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Emma's POV
"Riley?" I asked. "Yeah?" she called out from the bathroom. "Would you tell me about your family? It's really the only thing you haven't told me." I said. She went silent and then walked into the doorway. She leaned against the door frame with her hand. "Well... uh- neither have you. Even though I've asked." She said. "That's because I'm embarrassed of what I did... of the things I've done." I looked down. "Yeah, and I'm embarrassed that my dad was who he was." She shrugged. I looked back up. "He was a dead beat. He was depressed because I didn't get his powers. He would never pay bills, and instead spend all his money on stupid things, like my boat. And then one day he just left!" She exclaimed. "And your mom?" I asked. She shrugged. "Died when I was born." She said. "Oh... sorry I asked." I said. She shrugged. "It's ok. So what are you embarrassed about?" She asked. My eyes widened as the flashbacks came rushing over my mind. "Um... well... I..." I stuttered. My eyes flickered around the floor for something to look at. Riley raised an eyebrow in concern and walked over to me. She sat down beside me. "What haven't you told me?" she asked. "I uh... I ran away to Teen Island on purpose. I didn't get kidnapped. My brother had threatened to tell our parents I was gay, and I freaked out so I left. It's a stupid reason." I admitted. She got confused. "Is that what had you panicking just now?" She asked confused. I shook my head. "My brother came to Teen Island to find me, and we kicked his ass. But after he was sent to the hospital, we didn't send him home. We locked him up in the dungeon on the island. He's out now... but that is my ultimate regret." I said. She frowned. "I'm sorry babe." She said. I shrugged. "It's in the past." I said. 

Retros POV
The alarm went off. "Emma, why don't you come with us?" Riley suggested. She raised an eyebrow. "Why would I do that?" Emma asked. "It'll be fun! Come on Emma!" I said. She looked over at me and sighed. "Ok" She said.

We got to the location and found our parents were already there. "You got the alert too?" I asked. They nodded. It's late at night and we're at some public storage place. No ones here and it's kinda creepy. I heard a zapping sound and quickly spun around. There was nothing there though. I raised an eyebrow and went back to the group. "I have the sneaking suspicion that we're not alone." I said. "Yeah, we're all there, Orange." Ella said. 

"Hello arrows" a male voice said. We all jumped and turned around. He laughed and was joined by another man. "Who are you?!" Gold raised her bow. When gold raised her bow, we all followed. Emma raised her gun and Zill raised her hands. "Wow, ya know you'd think you'd recognize your father when you see him" A light came on and shined over the men. Gold and Red were stunned. Riley gasped and dropped her bow. "No" she whispered. "That's no way to greet your father is it" the other man said. "Father?!" we said. He lifted his hand and Riley rose into the air. Some sort of electric force was holding her up by her neck. "Put. Her. Down" Emma growled. "Oh so you must be Emma. Thank you for taking care of my daughter while she was away from her friends" he dropped Riley. Riley panted for breath while Emma helped her up. "How did you know she was on teen island?" I asked sternly. He chuckled. "Who do you think sent her there? Who do you think sent you the email saying she was on vacation?" He asked. "Why are you here David?" Red asked. "First names? Ok I'll play that game Kayla. Henry and I are here for you two and her" he pointed to Red, Gold, and Riley. "We were both deprived of our children when you were young, so now were gonna get that back" he said. "And how would you do that?" Gold asked. "Well Regina, Henry here is a master with potions and spells and we are gonna make it as if this little family you've built never existed" he explained. "Ok old man, go take your meds before you pass out because you're speaking absolute bullshit" Zill said. "Why did you pick her?" David pointed at Zill. "That's my business and my family, now back off" gold snapped. "Ah yes! My granddaughters! Sky and Addison." he smiled at them. Sky and Addison backed away from him. "I think its time that you stop speaking" Sky shot at henry. He caught the arrow and snapped it in half. "Code red?" I asked gold. "Code red" she agreed. "RUN" I yelled.

Riley is rubbing her neck. I can just imagine how much that hurts. Getting choked by electricity cant feel good. "Ok so that explains how he could go after Mt. Chill and Fire Mountain" Orange said. "My dad is a dick" Riley snapped. "What do you think he means when he said he was gonna make sure that our family never existed?" I asked. "I don't know, but we need to act fast. We don't know when they'll strike" Gold said. I walked over to my mom. "Do you know what's gonna happen?" I whispered. She's sitting in my dads roller chair. She took both my hands in hers and leaned in close to me. "If I tell you what's gonna happen, it wont happen" Astro smiled. "Do we win? Is everything gonna be ok?" I asked. "Retro, you know I can't tell you that. All I can tell you is to hang in there. You're about to go through a wild ride." She said. I gulped. "Ok mom." I said. 

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