Cross Worlds

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Quinn's POV
"You're actually gonna marry her?" Cacey asked. I shrugged. "I don't want her to die. This is way more serious than we thought." I said. "You're seventeen Quinn. You're too young to get married!" Jackson exclaimed. "Why? Cause I'm a human? Why is it ok for Kat and her kind to get married at sixteen but I can't do it because I'm a human?" I asked. "Because it's different! They have traditions! And she'll die if she doesn't do it. You won't!" Jackson said. "She chose me Jackson! She chose to marry me, which means that if I don't do it, she will die. I'm doing this whether you support me or not." I growled. He huffed and looked aside. "You have my support. Kat said she'd teach me how to play fly ball." Cory said. "Cory, you can't fly." I reminded him. "I know! She's gonna levitate me!" He wagged his tail. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not against you marrying her Quinn. You're the boss and we'll go along with whatever you say. I just think that maybe you should get the full scoop of what you're getting into before you tie the knot." Cacey said. "I know it's a lot Cacey, but I'll be fine. I'm sure they can't throw anything at me that I wouldn't be able to handle." I said.

I gave some thought to what Cacey said, and figured that I may as well see what this other world is like if I'm gonna be going back and forth. "And you're sure you wanna do this?" Kat asked. "Yeah. Of course." I smiled. "Ok. Word of advice: hold onto your gut. The human stomach doesn't do well with portals." She said. "Oh perfect." I said sarcastically. 

We dropped through the portal and I had to swallow back down my organs. "You ok?" Kat asked. I nodded. "I think so." I huffed. "Come on." She took my hand and walked me through the house. Everything is almost exactly identical and it's kinda freaky. Lizz came out of the hall and smiled at us. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" she asked. "I'm giving the tour." Kat said. Lizz laughed. "You're not missing much." She shrugged. "Babe! I found your phone. You left it in your-" Kara 31 came out and stopped when she saw me. "Is that your fiancée?" She asked. Kat nodded. "This is Quinn." she introduced me. "Nice to meet you." Kara held out her hand. I just stared at it awkwardly. Lizz and Kat chuckled. "She actually means it babe. She's the nice version." Kat explained. I hesitantly shook her hand. "Am I not nice on earth 32?" Kara asked. "Oh god no." Lizz laughed. "Yeah you're a horrible person." Kat agreed. Kara frowned. "Santana is shy and you're a bitch." Lizz continued. "Where is Santana?" Kat asked. "Connors." Lizz responded. "Oh! Perfect. You can meet the arrows." Kat grabbed my hand and dragged me out again.

We got to arrows HQ and I was already impressed just walking around the building. "Wow. This place is huge." I said. "I know. I don't know how they remember where everything is." Kat said. She knocked on the arrows door and Orange answered. "Hey Retro. I need to talk with Santana." Kat said. "Who's that?" Retro asked. "This is my girlfriend Quinn." Kat introduced me again. I just smiled politely. "Got it. Ok, come in." Retro opened the door and let us in. She whistled and all the arrows looked over. "Ok guys, this is Quinn. She's Kats girlfriend, so be nice." She announced. Everyone went back to they were doing. "Wow. I can really see how much they care about you." I said sarcastically. "They do care. They just do it silently." She said. We walked over to Santana and she stood up when she saw us. "Hey Kat! Nice to finally meet your new bitch." She smiled at me. I huffed a laugh. "I have to applaud you babe. I don't know how you do it. Knowing two of everyone." I said. Kat shrugged with a smile. "I'm just that good." She said. 

Kat was talking with Santana for a while so I was just leaning against the wall, lost in thought. A girl in a black leather jacket walked up to me. She's shorter than me and has long blonde hair. "Hey. I'm Emma." She greeted. "Hi." I said. I'm sure she knows who I am. I doubt anyone missed that stupid announcement. "Root beer?" She handed me a bottle and I took it. "Thanks. So which arrow are you?" I asked. She chuckled. "I'm not. The black arrow over there is my girlfriend, Riley." She said. "But you live here?" I asked confused. She nodded. "Oh yeah. I moved here all the way from Teen Island just to be with her." She said. "Teen Island? You lived on that hell-hold?" I asked shocked. She blinked a few times. "Yeah... what's it like on your earth?" She asked. I face palmed myself. "Different earths... right. Ok. On my earth it's basically like is juvie was an island." I said. "Oh! Yeah it's not like that here. It's a peaceful living place." She said. "Right... so why did you come back for her?" I asked. She shrugged. "I love her. When she got trapped on the island, back when we first met, it was like my soul came back into my body. Like the world started to move again. She fixed everything that was wrong with me. I could never repay her for everything she's done for me. So coming here is just part of me making it up to her." She said. I smiled. "That's sweet." I said. "Yeah. I mean don't get me wrong. I do miss Teen Island. It was my home. Most of my friends are still there. I miss the bandits more than anything but, Riley means everything to me." She said. "The bandits?" I asked. "The Teen Bandits. We were like the cops of the island." She explained. "Ah ok. Huh, I guess I'm in a similar position. I'm in the mafia. If I do this with Kat, I'm sure soon enough I'll have to leave earth 32 to move here, and then I'll have to quit." I said. Emma nodded. "That is pretty similar." She agreed. "How'd you do it?" I asked. "Well... the way I was living before, I was always in action. There was always something to do. Something going on. Being here, I get to relax. So that's a plus. I guess... I guess I just had to accept that I'm not in charge anymore. That I'm not the main character of my story anymore. She is. Once you accept that, everything falls in line." She said. "How can you just accept that though?" I asked confused. She sighed. "You have to ask yourself, is she worth it? My answer was yes. And something tells me yours is too." She smiled. I looked over at Kat and then at Emma. "She is worth it." I admitted. Emma shrugged. "Then there you go." She said.

"Kat?" I asked. We're staying overnight on earth 31. "Yeah?" She looked over at me. "I think... I would rather not have a big wedding. Is that ok?" I asked. She smiled. "That's fine with me. I don't need a big ceremony." She shrugged. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah, but I have something to tell you." I said. "Ok. What?" She asked. "I'm giving up my status in the mafia." I said. "What!?" She screeched. "Why would you do that?" I asked. "Because being apart of this kind of life, is a full time job. And I'm happy to do it." I said. "I don't want you to quit because of me." She pouted. "I want to though." I assured her. "Are you sure? That's a big change babe." She said. "I know, and yes. I'm sure." I said. "I feel bad now." She said sadly. "It's ok babe." I chuckled. "No it's not. Ok if you're gonna do this, then I need you to tell me something I can do to make it even." She said. "Oh! I actually have the perfect thing for that." I said. "Anything." She said. "If in the future, we decide to stay on this earth, because I know you probably will, I'm brining my friends." I said. She nodded. "You're probably right, and ok. I can work with that. I just gotta have Lizz find their counterparts." She said. I smiled. "Thank you babe." I said. "Of course. I love you Quinn." She said. "I love you too Kat." I replied.

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