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Sky's POV
All the arrows gathered in the live room for a meeting. "Ok guys. Are we going to the Paws house Halloween party this year? And if so, I need a costume list from you all." Retro said. "Do we all have to go?" I asked. "Why? You don't wanna go?" Retro asked. "Not really. I don't like Halloween." I shrugged. "Oh come on Sky. It'll be fun!" Bailey exclaimed. "I really doubt that." I grumbled. "Let's take a vote! Everybody who think's Sky should come with us, raise your hand." Ella announced. Everyone raised their hands. "There was no way I was winning that." I groaned. "Ok. Costumes. What do you guys want?" Retro asked. "Why do we have to tell you?" Riley asked. "So I can give you a budget for buying your costume." Retro responded. "So my mom doesn't yell at her." I clarified.  "Yeah exactly. Gold isn't exactly the nicest when it comes to budgets." Retro agreed. "Do any of us know what we wanna be for Halloween?" Ella asked. We shared a look and then turned to her. "No." We said. "Looks like we're going shopping then." Ella shrugged. "What?! Hey! No." Retro snapped. "Oh come on Retro. Please?" Ella whined. Retro got flustered. "Ugh. Fine!" She agreed. 

We all went to the Halloween store and started looking around. Bailey came into the isle I was in and stood beside me. "Whatcha looking at?" She asked. "Not sure. I really don't want a costume." I sighed. "I'm sorry about earlier. You don't have to listen to those guys. If you don't wanna go then don't." She said. "Ha! Bailey, you guys voted on it. If there's one thing the arrows take seriously, it's a team vote. I can't fight it now." I said. She thought for a moment. "Well, if you don't wanna go, then I'll stay home with you. Or we can ditch the party once we're there. So many people go to that party that I'm sure they won't miss us." She suggested. "Why would you do that? You just got back. I don't wanna ruin your first party for you." I said. She shrugged. "It's not ruined if it's with you." She smiled. I smiled back. "You think so?" I asked. She nodded. "Come on, let's ditch it. Then we can do whatever we want." She said. "And what exactly do you want to do?" I asked with a laugh. She shrugged. "Honestly? I was hoping you might... wanna go out with me." She said nervously. My eyes widened in shock. "Actually?!" I shrieked. "Shh! I don't want my brother to hear." She shushed me. I smiled. "I... um... I didn't know you saw me that way." I said shocked. "I didn't use to, but now..." she looked me up and down. "I guess you could say my feelings transitioned." She smirked. I was taken back. "Oh! Um... ok." I said. "Ok?" She asked confused. "Yeah. Let's ditch it." I smiled. She smiled back. "Great! I won't see you there!" She said. I laughed and she walked off.

Baileys POV
I was right. So many people were at the party that no one noticed me and Sky slip away. "I can't believe they didn't notice! You're a genius Bailey." Sky smiled. I smiled proudly. "I know." I bragged. "So what do we do now?" She asked. "We fly away before they notice!" I said. I flew up into the clouds and Sky followed behind me. 

"Wait up!" She yelled. I flew around through the clouds, purposely avoiding her. "I know what you're doing Bailey! This isn't fair or funny!" She laughed. "Then why are you laughing?" I asked. She darted out of a nearby cloud and locked me in her grasp. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed. I shrieked and then laughed as she flew us down to a nearby cloud. "You really think you can escape me? I have super speed and super strength." She said. "Meh. I don't mind this." I shrugged. She let me go and we sat down on the cloud. "I told you this party would be fun." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. The party could never be as fun as chasing you around the clouds." Sky smiled. I giggled. 

Sky and I sat together for a while, talking about little things. "So can I ask a question?" She asked. "Yeah. Sure." I said. "What made you want to come back home? I thought you hated the heat here." She said. "I do. I hate the heat, the hurricanes, you name it. And I loved the cold up in Alaska. It's so beautiful there." I said. "So why'd you leave?" She asked. I sighed. "The truth? Well, I had been there for years you know? I had made some friends. I even had a boyfriend. A few months before I left to come home, I noticed that he was snapping at me a lot. At the time, I was tutoring my best friend in gymnastics. Since I knew how to do all the flips and kicks easily, because of the arrows, I was the perfect one to teach her. I wasn't on the team, but she made captain, and started bragging about how she had done it all herself and about how great she was. I didn't mind at first, but the my boyfriend started getting interested. That's when he started snapping at me. I had asked my friend to stop bragging so much because it was getting annoying, and my boyfriend just started going off on me. Calling me selfish and stuff. I was stunned. And then a few weeks later, I found out that they were having an affair. So I decided to leave that life behind, and swear off guys." I explained. "Wow. What a dick." Sky commented. I laughed. "Yeah. You could say that." I said. Sky smiled. "I'd never do that to you." She said. I smiled. "I know. You're better than that." I said. She stared at me for a moment. "So, when's our next date?" She asked. I chuckled. "Whenever you're free." I shrugged. "Great! See you tomorrow then." She smiled. I laughed. "I'm sure I will." I said.

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