Summer Break

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Kara's POV
Kat is coming over with Quinn for half the summer. "Can you believe we'll be seniors next year?" Santana asked. We're at the dining room table just playing on our phones. I think amber is listening to music. "No you two will be seniors and ill be a sophomore" she said. "Hey that's a good thing. You have more time to be with your friends" I said. "Hey guys" Zephyr sat down. "Hey Zephyr" I said. "So are you exited for senior year?" Santana asked. "I'm not becoming a senior" she said. "What?" I asked shocked. "I failed" she shrugged. "How did you fail? You're a nerd... no offense" I said. "None taken. Dad says is Gypsy's fault" she said. "Whos Gypsy?" Amber asked. "Techna's daughter and my girlfriend. Its not her fault. Its mine. She told me to study and stuff but I didn't so its my fault" she said. "Well hey you get more time with your friends" Amber said. "Not really. I have you and Ember and a few others but most of you are graduating next year" she said. "Well than lets make the most of the time we have left!" I said. "Hey um, I couldn't help overhearing but are you guys not going to college?" Lizz asked. We all looked over at her. "I didn't think about that" I said. "I'm going to green strike. Its where our parents went" she said. "Looks like we have more time than we thought" Santana said. "It's not the same." Zephyr shook her head.

Kats POV
This summer is gonna be interesting. Quinn and I decided we want a kid. Well we want multiple kids but we wanna have one this year. My dads gonna kill Quinn and then me and then Quinn again. I'm not pregnant yet. I'm still figuring out how this works with a human and an alien. But besides that, I wanna talk to my dad about something else. Lizz is also telling Charlie this too. I hope they take it well.

Lizz POV
"Hey dad" I walked downstairs. "Hey Lizz, what's up?" He asked. "So uh, I wanna talk to you about Kat" I said. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. "Well I realized when we were fighting henry and David that I don't really know my sister. I mean Kara and Santana know more about amber than I know about Kat and they've only known her for so long" I said. He looked down at his computer. "So what are you saying?" he asked. "Kat wants to move here" I said. His head snapped over at me. "What about Quinn?" He asked. "She's gonna come too and if this works than so will dad" I said. "What are you gonna do with the Quinn on this earth?" he asked. "I talked to her and she was very um... interesting... to say the least, but she and her friends want to go" I said. "If your dad agrees than I would gladly let them come here" he said. "Yes! Thank you dad" I said. 

Earth 32
Kats POV
My dad was skeptical. I got a text from Lizz. "Look dad, Charlie said it was ok!" I showed him my phone. "Ok, ok, ok we'll go" he said. "Yes! Thank you dad" I hugged him. "Go say goodbye" he said. "What?" I asked. "To your friends. Go say bye" he said. My smile faded. "Oh... right." I said.

"You're what!?" Kara 32 yelled. "I wanna live with my sister and plus you have the Kat on this earth right?" I said. "That Kat isn't you" Kara said. Santana looks like she's about to cry. "Its her decision Kara, if that makes her happy than we should support her" Amber 32 said. "I'm supportive of you but..." Kara led on. "But what?" I asked. "I'm gonna miss you. If you tell anyone this Ill deny it, but I do like having you around" she said. I hugged her. "I like you too" I said. I hugged Amber and Santana. "Santana you're gonna be fine without me. You can always make friends with Kat 32." I said. She nodded. "You're still my bestfriend" she said. "And you're still mine" I smiled.

I texted Lizz that we were coming. She told me to bring Quinn 31 to Kat 32. So that's what I set out to do. I brought Quinn 31's friends too. This might have been the weirdest car ride ever. I knocked on Kat 32's door. She opened it and smiled. "Hey!" She greeted. "Hi. As promised. This is Quinn. And these are her friends. Do you mind giving them a place to stay so they can get settled on this earth?" I asked. "Of course! Come in!" Kat said. They started going in. "I like your glasses." Quinn 31 complimented. "Thank you. And thank you Kat." Kat 32 looked at me. I nodded and left.

"Quinney!" I walked into her house.  "Yeah?" She asked. "Start packing" I said. "He said yes!?" She said shocked. "Yep come on!" I said. We packed up our stuff. Quinn gave most of her things to her parents. Quinn's friends said they'd need a little time to get things cleared with their families but that they'd be over soon enough. 

Lizz POV
"Kat!" I hugged her. "Lizz you're squeezing my lungs" she squeaked. I put her down. "Sorry." I apologized. Zed hugged Charlie. "So do you guys have a house yet?" I asked. "We found one. We just have to fill out the paperwork" Kat said. "You can stay in the other spare room until you get it" Dad said. "How are you gonna afford it?" I asked. "I was in the mafia. You think I'm not loaded?" Quinn asked. I nodded. "Makes sense." I said. 

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