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Santana's POV
Connor and I are in my living room. "Did you know jack got a scholarship?" he asked. "Yeah that's good for him" I said. "Do you have any plans for college?" He asked. "I'm going to green strike" I told him. "Ok, but that's just a college to practice super powers. Its not for your career. Do you have any other plans?" He asked. "No... do you?" I asked. "No and I was thinking that... I don't want to go to college" he said. "Why not?" I asked. "Well my dads own that daycare, and I was thinking about just working there" he said. "Well I'm sure they would hand the company over to you" I said. "I know but I don't want them to hate me for not going to college" he said. "Babe as long as you're happy, they wont care" I said. He smiled. "Thanks babe" he said.

Kats POV
As I was walking down the street, I saw a guy trying to take pictures of a bird. He kept getting pissed whenever the bird moved. "Hey. Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah, but I cant get a good photo for my class assignment" he said. He must be in college. "Why don't you have a friend model for you?" I asked. "Because all my 'friends' think what I'm doing is stupid" he said. "Well, Ill be your model" I shrugged. "Why would you do that?" He asked. "Because if I go home I have to deal with a stupid kid and my son" I said. He chuckled. "Ok just sit there" he said. After a bit he was done. "Thanks" he said. "You're welcome" I said. "You'd make a great model!" He walked away. 

"I think you'd be an amazing model baby" Quinn said. "You think so? I don't know if other people would feel the same though" I said. "They better or Ill shoot them" she said. I smiled. "Hey babe?" I asked. "Hmm?" She hummed. "You have all your friends here now, and I know you miss it so maybe-" she cut me off. "No. I'm done with that. At this point I don't even miss it anymore. I just wanna be with you and Chandler" she said. "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded. "Positive. I'm done with the mafia. So please stop bringing it up." She said. I nodded. "Ok." I said.

Lizz POV
"Kara what are your plans for college?" I asked. "I'm going to green strike with you" she said. "Ok but what do you have in store for the future"  I asked. "I wanna be a comedian" she said. "Where did that come from?" I asked. She shrugged. "I'm not sure. I just feel like I'd be good at it. Why? What do you want to do?" She asked. "I'm not entirely sure. Honestly, I kinda wanna do something in the show business." I admitted. "Like Lemmy? She wants to be a singer." Kara said. "Not exactly. I am not a singer." I said. "What about an actress? I'm sure you'd be great. I mean, you're already acting like you're not an alien all the time." She said. I frowned. "That was not funny." I huffed. She laughed. "Was funny to me!" She announced. I rolled my eyes. "Your idea isn't so bad. Maybe I'll give it a shot." I said. 

Baileys POV
Everyone was called to the live room for a team meeting. "Ok guys. Max has an announcement." Retro said. "Yes. Thank you. Cleo and I have been accepted into a dance academy that isn't in this city. It's way upstate, and as much as I hate to do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to be an arrow while I'm there. There's just no way I can make the trip back and forth so often." Max explained. "Look at that. You two really are twins. He was just late." Ella looked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm happy for you Max. Because I understand the educational need!" I spat back at Ella. She huffed. "Girls. Enough." Retro said. Sky just patted my shoulder. "Are you leaving again or are you going to green strike with us?" Sky asked me. "Oh I'm not going to college. It's a huge waste of time and money." I crossed my arms. "Welcome to the club." Connor smiled. I smiled back. "Besides, I already work at a hair salon, and that's actually what I want to do anyway. So why would I need college?" I asked. "Suit yourself." Sky shrugged. 

Lemmy's POV
Cal, Kai and Alex are going to green strike. I haven't told anyone yet but I submitted one of my songs. I got a letter saying that I have to go to LA but I don't wanna leave. Marlow is waiting to get her letter. She wants to be a DJ. She's really good at it. "Babe!" Marlow ran into my room. I looked at her confused. "I got in! I'm going to LA!" She yelled. I got up and hugged her. "Baby you're gripping" she squeaked. I let go and smiled at her. "Is something wrong?" she asked. I pulled her inside and shut the door. I handed her the letter. Her eyes widened as she read it and her smile widened. "Baby this is amazing!" She exclaimed. I looked down. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I'm a fate. I cant leave because I have to measure the strings" I said. "Baby did you not read about the strings? The strings will work without the fates, but it takes less time with the fates" she said. "So... I can go?" I smiled slightly. "Yes! Stop hiding your smile baby. You're beautiful and this is something to be happy about" she said. Seeing her so excited made me smile more. "You've got to tell your sisters and your moms" she said. I nodded. "Ok." I agreed.

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