Time is Delicate

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Ambers POV
We all headed out to an old abandoned warehouse where supposedly, we would find the dads. We heard a whistle. "Duck!" Gold yelled and we did. Green almost got shot but she ducked just in time. "I see that you got out" David snarled. "Yeah I did, and now, you're going jail" Green snapped. "Not quite" he said. "Since you couldn't stay away from our daughters, we'll just have to make sure that you never see the light of another day" Henry snapped. David shot three arrows at the same time. One pointed at Zill, Green, and Emma. Being the heroes they are Red, Gold and Riley jumped in front of them. "No!" We all yelled. They all got shot. Even their dads were stunned. They dropped to the floor. Three humans shot dead. "You son of a bitch!" Zill yelled. Emma, Green and Zill all fired at them. A voice came into my head. "When the right time comes you will know." I looked at Ember and she nodded.

Riley's dad had blocked all their shots. Ember and I walked to the center of the warehouse. I caught a glimpse of Cal. She was smiling at me and Ember. She knew. Ember and I slammed our sticks into the ground. Everyone turned to look. My eyes glowed orange and Embers glowed white. Our sticks glowed too. I waved mine around and ember spun hers. She opened a portal in the ground and I stuck my sticks in it. The portal went from white to orange. Ember held out her stick to me and as soon as I grabbed it, we jumped in.

We were transported a few seconds before our friends got shot. Ember ran across the warehouse to get to Riley while I ran to Gold and Red. The arrows shot. But they didn't die this time.

Kara's POV
"Amber!" I yelled. "Ember!" Lizz yelled from across the warehouse. They got shot. Amber twice and Ember once. We dropped down next to them. "Amber no" Santana shook her. "It was the right time" amber struggled to speak. Our eyes widened. "You son of a bitch!" Sky yelled. All the kids started firing. Suddenly though, we all stopped mid-fire. We were frozen. Everyone was. Frozen in time.

Solar Flares POV
Ember and I started fading. "What the hell?" she asked. "What's happening?" I asked. Daniel appeared in front of us. "Daniel?" We asked. "Girls! Your past selves have gotten shot. You need to go!" They exclaimed. Ember and I looked at each other and smirked. I knew exactly when to go to. Ember opened the portal and we left.

All the kids are firing at Henry and David. My sticks glowed as I swung them down. My eyes were glowing as I stopped all time in the room. After that, we simply walked over to our kid selves. "We look weird as kids" Ember said. "Just stay focused Shock Wave" I said. "That looks like it hurt." I ember said. "It did. We were there dummy." I said. I took one of my sticks and snapped it in half. The dust inside poured over amber. Ember did the same with her stick. Our mini-versions raised into the air and their bodies glowed as they healed. The arrows in them disappeared as they came back down. The Chrajx has many secrets and not all of them make sense, especially this one. They dropped back to the ground and our sticks were restored back to the way they were. "What happened?" Amber asked as she woke up. "Woah you're tall" Ember said. We helped them up. "You made the right call" I smiled at them. "Holy shit, you're hot" ember said. Amber smacked her. "What? Its you!" Ember said. Shock Wave laughed. "Enjoy your battle" I said. Shock Wave and I left.

Ambers POV
When they left, time unfroze. Everyone kept firing. They hadn't noticed yet. Well, one person did. Good job. Cal sent us a head message. I nodded at her. Henry had an electric force field around him and David. "Uh guys?" I walked over to my family. Everyone stopped firing and stared in shock. "What the fuck?" Retro asked. "We'll tell you later but right now... we've got some business to take care of." Ember said. She pointed her stick at Henry and shot an electric current at him. He shot back. Everyone started watching to see whos current overpowers. David tried to escape but I threw my sticks at him, pinning his shirt to the wall so he couldn't move. "Get him!" Zill yelled. Embers current over powered henrys and he got blasted into the wall. I walked up to David and kicked him in the balls. Ember smacked Henry with her stick and he passed out. "Call the police" Ember turned around. "We got them covered" I smiled.

"So I died?" Riley asked. "Yes" I said. "Damn!" she smiled. "Hey since we were together as adults that means we stayed together all these years!" Ember said excitedly. I hugged her. "That's cause I'm never leaving you" I mumbled into her chest. "Especially if you're gonna be that tall. I mean damn she was hot!" I backed up. "Shut up!" Ember said. "What? It's you" I mocked her. "I see what you did there and I hate you for it" she said. "I love you too" I smiled.

Ella's POV
"Guys!" I ran up to my siblings and hugged them. "So all this wouldn't have happened without you" I said. They got embarrassed. Dad walked up behind me. "We're all very proud of you" he said. Retro walked up next to me. "Which is why, these now belong to you" She held out her hand. She gave them the white, teal, and brown arrow heads. "Officially?" Lila asked. "Yes. You three are officially apart of the arrows." I said. They smiled and took their colors. "Thank you." They said. "Don't thank us! Thank you guys for saving our asses." Retro said. They chuckled. "Come on. Let's go home." I said.

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