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Caceys POV
My tail wagged behind me as I scrolled through Alison's social media. "Stalking isn't hot ya know." Quinn said. "Oh shut up. You kidnapped your wife." I spat. "Yeah and I feel bad about it! Just ask the girl out. It's the British one right?" She asked. "Yes Quinn. Her name is Alison. She's Connors cousin." I said. "Yeah the princess." She stopped so she could laugh to herself. "You're standards are way too high. A princess? Really?" She chuckled. "I don't care about that. She's just really cute and nice." I said. "Yeah. The opposite of you." She pointed out. I shrugged. "So what? And- hey! I'm nice!" I exclaimed. She laughed. "Sure you are. Look, I have a feeling that the whole stalker kidnapping thing won't fly on this earth. So grow some fur on those ears of yours and listen up. Just be yourself and ask her out. The worst she can say is no." She said. "True that." I sighed. 

I walked up to Alison's locker. "Hi" I greeted. "Hi?" She said. "I'm Cacey" I introduced myself. "I'm Alison" she smiled. "I know. I've been watching you... which sounds bad now that I say it out loud" I said nervously. She giggled and I smiled. "I wanted to know if you would consider going out with me" I jumped to the point. "Like on a date?" She asked. "Yes? Unless you don't want to" I said. "I uh... I can't" she said. "Are you dating someone?" I asked. "Uh no. I just... I cant" she looked down. "I can handle parents if that's it" I said. "No I just... I don't anyone else to get wrapped up in everything I have going on. Sorry." She closed her locker and walked away. 

Quinn and I went to a shooting range together. "So she really said no?" Quinn asked. "She said she didn't want me to be wrapped up in everything she has going on" I recalled. "Well she is a princess" she said. "I already told you, I don't care about that!" I exclaimed. I angrily shot my gun and she just watched. "Yes, but did you tell her that? She probably thinks you don't know who she is. And she's definitely not gonna tell you herself. So you're gonna have to let her know exactly how you feel." She said. I sighed. "Fine. This is starting to get really complicated." I grumbled.

"Hey! Alison!" I ran up to her locker. She glanced over but immediately looked away. "What is it Cacey?" she asked. "Look, I know that you're a princess but I really don't care. Being wrapped up with you would be nothing compared to what I was doing on earth 32" I said. She smiled and looked down. "I'm really flattered, and Id be lying if I said I didn't want to take your offer, but that's not why I cant" she said. "Then why cant you?" I asked desperately. "I don't want to get attached to you" she said. "Whys that?" I asked. "Because when you realize that I'm not what you want, you'll leave me and I'll blame myself" she said. "I would never leave you" I said. "You say it now, but if you did leave me than I would break, and I don't want that to happen" she said. "Why would you break?" I asked. "I cant be alone because I... I'm bipolar. It's the only reason I can talk to you right now. Feel lucky I'm not having an episode because then I would have run away when you walked up here" she said. "And you think I can't handle that?" I asked. Her ears perked up. "Honestly? Yes. I do think that you can't handle it. My mood swings are a living hell for other people. My cousin thinks I'm some shy little girl who can't do shit for herself because the last time I was here, I was in the middle of a swing!" She said. I shrugged. "So? I'm not Connor. I'm a survivalist Alison. I will learn how to adapt to my surroundings, and I really really really would like to have you in my surroundings." I said. She blushed a little and took a deep breath. "Ok." She said. "Ok?" I asked, confused. "Ok. I'll go out with you. Please don't make me regret it." She said. I smiled. "I wont." I promised. 

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