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Ella's POV
When Kara got a new sister, it reminded me that I have siblings too. I barely even know them. So today I'm putting my arrow duties aside to spend time with my siblings, and maybe, I can even get them to be arrows with me.

"No" Mia shut the door in my face. I didn't even say anything. Mia is my little sister. Lila is a sophomore with blonde hair like me. Mia is a freshman with brown hair like mom. Josh is an eighth grader with brown hair too. I'm at my moms house. My parents are together, but since my siblings don't live at arrows HQ, they stay here. My dad is here most of the time. I knock on the door again and this time mom answered. "Oh hi Ella. Sorry about Mia, you know how she gets" She said. "I actually don't. That's why I'm here" I said. "Come in" mom let me inside. "I said no!" Mia yelled. "No what? I didn't even say anything" I said. "Exactly! Its to late for you to say anything because I don't want you here, or even in this family at all!" She yelled. "Mia! Don't talk to your sister like that!" Mom yelled. Mia stormed off into her room. "Sorry" mom said. "No its fine. She has a right to be that way. Where's Josh and Lila?" I asked. "Josh is at his friend Adams house but he'll be back later and Lila is with her boyfriend" She said. "She has a boyfriend?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah its Arcs son Zane." She said. "Why didn't Zane tell me?" I asked. "Zane is very protective over Lila and she really likes him. If he didn't tell you than Lila must have told him not to. Anyway, I'm going to pick Josh. Ill see you later" she hugged me and left. "Ok bye mom" I said. "Bye!" she yelled. Mia walked out back just as she left. 

I went outside to sit with her. She's looking at her phone. Mia is a brunette with blue eyes. She wears a lot of black but sometimes she wears blue or teal. She has a nose piercing too. "Are you gonna stare or speak?" she asked, still looking down at her phone. "Why do you hate me?" I asked. "Ask Lila, she'll break it to you easier" she said. I looked down. "Could I try and make it up to you?" I asked. She huffed a laugh. "Look Mia, I just wanna have you guys feel like family, because right now you don't" I said. She looked up at me. "Than maybe you should have been there" she said. "What?" I asked, confused. "Never mind, it doesn't matter" she said. There was an awkward silence and then the doorbell rang. "Whos that?" I asked. "My girlfriend" she stood and walked inside. Wow I'm a terrible sister. I didn't even know she was gay. I walked inside to be met with a girl dressed in all black. She has long black hair and red eyes. "Who's this babe?" She asked. "This is my  sister Ella. Ella this is Dany, my girlfriend" Mia introduced us. "Nice to meet you" Dany held out her hand. I shook it and she smiled politely. Her teeth are shockingly white. Like they're actually blinding me, and her canines are really sharp. My eyes widened as everything clicked. "I'm not gonna bite you don't worry." Dany said with a laugh. I blinked a few times. "Huh? Oh sorry" I said. "I see you didn't tell her I'm a vampire." Danny looked to Mia. "I don't tell her anything." Mia rolled her eyes. They went into Mia's room and shut the door. 

Mom came home with josh. "Hey Ella. Where's Mia?" Mom asked. "In her room with Dany" I said. Mom seems cool with Dany so I guess she's here often. "Hey josh" I waved. He looked at me with a straight face and waved back. He went into his room and shut the door. "I really suck" I whined. "Well in their defense you're never really around" mom said. "Thank you! You make me feel so much better" I said sarcastically. She sat next to me on the couch. "Look Ella, your dad and I raised them to be stubborn. We didn't do it on purpose but it happened. You were raised differently because you chose to be an arrow. You were raised by your friends more than your family so they became your family" mom explained. "Why didn't they choose to be arrows?" I asked. "They didn't want to. They'll come around if you try hard enough" she said. "I cant though. I have to go to Tampa tomorrow for an arrows call" I said. "You're gonna have to choose what means more to you. Your family or your work" she got up and walked away. The problem is that I work with my family. Maybe dad could help me.

"Hey dad" I said. I walked into his room. "Hi Ella, are you packed?" he asked. "Yeah but um.. I wanted to ask you how you have time for mom and my siblings when you're always working" I said. He smiled. "Ella, when you're family you make time" he shrugged. "But how?" I asked. "Why are you asking?" he asked. "When Kara told me about Amber I realized that I don't have any relationship with my siblings" I said. "Alright here's what your gonna do. You're not going to Tampa. You are gonna stay behind and spend time with your siblings" he said. "But where am I gonna go? I don't wanna be here by myself" I said. "And you wont. You're gonna bring them here" he said. I raised an eyebrow. "Your moms got a work trip and she's leaving tomorrow. I don't want Lila to throw a party in my house so they're coming here anyway" he said. "Uh... ok then" I walked away.

Retro didn't like the idea of me staying behind but I told her I had a good reason. My parents and the arrows left so now I'm on the way to pick up my siblings. I walked into the house with the key mom gave me. "Guys?" I asked. Lila came out of her room. "Ella?" She asked. "Yeah um... dad said you had to stay with me at arrows HQ while they're gone" I said. She blinked a few times. "Why are you still here?" she asked. "Because I wanted to hangout with my siblings?" I said nervously. She raised an eyebrow. "Here" I handed her a note from dad saying to go with me. She groaned. "Guys were going to dads!" she yelled. They packed their stuff and I drove them to HQ. The car ride was silent besides the radio. When we got there, I brought them to the floor above the kids rooms which is the spare room. All the floors look the same except some have different numbers of bedrooms in them. I decided to stay up here with them incase they got lost. "What do you guys want for dinner?" I asked. We're all watching TV. "I don't know" josh shrugged. "Pizza?" I asked. "Sure." Lila said. None of them looked at me.

I drove to go pick up the pizza and then brought it back. When I walked up to the live room door, I heard laughing and talking. They all get along without me, but with me they go silent. I walked in and sure enough, the talking and laughter stopped. I set the food on the table and walked to my room. I fell face first onto my bed and just screamed into it. 

Lila's POV
We heard a muffled scream come from Ella's room. "Do you think she heard us?" josh asked. Mia slapped him. "Of course she did dumbass!" she snapped. "Stop fighting. Come on lets just get our food" I said. Ella didn't eat. She didn't leave her room. I was really starting to feel bad. Ella was never there when we were kids. We all used to look up to her. The arrows were always more important to her though. Ella finally came out of her room. She looked like she just woke up. "Have a nice nap? I'm sure that you did with all the screaming" Mia said. She didn't say anything. She just sat at the table next to me put her head down. We didn't know what to say. I just slid her the pizza box and we all went to the couch.

Ella's POV
I slept in Retros hoodie to make me feel better. The next day I walked out to see Lila on the couch. I sat down a few seats over. "Where's the others?" I asked. "They're with their friends. What was that last night?" she asked. "I don't know." I said. "It looked like you died" she said. "Yeah well it felt that way too" I said. "Whos jacket is that? I know its not yours cause you wear cyan like dad" she said. "Someone I care about" I said. "Who is she?" she asked. "Not telling" I said. "Why?" she asked. "You didn't tell me about Zane so I wont tell you about her" I said. "He told you?" She asked. "No mom did. It should have been you though" I said. "Oh because you tell me everything" she snapped. I stayed silent. "What did I ever do to you?" I asked finally. "Nothing, that's the problem" she said. I looked at her confused. "You were never around. We wanted you to be there but you never were" she said. My eyes widened and I looked down ashamed. I really was never there. I remember getting invited to things but then not going because of the arrows. "If I could go back in time, and change that mistake, what things would you wanna do with me?" I asked. "I don't know. I'm sure Mia would wanna show you her guitar and josh would probably wanna play soccer with you" she said. "And you?" I asked. "I would probably wanna throw pranks on the other two or our parents" she laughed. I smiled. "Who says we still cant do that?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow and I smirked.

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