Young Again

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Santana POV
Mom came running down the hallway. "Girls come on! We got an alert" heather said. We snapped our costumes on and flew out with her. We were very confused when we got to the city because everyone else had gotten the alert too. "Wait you all got the alert?" Heather asked. "Apparently" gold said. A bright flash came from the sky and we looked up. A screen appeared with a girl and a boy on it. "Hello heroes. My name is Sawyer, and this is Pepper. We've called you out here today to give you a gift. Or rather, give your children a gift. See, your kids love the people you are today, but what would they think if they saw what you used to be like?" The boy asked. Our parents tensed. "Thanks to us, you kids will get to see who your parents really are! You're welcome!" Pepper exclaimed. Sawyer pressed a button and the screen disappeared. A pink glowing orb appeared in it's place. "What is that?" I asked. "That's not good." Heather said. The orb shot out these pink beams that connected to everyone's parents. "Mom!" Kara yelled. "Back up! Stay away from us!" Aurelia yelled. We stepped back. Cleo ran out and slashed at the beam with her stick but it just went straight through it. The beams lifted all the adults into the air and restrained their movements. Then everyone started glowing and we had to look away from the brightness. When the light faded, the pink orb disappeared, and our parents dropped to the ground unconscious. "Mom!" Kara and I ran to them. We leaned down and our eyes widened. "Oh my lord." I mumbled. Our parents had turned sixteen again.

Arcs POV
"Ok, calm down." I said. "Calm down?! Arc! My parents are sixteen!" Santana yelled at me. "I noticed Santana! That's why we locked them in our cells! I promise we'll find a way to change them back but right now, you yelling isn't helping!" I snapped. She groaned and looked away. "Dad, what are we gonna do?" Zane asked me. I sighed. "I don't know. This is usually Charlies thing and he's on earth 32 with Lizz so they can meet Kat's new girlfriend." I said. "Well now it's up to you Dad. You're all we have now." He said. Gabe cleared his throat. "Yeah you too." Zane waved him off. Gabe rolled his eyes. 

The kids don't know what to do. I've never seen them freak out like this. If they aren't freaking out, they're fighting over what to do. I noticed one of the arrows wasn't affected by any of this. I walked over to her. "What's up with you?" I asked. She looked up at me. "I don't have parents." She shrugged. I got confused. "I'm Riley. Black arrow. The new addition." She said. "Oh! Ok... well since you're only sane person in here right now, what do you think we should do. She huffed a laugh. "I am not a leader. I don't make plans. If you're really so desperate to make one of us into a leader, why don't you talk to the actual leaders daughter." She pointed across the room to Santana. I groaned and walked over to Santana. 

Gabe helped me out this time. "Santana?" He asked. She turned to us. "What?" She asked. "You're the oldest sister, which puts you in the position to take over after Paws leaves." He said. "I don't like where this is going." She frowned. "Then don't think of it as taking over! Think of it as a practice run. So you can see what it's like to be in charge." I said. She glanced between the two of us and then sighed. "I don't have a choice, do I?" She asked. "Arc and I aren't leader material Santana. We're helpers. You and your sister are gonna have to step up." Gabe said. Santana nodded. "Ok. Fine." She said.  

Santana POV
I walked into the middle of the room where everyone was freaking out. "Listen up!" I yelled. They all looked over confused. "If we're gonna fix this, we can't just be sitting around in here fighting. Arrows, I need you to go out to the scene and see if there are any traces of magic that were left behind. Maybe we can track it somehow. As for the rest of you, I need you to see if you can get something out of your parents." I said. They all just stared at me in confusion. I huffed. "Did I stutter? Get your asses moving! Now! Let's go!" I shouted. They all scurried off. "Nicely done." Gabe smiled. I smiled back. "What do we do?" Kara asked. I sighed. "We talk to our moms." I said.

We walked into their cell and they looked over confused. Heather was sat on the floor, and Aurelia was standing against the wall. "You must be the assholes that locked us in here! Boy do I have a bone to pick with you." Aurelia growled. "What are we doing here?" Heather asked. "You two are our moms. An age reduction spell was cast on you and we're trying to figure out how to reverse it." I explained. "I had a kid with that one?" Aurelia pointed to Heather. "Two of them." Kara gestured to me and her. Aurelia eyed Heather up and down. "Huh... you must be a lot more impressive under that cape because I would not date this." Aurelia said. Heather huffed. "You're no picnic yourself. You're mean!" She spat. Aurelia shrugged. "Anyways! Do either of you know anything about age reduction spells?" I asked. "I know they're illegal." Aurelia said. "Anything about reversing them?" I asked. "Age spells are very difficult to cast. I would imagine they're just as hard to reverse." Heather said. "How do you know that?" Kara asked. "Charlie taught me about them." She shrugged. "Do you know how to undo the spell?" Kara asked. "I can't really remember. What I do remember is that everyone who was affected in the first place needs to be there in order for it to work." Heather said. "That makes sense. The easiest way to reverse most spells is to take the person affected, and a piece of the left over magic, to then cast the spell backwards. Or true loves kiss, but something tells me that won't work here." Aurelia added. "Oh great! That was mildly helpful." Kara groaned. Heather looked down sadly and Aurelia got defensive. "Hey! You asked for help and that's what we're doing. It's not our fault you two had to come running to mommy to fix your own damn problems!" she snapped. Me and Kara's jaws dropped. Aurelia looked back at Heather. "You were helpful. These two are just ungrateful." She assured her. "Ok well I was gonna say thank you and that it was actually very helpful." I said. "Perfect! I don't know who you are but you're my favorite child now." Aurelia said sarcastically. Kara rolled her eyes. Heather stood up. "I think I know why I married you." She blushed. Aurelia smirked back at her. "Thanks." She smiled. "Ok. I'm out." Kara left. I sighed and followed her. 

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