Prince Connor

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Connors POV
Sebastion called me to his room so I went down to our parents live room. When I came in, Simon was watching TV while Sebastion was angrily texting someone. "Oh you're here, good! Shut the door" Sebastion said. I closed it and then sat down. "Ok so I have news but first I have to tell you something" he said. "If this is about sex then I think I'm good" I said. "No. What? No! I need to tell you about my past and your family" he said. "You may wanna get comfortable" Simon looked over. "Basically, I was a prince in line for the throne and I gave it up come here." Sebastion smiled nervously. "Wait so, that would make me a... a prince?" I asked. "Yes" he nodded. "And you never told me this before?" I asked confused. "I didn't think I would ever have to" he said. "Why did you tell me now?" I asked. "Because my step-brother is taking his kids on a vacation here and they're staying here in the spare room" he said. "Wait did you tell gold?" Simon asked and he nodded. "What!? You're gonna just tell me I'm a prince and then act like everything is normal! And then your gonna let the KING and his family live here for Christmas!?" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry Connor but you need to calm down" Sebastion says. "How am I supposed to calm down!? How am I supposed to be calm after you saying that I have a family that I never knew about?!" I yelled. Sebastion looked down ashamed. Simon looked at him and then at me. He stood up. "Come on Ill walk you back to your room." He said and we left. 

When we got in the hallway he spoke. "Its hard for your dad too, ya know. He's scared that his brother wont treat him kindly when he comes" he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because when your dad left, he just shoved all his responsibilities on his brother and didn't look back" he said. I looked to the side. "Just come with us to airport to get them in a few days ok? It would mean a lot to your father" he said. I nodded and he walked away.

I'm in my roller chair in the live room. I've been staring at the wall forever now. "Bro you good?" Max asks walking up to me. "Yeah... no" I said. "What's wrong?" he asked. "My dad just told me that he was a prince before he came here. And now he wants me to go meet my extended family" I said. "You're a prince?" Sky asked, shocked. "I wouldn't believe it either" I said. "Well are you still going to meet your cousins?" Riley asked. "I guess. I assume that they didn't know either" I said. "Its getting late. We should go to bed. I'm sure Santana can help you tomorrow" retro said. 

I had to drive my truck to the airport because apparently all of us wont fit in dads car. They have three kids. The youngest one is in my grade. They're only one year apart. I got to the airport and found my dads. After waiting for what seemed like forever, their flight arrived. A tall man with short blonde hair, blonde ears, and a dog tail came towards us. I see why dad specifically says step-brother now. He's a mutant. "Sebastion!" He hugged my dad. Sebastion was hesitant but hugged back. "Hi Shawn" he said. I swear I'm gonna die because of his stupid British accent. "So whos your family?" dad asked. "This is my wife Luna. Then this is our eldest son John, then our heir to the throne here is Matthew, and then our daughter here is Alison" he said. "Wait Matthew is the heir?" Dad asked. "Yes because john is marrying into another kingdom" Shawn explained. John looks very proper. Matthew looks like he's trying but he's failing, and Alison looks shy. I mean like really shy, she's clinging onto her moms arm for dear life. "And whos your family?" Shawn asked. "This is my husband Simon and my son Connor" dad said. After awhile of our parents talking, we said that I would take my cousin's while dad would take his brother and Luna.

I walked them out to the truck and put their stuff in the back. Now Alison is clinging onto john for dear life. I got in the truck. John sat in the passenger while the others were in the back. "So are you willingly marrying into this other kingdom or what?" I asked trying to make conversation. "Yes I'm doing it willingly. She was my girlfriend before we were betrothed" he said. So technically that's a no. They would have had to get married anyway so that's kinda dumb. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Matthew was playing something on his phone and Alison was staring out the window.

"Why are we in an alleyway?" Matt asked. "Because of this" I shoved him into the wall and he disappeared. "Whos next?" I asked. Alison looks terrified. John sighed, picked her up, and then walked over to the wall. I followed after them. I brought them to the spare room and they got settled. Simon told me to introduce them to the arrows. So I walked them to the live room and opened the door. "Guys these are my cousins, john, Matthew and Alison" I pointed at them. "Right. Ok" Retro payed no attention. She's more focused on her phone. I took a deep breath. "Ok that's Max, Bailey, Dylan, Addison, Sky, Riley, Emma, Retro, and Ella" I said. "Damn? All in one breath? Good job." Max complimented. 

"Your call has been forwarded" the phone said. Santana won't answer me. I was about to call her again when she teleported into my room. "Stop calling me" she said tiredly. She laid down in bed next to me. I guess I woke her up. "Sorry babe" I said. "What do you need?" she asked. "I need a distraction from the brits upstairs." I groaned. "I'm sure they're not any happier than you are. Just try to smile until Christmas is over. Who knows? Maybe you'll miss them when they're gone." She yawned. "I'll try." I groaned. 

"Dad?" I asked. Sebastion looked over at me. "What?" He asked. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted." I said. He just stared at me for a minute. "It's ok. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just... I don't like thinking about the past." he said. "That's why we're arrows isn't it?" I asked with a laugh. He smiled. "Thanks for apologizing Connor." He said. I nodded. "Merry Christmas dad." I said. "Merry Christmas Connor." He said.

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