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Ella's POV
Retro walked into our room and flopped down onto her bed. I looked over and admired her ass for minute before talking to her. "How was your run?" I asked. "It was fine. I'm just exhausted now." She groaned. "You know your shoe's untied right?" I asked. "What?" She sat up and looked down at her shoes. "No they aren't you fucking-" She took her shoe off and threw it at me. I laughed and put up my arms as a shield. I've liked Retro for a while now, but every time I've tried to tell her, I get interrupted somehow. I've tried asking my friends for advice on what to say but they weren't much help. I don't think it's their fault though. Retro is just slow when it comes to taking the hint.

"Retro?" I asked. She was laying in bed on her phone. "What do you want?" She mumbled. "I um... I have a crush on someone." I said. "That's nice. Who is it?" She asked. She didn't look over. I just glared at her for a moment. "I don't know if I should tell you. Kara says I should but, I'm not sure." I shrugged. "Well I'd hate to agree with Kara so, maybe you shouldn't." She said. My eye twitched with annoyance. "Why are you like this?" I asked. "What?" She looked over confused. "How do you not- ugh!" I groaned to myself. retro just looked at me confused. She opened her mouth but before she could speak, the alarm went off. "We'll continue this when we get back." She pointed a finger at me. I seriously doubt she'll remember this when we come back.

I don't understand why the alarm even goes off for things like this. A local gang was causing a riot and we got called to break it up. We've been called out to do this before, and it always ends in a fight. Just like it is right now. One of the guys punched Sky in the face and, in response, Bailey jumped him. Now we're all shooting at these guys to get the situation under control. I got distracted when I heard Retro yelp and looked over to see what happened. She pulled back her arrow to shoot, but one of the guys pushed her off balance, and she shot the arrow without looking. Unfortunately, I was looking, and that arrow dug right into my waist. I screamed out in pain and fell onto all fours. "Ella! Shit! Sky!" Retro yelled. Sky looked over at her and then at me. She panicked and quickly rushed over to me. She scooped me up and flew us out of there. "No! Put me down! Get back to the fight!" I groaned. "Retro gave me an order Ella. You know how this works!" Sky exclaimed. I huffed and Sky flew me home.

My dad hasn't left my side since I got here. We're in our aid center and I'm laying back on the bed. "Dad, I'm fine." I said. "You really expect me to believe that after you just got shot!?" He asked. I huffed and looked away. The door opened and my mom came in. "Ella! Are you ok?" She rushed over to me. "I'm fine mom!" I exclaimed. "Will you guys leave her alone? She clearly doesn't want your sympathy." My sister pushed my mom aside. I was shocked to see her. "Lila? What are you doing here?" I asked. She looked over at me. "I was worried about you. I'm glad to see you're ok." She smiled. Lila is a year younger than me and she lives with my mom. She, along with my other sister and my brother, doesn't like me very much. "Where's Mia and Josh?" I asked. "Mia is at band practice and Josh is at his friends house." Mom explained. I leaned my head back and exhaled heavily. "Where's my team?" I asked. "They should be on their way back  now." Dad said. "Right... ok." I said.

When my team got home, they all came to see me. "Are you ok?" They asked. "I'm getting really tired of that question." I grumbled. "You got shot! We're worried about you." Retro exclaimed. "I know, but you guys huddling over me asking if I'm ok isn't exactly helping." I said. Retro sighed. "Everyone out. Now." she said. The arrows were hesitant, but left the aid room. 

Retro looked over at me as the door closed. "What is wrong with you?" She asked angrily. "What?" I asked confused. "You saw me lose control. You saw the arrow shoot out. Why didn't you move?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. I was in shock. There was a lot going on. Are you really gonna come in here and yell at me after you shot me?!" I exclaimed. She took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm sorry Ella. I didn't mean to shoot you." She told me. "Apology accepted." I smiled. She smiled down at me. "So, I've been thinking. Maybe Kara had a point. I mean, you could have died. Would have sucked if your crush never knew huh?" She asked. I huffed a laugh and shook my head. "It's you Retro. It's always been you." I said. She smiled. "I know. I'm not stupid Ella. I'm the team leader for Hades sake." She said. "Then why didn't you say anything?" I asked confused. She laughed. "I wanted to see how long it'd take you to say it out loud. I didn't think you were gonna be such a wuss and take a million years to tell me." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "I like you Ella, and I would very much like to be with you." She smiled. "Stop making me nervous. It makes my waist hurt more." I smiled. "Fine. I'll keep it simple then. Will you go out with me?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yes." I said.

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