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Aurelia's POV
Heather and I had just gotten in bed for the night when a familiar thought crossed my mind. I tried to ignore it and just focused on getting comfortable. Unfortunately, I couldn't and ended up just tossing and turning for a while. Eventually, Heather got irritated. "Are you ok? Does your back hurt or something?" She asked. "Sorry. I'm fine." I said. She turned over to face me. "You can't lie to me Aura. What's going on?" She asked. I sighed. "I'm gonna tell you something, and I need you to promise not to freak out." I said. She nodded. "Ok... I've been thinking lately and I... I want another kid." I said. Her eyebrows shot up and she bit her lip to keep in whatever she wanted to say. I sighed. "Just freak out." I surrendered. "You want another kid?!" She shrieked. I nodded. "Why?!" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. I just started thinking about how Santana and Kara will be leaving soon and it made me sad. It's almost their senior year. I just... I don't them to go." I said. "Well neither do I, but what does that have to do with having another kid?" She asked. "I want to adopt a kid Heather. I sure as hell am not pushing out another one." I growled. "Oh ok... um. I guess if you really want to, we can give it a shot." She smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded. 

Heather and I called the girls to talk to them about this. They sat across from us in the living room. "What's up mom?" Kara asked. "Well, I wanted to know what you thought about having another sister?" I asked. Santana squinted at me in confusion. "Can you still do that?" She asked. I glared at her. "Yes." I gritted through my teeth. "We're adopting, Satan." Heather clarified. "Oh! Well I don't care either way. I already have this one, Lizz, Zephyr, and those other boys to live with so one more won't make a difference." Santana shrugged. "Why am I 'this one?'" Kara asked. Santana shrugged. "You don't deserve to be named." She said. Kara rolled her eyes. "Well I would be happy to have another sister. As long as she's not a four year old brat." Kara said. "We'll make sure she's around your age." I rolled my eyes. "Great, then I'm in." Kara said. "Yeah whatever. I have a date. Bye." Santana walked away. 

"What is an orphanage?" heather asked. It's the next day. "Its a place where kids with no home go to get a new one" I said. She got confused. "Then why didn't the arrows just- never mind." She stopped herself. I laughed. 

After filling out forms that took forever because Heather didn't understand anything on the paper, we got paired with a fifteen year old girl. Supposedly her birthday is coming up soon. We're only gonna foster her for now. We don't wanna adopt her if she doesn't like us. We sat down at a table to meet her. Her name is Amber. "This place smells weird." Heather commented. "Babe, not in public." I mumbled. "Sorry." She muttered. The door opened and a short red-haired girl came in. She was wearing a grey hoodie and black leggings. She sat down. "Hi." She said quietly. "Hi Amber. I'm Aurelia and this is my wife Heather." I introduced us. "Do they really not have Febreze?" Heather asked herself. I ignored her and stayed focused on the shy girl in front of me. "So, what are some of your interests. Do you play a sport?" I asked. "I used to be on the diving team. I was on the newspaper staff at school." She shrugged. "That's cool. Our kids don't do anything like that. They're usually busy with something else." I said. "Not even Lysol?" Heather looked around for the source of the smell. "You have kids?" Amber asked. "We have two daughters. And we live with some of our friends so we end up looking after four other kids too." I said. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why do you need me then?" She asked. I shrugged. "She doesn't wanna be lonely when our kids move out." Heather butted in. I elbowed her and she groaned. Amber looked over at Heather. "The smell is from the laundry detergent they use to wash the cushions on the seat." Amber explained. "Oh! It kinda reminds me of the smell in the space shuttle. They couldn't actually clean it so they just sprayed it with everything imaginable." Heather reminisced. Ambers eyes widened. "That's who you are!" She exclaimed. "Excuse me?" Heather asked. "You're the girl from the moon. I knew you looked familiar!" Amber said. Heather gulped. "That's me." She laughed nervously. "I'm sorry. It's just... I collect newspapers and yours is by far the most interesting one I have." She said. Heather blinked a few times. "Is that because the picture they used is the one where I fell off the stairs?" She asked. Amber giggled. "No, but that is funny." She said. "Would you look at that babe. People do remember you." I smiled at Heather. "I guess so." She said.

"Girls! We're home!" I called out. We walked into the living room with Amber. "Hi mom." Kara was laying on the couch. She didn't look over. "Amber, this is Kara. Kara, look over and meet Amber please." I said. Kara looked over. "Hi." She said. Amber waved. "Hello Amber." Lizz said. I didn't even see her until she stood up on Kara's chest in her ferret form. She jumped down and changed to her human form. "I'm Lizz." She introduced herself. Amber smiled politely. "Where's the other one?" I asked. "Santana is with Connor in her room." Lizz said. "Why do you think we're out here?" Kara asked. "Oh boy." I sighed. "Santana is our other daughter, and Lizz here is Kara's girlfriend." Heather told Amber. "Come on. We'll show you your room in the basement." I said. "You're putting me in a basement?" Amber asked, looking disturbed. "Trust me. You won't look like that when you see it." I said. 

Charlie was in the basement when we went down. "Amber, this is Charlie. He's Lizz's dad." I said. "Nice to meet you Amber." Charlie smiled. Amber smiled back at him. "You're really gonna let her stay down here? You wouldn't let Santana and Kara do it." He looked at me. "We don't have any rooms upstairs Charlie. We have plenty down here. Besides it's nicer down here anyway." I said. "Well, in that case, congrats Amber. You're already doing better than the two dummies up there." Charlie said. Amber laughed a little. "There is always someone down here, so you'll never have to feel lost. Charlie's room is right there. I'd suggest you go to him. But if not, all the taken rooms have names on the doors and if you see Gabe and Arcs room, you could ask them too." Heather said. Amber nodded. "Thank you." She said. "Of course." We said. 

Ambers POV
I shut my door and sat down on my new bed. My phone rang and I picked it up. "Perfect timing." I said. "Are you settling in?" Ember asked. Ember is my girlfriend. She's the only reason I was able to escape my last family. "I was about to" I said. "Sorry. I just wanted to check on you." She said. "I'm fine. They're nice. They have a really big family." I said. "That's great! I'm coming down to Florida soon. I should be there just before your birthday." She said. "Ok." I smiled. Embers parents are millionaires who could care less about her. So she gets to live wherever she wants and do whatever she pleases. "Did they question your file?" She asked. "No. Thank god." I said. "Ok. Let me know if anything happens with that, and I will be there soon enough. Alright?" She asked. "Mhm. Ok. Bye Em." I said. "Bye. Love you!" She said. "Love you too." I hung up. 

Heathers POV
Charlie and I were looking over Ambers file together so that he could translate anything I didn't understand. "What's this?" I asked pointing. "That's her species." He said. "Why does it say human benefits?" I asked. He got confused and looked down at it. "I don't know. That's weird." He said. "You don't know?" I asked. "You could always ask her yourself. It could just be a typo. But yeah I've never seen that before." He said. "Can you look it up?" I asked. He searched it on his phone and shook his head. "Nothing." He said. "Huh... I hope it's not anything bad." I said nervously. "Everything will be fine Heather. Just talk to her." Charlie shrugged. 

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