Kid Arrows

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Retros POV
Dylan and I went to our friend Riley's house after school. "Thanks for helping me clean again guys. It gets really hard to keep up with everything by myself." Riley said. "No problem Ri. We know you're overworked." I said. Riley's dad left her when she was in middle school. He spent tons of money on unnecessary things, but never gave a penny when it came to bills or food. He even bought a boat for Riley on her birthday. And one day he just up and left. Talk about a dead beat. "We gotta head out, but we'll see you tomorrow at school ok?" I said. "Ok. See you." She smiled. "Oh! Riley. Do you wanna come to the beach with us on Saturday?" Dylan asked. "The beach?" She asked. "Yeah. We'll pay for you to get in. We've invited all our friends to come out." Dylan said. "I... I don't know girls. I'm really swamped right now." She said sadly. "It's ok Riley. You don't have to go if you don't want too. Just let us know if you change your mind, ok?" I said. She nodded and we left. 

I walked into my parents live room. "Hey Retro." Dad greeted me. "Hey dad. Do you know where Gold is?" I asked. "She should be in her room." He said. I went to her room and knocked. "Come in." She said. I walked into her room and she waved to me. "What's up Retro?" She asked. "I need some team help." I said. "Then talk to your team about it." She said. "yeah but I feel like I need your approval first." I said. "What exactly do you want to do?" She asked concerned. "Well, you all told us your back stories. How you had lost basically everything and came together to be the arrows." I said. "Get to the point." She said, annoyed. "Ok, you know how my team is a lot smaller since Ella's siblings won't join and Bailey left? I want to add a new member. She's friends with Dylan and I, and she basically has lost everything. She doesn't have any family and she's struggling to make rent every month. I think being apart of the arrows would really help her." I said. "And you thought this was something to tell me because?" She asked. "She's not part of our family." I said. She laughed. "Sounds like she's part of your family. So I don't see the issue." she said. I smiled. "Thanks Gold." I said.

I have a key so I swung over to the balcony and unlocked the sliding glass door, being careful not to make noise with the blinds. I shut the door and went up to Riley's room. I could tell she was awake because I could hear her computer clicking. I teleported into a dark corner of her room. The only light is from the computer on her bed. She's just sitting on her bed typing away. Her long black hair is in her face. I cleared my throat and she snapped her head over to me. "Who are you?" she asked. Riley's very brave. If I saw a stranger in my room, I would start throwing shit. I took a step forward into the light. "You're the orange arrow" she said, stunned. I smiled. "Why are you here?" she asked confused. "I want to help you out of this mess" I said. She raised an eyebrow. "How?" She asked. I pulled a black arrow head from my pocket and handed it to her. "Riley Crister, will you be the Black Arrow?" I asked. She stared at it in shock for a second. "I... sure. Yeah ok." She agreed. "Oh thank Zeus because I don't wanna wear this mask anymore" I dropped the act and took my mask off. "Retro? You're the orange arrow?" She said. I nodded. "Come on Ri, we've got to get your new room set up" I said. She smiled. "Thank you." she said. "Of course." I smiled.

Ella's POV
We were happy to have Riley join us. Right now we're waiting for Sean to get back from his girlfriends so we can leave and get food. As we're waiting, this girl flew in from the balcony, talking on the phone. We all looked at her confused. No one can just fly up to the arrows HQ unless they have access. She stopped and stared at us for a second before putting her phone in her pocket. "Sorry, wrong building!" she said quickly, and darted off the balcony. "What the fuck?" Max said. "I agree" I nodded. Just then Sean came in the door. "Ok we can get food now" he said. "Dude you just missed the weirdest thing." Connor said. He told him about the girl as we left.

We're at a sports bar. "So why did you take so long at Beth's?" Addison asked Sean. Beth is his girlfriend. "We broke up" he said casually. "What why?" Dylan asked. "Just wasn't working" he said calmly. "Ok?" I said. "Are you gonna give us a real reason?" Retro asked. "It was mutual. What more do you want?" Sean asked. "If you say so." Retro said.

Sean's POV
When we got home, I went to talk to my moms. "Hey moms, can I talk with you?" I asked, closing their door behind me. "Of course. What's up?" Zill asked. I sat down and took a deep breath. "Are you ok?" gold asked. "Moms would you love me if I was gay?" I asked. "Obviously yeah. Are you?" Zill asked. "Sort of" I said. They got confused. "I like girls... but I also want to identify as a girl" I said. Their jaws dropped. "Are you mad?" I asked. "No we're not mad. We don't mind if you're trans" Gold said. "Especially since we don't have to pay for surgery since you have magic to change that shit" Zill said, gesturing to my lower area. Gold slapped her. I sighed in relief and laughed a little. A swoosh of magic swirled around me and when it disappeared, I was a girl. My moms smiled at me. "So what do you want us to call you?" Zill asked. "Sky." I said. They nodded and Gold hugged me. "Thank you for understanding moms" I said. 

I walked back to the live room and opened the door. They all looked at me weird. "You're back? How did you get in?" Retro said. "Um, guys its me" I said. They got confused. Gold came up behind me. "Listen up. I never had a son. This is my daughter, Sky. Be respectful." She ordered. "Thanks mom." I rolled my eyes. "Holy shit! You're trans? That makes way more sense." Connor said. I flicked him off. "You're a dick." I said. "Yeah I have one. You don't." He laughed. "Seriously?" I asked, annoyed. "I'm just kidding. We support you no matter what." He said. "Thanks." I said.

Lizz POV
The portal opened and Kat dropped out of it. Kat and I are identical in our human forms. The only difference is our hair color. Her hair is white like her ferret fur, and mine is black just like my fur. "Hey Lizz." She smiled. "Hey Kat. Where's dad?" I asked. "He got held up. Said he'd be by later." She said. "Well I'm glad you're here. You're just in time to come to the beach with us tomorrow." I said. "Who's us?" She asked. "Everyone. The arrows are paying so you already know nobody was gonna pass up a free beach day." I said. She chuckled. "Makes sense." She said. "The arrows got a new member. They're gonna introduce us." I said. "Oh that's nice." Kat said. "They said they had another surprise too, but they haven't said anything else about it." I added. Kat paused for a moment. "How's Sean?" She asked. "He's fine. Why?" I asked. She paused again. "I think I know what the surprise is. I'm pretty sure that this already happened on Earth 32." She said. "You sure? I know things get confusing for you when you come back and forth." I said. Kat nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I think I'm sure." She said.

We're at the beach. "So Kara, I'm surprised you didn't bring your girlfriend. Kimber right?" Kat asked. "She broke up with me." Kara said casually. "What?! You never told me that!" I said. "Me either. When was this?" Santana asked. "Literally in the car on the way here, she sent me the text." Kara said. "Over text too? Do you need us to kill her?" Kat asked. Kara laughed a little. "Nah, it's ok. She's been cheating on me for a while now anyway. It was really just a matter of time before one of us said it." She said. The arrows came over to us. "Ok guys, so this is Riley. She's our new member." Ella introduced her. "Nice to meet you." Santana said. "You're in my science class." I realized. Riley nodded. "Yeah. I cheated off your test yesterday." Riley said. I laughed. "What was the other surprise?" Kara asked. "Oh. Here." Ella pulled another girl up to us. "For a human, you're strong." The girl complimented. Kat smiled at her. "This is Sky. Our newly transitioned Gold arrow." Ella said. "So I was right!" Kat cheered. "Wow! That's awesome Sky. Congrats on coming out." I said. "Thank you." she said. "Ok. I'm getting burnt. I need sunscreen." Santana walked away. "Yeah it's really hot." Riley agreed. "It's Florida. Get used to it. Come on! Let's go burn in the ocean instead!" Ella suggested. I shrugged. "Sounds good to me." I stood up. Kat and Kara followed behind as we walked down to the water.

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