to get back with me, and you do, you're gonna shut down all this bullshit, let those kids and their parents go, and let everything go back to normal!" She exclaimed. "Yes ma'am." I surrendered. "Good girl." She smiled. She finally let go of my neck and I took a deep breath. Just as quickly though, she grabbed my waist and pulled me in to kiss her. "I have waited too long to do that." She whispered. "Me too." I replied. 

Santana's POV
Heather 26 let everyone out and it wasn't long before we went home. "I promise from now on, you guys will be allowed on missions with us." Aurelia smiled at me and Kara. "Oh it's fine mom. No need to thank us for saving your ass." Kara smirked. She rolled her eyes. "I'm really proud of you girls. You're ability to take action, even in an unfamiliar situation, is very impressive. You two are gonna do great, even after we're gone." Heather smiled at us. "Thanks mom." I said.

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