Charlies Sister

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Charlies POV
Lizz and Kat wanted to visit the moon to see their culture. So, me and Zed took them there in my ship. We're staying in Zed and I's old cabin. Its so weird to be back. We've been here for three days already. We took the girls into town for them to look around and they ran off a while ago. Now Zed and I are just walking around together. "Well, well, well. Never thought I'd see you here again, Charlie" I heard a girls voice. I looked over to see a black and red ferret. I sighed in frustration. "Hello Blaze" I groaned. Blaze is my sister. She's two years younger than me and I haven't seen her since I left all those years ago. "Hello Charlie. What are you and the dead guy doing here?" She asked. "Very funny Blaze" I said sarcastically. "Seriously, why are you here?" she asked. "To visit home" I said. A green and white ferret ran up behind Blaze. "Hey Jay" I greeted. Jay is Blazes wife. "Hi Charlie. What's going on?" she asked. "Not a good time babe" blaze said. "Ok! Well, it is a good time for you to go get Ritz from school. Now." Jay snapped. Blaze sighed. "Right. Yes dear. I'm not done with you." Blaze glared at me and walked away.

Lizz POV
Kat and I were running around town for a while. It was really fun. Eventually though, we ran into this kid. "Hey there, are you lost?" I asked. "No I'm taking a walk dumbass" she snapped. I was taken back and Kat laughed at me. "Shut up Kat!" I said. "Ok kid who are you and where do you live?" Kat asked. "I'm Ritz and I live back there" she pointed with her tail. "Ok we'll walk you back home" Kat said. 

After a little bit, we showed up at the house and I scratched on the door. A black and red ferret opened the door. "Ritz! You need to stop running off. I had to call your school again!" she dragged Ritz inside. "Thanks" she turned to us. "Its no problem. She's definitely got quite the attitude" I said and Kat laughed again. The girl got confused. "Your laugh... its familiar" she said shocked. "What do you mean?" Kat asked. The girls eyes started glowing and she scanned over us. Kat and I got uncomfortable. It's not nice to scan strangers on earth, but I guess it's ok here. The girl was stunned. "No way!" She exclaimed. "What?" I asked. "Whos your dad?" she asked. "We have two dads, their names are Zed and Charlie" Kat said. "Wait that means that... oh my god. Oh my god. I'm a fucking aunt!?" she panicked. "What?!" Kat and I exclaimed. "Charlie is my brother.... and Ritz is your cousin" she said. "What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Blaze." she introduce herself. "I'm Lizz and this is Kat" I introduced us. "Ok. Wow" she was still stunned. Dad started talking to me in my head. "Where are you girls?" He asked. "We gotta go. Dad wants us home." I said. "Ok. You know how to get home?" Blaze asked. We nodded and quickly ran off.

"What the hell dad!?" Kat and I stormed through the door. "What?" Charlie said confused. "Why didn't you tell us we had an aunt?" Kat asked. "You met her!? Fuck... look girls. It's hard to explain" he said nervously. "You could have at least told us she existed!" Kat yelled. He shrunk under her words. "What's going on here?" Zed walked out. "Dad didn't tell us about our aunt and we want answers." I growled. Zed looked at Charlie who was visibly upset, and then at us. "Girls go to your room." He said. "What?!" We exclaimed. "Don't make me repeat myself! Go!" He yelled. Kat immediately ran off and I hesitated but followed behind. 

We could hear them from the hallway. "Are you ok?" Zed asked. "Yeah. I just feel bad." Charlie pouted. "You need to talk to your sister babe. I'll talk with the girls ok?" Zed said. Charlie nodded. "Thank you." He said. "Of course." Zed smiled. Charlie left out the front door and Zed started walking towards the hallway. "Oh crap. Go go go!" Kat pushed me into our room and then quickly closed the door behind her as she came in. "Damn Kat, what goes down on Earth 32that I'm missing?" I asked. "You don't wanna know." She shook her head. 

Zed scratched at our door. "Girls, I'm sorry I yelled. Can I come in?" He asked. "Let me handle him." Kat whispered and I nodded. "Come in dad." She said. Zed came in and smiled at us. "Look, Charlie already has a lot of insecurity being back here. We're here because you two wanted to see this place. He and I could easily go on living without ever coming back here. I'm supposed to be dead, remember? And he has a lot of trauma stored here. He lost me, left his sister, met his bestfriends that are now dead. The last thing he needs is you two yelling at him." He explained. I opened my mouth and Kat immediately smacked me with her tail to make me shut up. "We're sorry dad." She said. "It's ok. Thank you for understanding girls." He nodded and walked out. Kat turned to me. "Let me handle it means keep your mouth shut!" She snapped. I rolled my eyes. 

Charlies POV
I scratched at Blaze's door. She opened it and her face immediately fell. She walked out and closed the door behind her. "What do you want?" She growled. "To apologize. I should have told you about Lizz and Kat." I said. "You're so full of shit! You're only here because they yelled at you, didn't they?" She said. "Blaze, I'm sorry." I said. "No you're not. Why would you be sorry? This isn't the first time you've 'forgotten' to mention something important." She snapped. I sighed. "I know." I said. "You didn't tell me when you left the moon. You didn't tell me anything that you did on earth. You have yet to explain how the fuck Zed is still alive, and now you've hidden the fact that I'm an aunt from me?! Those girls are teenagers Charlie! Teenagers! You haven't talked to me since that day, all those years ago, when that stupid moon girl went down to earth. That was when you decided to send a letter to let me know you were alive. I thought you were dead Charlie! You have no idea how upset I was over you!" she yelled. "Stop yelling. Your neighbors are gonna call the guards on you." I said. "There's another thing. Guess who had to pick up your slack after you left the guard? Me! And I'm not happy about having to pay all your fucking fees!" She snapped. "I'm sorry Blaze! Really I am!" I yelled back. She was taken back. "I didn't know what to say! What was I supposed to do?! I was still mourning Zed. I went down to earth and lost my bestfriends. Then I had to raise a sixteen year old girl who didn't know anything about anything! I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the girls, or about anything! But I was afraid! I'm always afraid! Down there, everyone looks to me for guidance. I don't ever have a minute to think about myself! And when I do, I think about everything that's happened to me and it makes me depressed!" I exclaimed. Blaze didn't know what to say. I took a deep breath. "I'm truly sorry Blaze. I can't even begin to explain how bad I feel for leaving you like I did. That's why I couldn't tell you anything. I was afraid to reach out." I said. She just stared at me for a moment and then wrapped her neck around mine as a hug. "You try to hard." She whispered. I huffed a laugh and hugged back. "You have no idea." I exhaled.

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