Salt and Pepper

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Retro's POV
The arrows and I searched around the part of the city where the orb had appeared. "Orange! Over here!" Ella called. I swung over to her. She was squatted down looking at something on the ground. "What is it Cyan?" I asked. "Look at this pink dust. I'm only human, but it looks magical to me." She shrugged and stood up. I bent down to it and ran my finger over it. "Woah! Yeah. That's some strong stuff. This is something only Zill could identify." I looked up at her. Ella thought for a moment. "Well. We might as well try this. Gold!" she yelled. Sky flew over to us. "What's going on?" She asked. "Can you identify this?" I asked. She bent down and ran her fingers over it. "Oh damn. That's strong. It definitely came from a super mutant. So it must have been that Pepper girl who cast the spell. I can't tell what exactly it is though. That's something only my mom would know." She stood back up. "Ok. Do you think it's enough to track Pepper?" Ella asked. "Oh it's plenty." I said. We heard a scream and looked over in a panic. "That's Yellow!" Sky panicked and flew off. I scooped Ella up and flew after Sky.

Pepper had Bailey pinned down to the ground and Riley tied to the wall with her magic. I don't know where the others are. "I knew I should have come to clean up the evidence sooner!" She cursed herself. Her voice is very high pitched. "So much for tracking her." I mumbled. Sky pounced on Pepper who was more than happy to fight back. "Throw me." Ella said. "What?!" I shrieked. "Throw me at her! Quickly! And don't miss!" She snapped. I hesitated, as one does before chucking their girlfriend at a raging woman, but then sighed and threw her down at Pepper. "Ah!" Pepper screeched as Ella tackled her down. Even Sky was stunned at the sight. The girls hit the ground and Ella pulled Peppers hands behind her back. "Hurry up and help me!" She yelled. I quickly flew down to her and slapped a power cuff on Pepper. The magic faded away from Riley and Bailey and they ran over to us. "Ok. Let's bring this bitch back to the lab." I said. "For your information, I am a hyena." Pepper snapped. "Black, please shut her up." I said. "Gladly." Riley cracked her knuckles.

"Wow. You guys actually found her." Santana said shocked. "She found us." Bailey corrected. "Is she dead?" Kara asked confused. "Maybe." Riley shrugged. I glared at her. "I mean, no! Of course not!" Riley said nervously. "Well, let's find an empty cell to stick her in and wait until she wakes up so we can question her." Santana said. "There are still empty cells? Damn how big is the lab?" I asked. "You don't wanna know." Zephyr responded. 

Santana POV
Cleo, Blaire, and I went in to talk to her when she woke up. "You all suck! Let me go!" Pepper squirmed in her chair. We figured it'd be best to tie her down. Cleo extended her stick in Peppers face. "Here's how this is gonna go hyena. You're gonna answer any and all questions that we have, or else I'm gonna electrocute you." She spat. "Oh yeah? You think I'm scared of you puppy? Salty is gonna kick your ass when he finds me." Pepper snapped. Cleo turned on the sparks at the end of her stick and Peppers eyes widened. "Oh shit." She mumbled. "First off, who's Salty?" I asked. "Sawyer. He's my boyfriend. I call him Salt." She said, never keeping her eyes off the sparks. "Why did you do this to our parents?" Blaire asked. "Oh we thought it'd be funny." Pepper laughed. Cleo stabbed her with the sparks. "Ah! Hey! I told the truth!" Pepper groaned in pain. "It was a dumb answer!" Cleo yelled. "How do we reverse the spell?" I asked. Pepper didn't respond. She just glared at me. "Three." Cleo started counting down. Pepper looked at the stick but didn't respond. "Two." Cleo continued. Peppers breathing picked up. "One." Cleo stabbed her again and she screamed out in pain. "Once again, how do we reverse the spell?" I asked. Pepper just panted and stared at me, still not answering. Blaire leaned down into her face. "Answer the question hyena. If you don't, then I'll be the one electrocuting you, and it won't be some artificial zap. It'll be a lightning bolt to your head." She threatened. Pepper hesitated but then groaned in annoyance. "Fine! You have to use a piece of my magic and cast the spell backwards onto all your parents." She admitted. "No way they were right." I mumbled to myself. "But you'll never get a piece of my magic. By now, Salt has gone back and cleaned it all up." Pepper smirked. "Maybe not, but we do have you. And something tells me that'll be good enough." Blaire snarled. Peppers eyes widened. "That'll kill me!" She yelled. "Maybe that wouldn't be so bad." I said. Peppers jaw dropped and we walked out.

Kara and I watched our moms over the cameras. Heather is telling Aurelia something about the moon and Aurelia is asking questions about it. "You really think killing that girl is the best way to do this?" Kara asked. I sighed. "No, but what can we do? The chances of her dying aren't that high. You saw Gabe's data." I said. "Still, can we really risk it?" She asked. I looked down at the camera. "Stop thinking about what those girls said. You were plenty helpful. Screw them if they can't see that." Aurelia told Heather. She put her hand on the side of Heathers face and pulled her to look her in the eyes. "You're not stupid Heather. You just think differently, and who can blame you? After everything you've been through." She assured her. "You really think that?" Heather asked nervously. "More than you'll ever know." Aurelia smiled. Heather smiled back. "I can definitely see why I married you." She said. "Me too." Aurelia said. I looked back up at Kara. "We're doing it. We have to. For them." I said. Kara nodded and followed me out. 

We dragged all of our parents out into moms training field. Getting Zill out here was especially difficult. Still, we managed to calm everyone down and get them out here. We pulled Pepper out into the field too. "Ok Gabe. What's the first step?" I asked. "You're gonna direct your spell at Pepper, and then from there, you'll send it out to the adults." He explained. "Ok. Here it goes." I said. "You're sure I can't help?" Kara asked. "Only one person can cast the spell and Santana has a stronger magical force than you do. Sorry Kara." Gabe said. Kara frowned as I blasted Pepper with the spell. She groaned from the impact and her body tensed. It sent a giant pink light beam into the sky. I gulped and then shot out all the smaller beams to the adults. "Ok Santana. When the beam comes down from the sky, The spell will have been completed. You're almost there. Just hold on." Gabe said. I could hardly breathe while I held the beams. This much magic definitely isn't safe. I peeked up at Pepper who was silently crying. A wave of guilt rushed over me as the realization came to me. "She's gonna die! I have to stop!" I yelled. "No! Keep going! This is the only way!" Gabe panicked. I don't know what to do. I looked at Kara but she was just as scared as I was. "Incoming!" Retro yelled. We looked over and saw Sawyer bolting through the sky towards us. "Crap!" I cursed. "Wait! Let him come! If I'm right, then by the time he gets to Pepper, the beam will be down and he will take part of the damage from the blast." Gabe said. "I seriously hope you're right Gabe!" I said. Time couldn't have moved any slower while Sawyer flew over here. But eventually, the beam was nearly down, and just like Gabe said, Sawyer crashed into Pepper just as the spell completed. There was a huge blast that blew up a giant wave dirt and debris. Kara quickly casted a shield over us and Retro did the same for our parents, who had passed out again after the spell. 

When the cloud faded away, we dropped the shields and ran out into the field. "They're over here!" Blaire called. We all ran to her to see Sawyer and Pepper laying unconscious. Sky scanned them over. "Well?" I asked nervously. Sky smiled. "They're alive." She said. I breathed out relieved. "Cleo and I will get them to the cops." Blaire volunteered. "Thank you." I said. They took off with the criminals and we ran back over to our parents. "They're adults!" We cheered. "Yes! It worked!" Kara said. She jumped on me and squeezed tightly. I hugged back and laughed. We heard a portal close behind us and turned around. Charlie and Lizz look deeply disturbed. "What the hell did you guys do?" Charlie asked. Lizz walked to us. "Are you ok?" she asked concerned. "Everything's fine." Kara assured her. Arc and Gabe ran to Charlie. "They took charge without any adult help and were able to put away from criminals." Arc said. "And they saved their parents in record time when compared to some of Apollos missions." Gabe said. "So... this is all good?" Charlie asked looking at all the dead-looking bodies. "Yes. In fact, you should be proud." Gabe said. "I know we are." Arc said. They smiled at me. "Thanks boys. I know you two don't get appreciated very often but, I don't know what we'd do without you guys." I smiled. "Thank you Santana. That means a lot." Arc said. "Satan!" Kara called. I turned around and ran to my mom. "Good job boys." Charlie patted Gabe and Arc on the back.  

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