Sister prt.2

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Ambers POV
I turn sixteen tomorrow. I've been here for a few weeks. "Hey Aurelia?" I asked. "What?" She looked up at me. "I was wondering if I could have my girlfriend come over tomorrow." I said nervously. She was shocked. "You have a girlfriend?" She asked. I nodded. "Uh... sure. You really don't have to ask. We have random people come into our house all the time." She said. "Thank you." I said. 

Ember came over the next day after the whole house wished me a happy birthday. "Your family seems nice" she said. "Yeah, but they're not my family" I said. "Not yet. Don't give up hope" she said. She sat on the bed next to me. "So did they read your file?" she asked. "I don't know. I hope not" I said. "You're gonna have to explain the Chrajx to them, not to mention your other life" she said. "I know, but you're not any better. Your file would say human benefits too if you had one" I said. She nodded. "Yes, but I'm not an orphan" she said. "Close enough" I grumbled. She pushed me playfully. Her parents live in Vermont while we lived in Tennessee, and now we live in Florida. 

Heather called me up because her and Aurelia had a gift for me. "So Amber, this is your gift." Aurelia handed me some papers. I was confused but read the first few sentences. "Y-you're adopting me?" I stuttered. "If that's something you want" heather shrugged. I nodded. and smiled "Yes! Thank you" I hugged them. "You're welcome." They laughed. 

Kara's POV
We got an alert. "Kids, come on. We gotta go." Heather rushed us out the door. "What about Amber?" I asked. "We can explain it when we get back!" She said. "Back from what?" Santana asked. We all snapped our suits on and flew off. "One of the Dinotrons rebooted itself... again." Heather groaned. "Is Techna ever gonna figure that out?" I asked. "Probably not. I voted to just disintegrate them all but your mother said no." She said. "That's ok mom. No one wins an argument with her." Santana sighed. 

Ambers POV
Everyone in the house panicked about something and then ran out the door. Not ten seconds later, super heroes that look oddly familiar were on the news. I'm not an idiot. It's obviously them. Ember called me. "Are you watching the news?" She asked. "Yeah it's definitely them." I already knew what she was gonna say. "You wanna give them a hand? Solar Flare?" She asked. I laughed. "Sure. Why don't you come over here so I can catch a ride, Shock Wave." I said. 

I'm in seventh grade, reading a book under a tree. I heard something rustling around in the leaves. Suddenly, a girl popped her head out and hung down from the tree by her feet with her hair almost touching the ground. "Hi! I'm Ember" she said. "Hi I'm Amber. Why are you in a tree?" I asked with a laugh. "Because why not? What you reading?" she asked. "Just something for school" I said. "Nice to- woah!" She fell out of the tree and I laughed. "Nice to meet you" she said. "Yeah, nice to meet you too" I laughed.

By the time eight grade rolled around, Ember and I were together.  We were at the mall just walking around when a guy stopped us. "Are you Amber and Ember?" he asked. "Yes? Why?" Ember asked. "Great! I finally found you! My name is Daniel! I'm non-binary, and you two have been chosen by the Chrajx" they said. "What the hell is a cracks?" I asked. "Chrajx, pronounced kinda like crash. Anyway- it chose you to be the next wielders" they said. "Still don't know what that is" I said. We all sat down on a bench. "The Chrajx are three very important weapons. Amber you have the two flare sticks and Ember you have the electric stick" Daniel explained. "So, its just a stick" ember said. "No its not. These sticks grant more than just electricity and fire. When used together they can be used for time travel." they said. "Time travel? I thought that power wasn't achievable" I said. "It isn't. Not for just anyone anyway. Time travel has to be wielded by people who wont use it for their own interests or intentions" they explained. "And it picked us?" Ember asked. "Yes it did. Ember you have the ability to travel anywhere you want by creating portals and Amber you have the ability to stop time. When used together you have time travel" they said. "Look Daniel, you seem nice but we're just two humans and we don't have powers" I said. "I know you don't. The Chrajx cant be wielded by anyone who isn't human. If you come with me, I can show you how to use them" they said. We were hesitant but went with them. They took us out behind the mall and told us what to do. When we transformed, we suddenly became super human. It was insane. "You two need to remember. Only use the time travel when the moment is right" they said. "But how will we know?" I asked. "When the right time comes you will know" they said. Then they disappeared. 
*end of flashback*

"Lets do this" Ember got to my house. She lifted her hand up and opened her palm. A shiny pointy silver stick came flying through the air and straight into her hand. When she caught it, her costume flashed onto her. A silver mask with chains on her jacket and jeans. She has a grey shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans. I held up both of my hands and two pointy orange sticks came flying into my hands. There were silver handles in the middle of each stick. My costume is the same as Embers but I don't have chains and I have an orange mask with orange accents on my jacket and jeans. When I get transformed, my hair goes up in a ponytail. Ember slammed her stick into the ground and her eyes turned white. She spun the stick around and then spun it in a circle around her. It opened a portal. She handed me the other end of the stick and I took it. My sticks attached to my belt and we jumped into the portal. If I don't hold her stick while going through, I won't make it out the other end of the portal.

Kara's POV
We were fighting this Dinotron when a portal opened. It didn't look like one of our portals. It was white. Two girls dropped through. The one girl zapped the Dinotron with her stick, while the other one watched. When she stopped zapping it, the Dinotron looked beat but not dead. "Who are they?" Santana asked and I shrugged. "They're impressive." I admitted. The other girl jumped off the building and her sticks caught ablaze. She slashed her sticks twice and landed perfectly on her feet. The Dinotron fell to pieces in a matter of seconds. She had slashed right through it. The other girl jumped down and stood next to her. I flew down to them. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Solar Flare and this is Shock Wave" she said. "I've never seen you before" I said confused. "We just moved here" shock said. "Ok?" I said confused. "Bye!" They leapt away. "We have some new hero's?" Paws asked enthusiastically. "Yeah sure" I said. "Don't be jealous" she said. "But mom, they come out of nowhere and kill this thing in two hits and you expect me not to be?" I asked. "Kara you'll be fine. You and Santana are still my favorites" she winked. "What about Amber?" I asked. "I meant hero wise" She said. "Ok" I sighed.

Ambers POV
Its been to long since I've done that. "My legs hurt" I said when we got to the backyard. "My back hurts" ember said. We threw our sticks into the sky and they disappeared along with our costumes. We walked inside to see everyone in the living room. "How long were you outside?" Heather asked. "Since you left" I said. "Come here we need to tell you something" she said. We walked to them. "Well basically-" she started. "You're Paws, you're Mystic, and you two are the other heroes. I don't know your fake names" I pointed to them all. They just stared at me in shock. "How did you know?" Aurelia asked. "You left a little before we did" I said. "Oh... wait what?" Heather asked. I held my hair up in a ponytail and Kara gasped. "It was you two!?" She exclaimed. I nodded. "So now can I ask what human benefits means now?" heather asked. I nodded and we led them outside.

We called back the Chrajx and our costumes zapped onto us again. "These are the Chrajx." We held out our sticks. "I have the power of fire, and I can also stop time." I explained. "And I have the power of electricity, and I can also travel anywhere in the universe." Ember explained. "Human benefits is the marking they gave me because I'm technically a human, but it is possible for me to wield magic." I explained. "When we mix our magic together, we can supposedly travel through time." Ember added. "But we haven't tried it." I said. "Wow. That's really weird." Heather said. Aurelia elbowed her. "It's impressive." She said. "Welcome to the Paws house Solar Flare. You're gonna love it." Kara said. 

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