Memories prt.2

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Lemmy's POV
We walked through the portal to hell. "Look whos back" Emma said. "What's with the kid and the demon?" She asked. "Go" Layla whispered. I slowly walked up to her. "My names Lemmy and I'm your daughter" I said. Kai left with Astro to get her moms. My mom stared at me very closely. "Nope" she slammed me into the wall with her powers. "Lemmy!" Layla yelled. Emma held Layla in the air with her magic and walked over to me. "Who are you and what did you do to my sisters?" she asked. I growled under my breath. "Put. Her. DOWN!" I blasted her into the wall. Layla dropped to the ground and I flew over to my mom. "You have three kids, Cal, Lemmy, and Alex along with your wife Mikaela now snap out of it! This is just annoying at this point!" I yelled. She banged her head on the wall. "Ouch" she rubbed her head. "Woah Lemmy" she said stunned. That's when I noticed my own appearance. I was floating with my hair moving by itself, and my fists were glowing white with my eyes too. I landed on my feet and stopped glowing. "I'm sorry" I looked down. "Are you kidding!? Lemmy that was amazing! I didn't know you had that much power" she hugged me. "Mikaela will be much easier, trust me" Layla said, taking a deep breath. "We need to go help Kai first" I said.

Kais POV
"Ah!" I screamed as I was thrown across the Chamber. "For a demon your pretty weak" Quinn cracked he knuckles as she walked to me. I slid down the wall. "Mom please" I squeaked. "I'm not your mother" she threw me again. I groaned as I hit the wall. I slid down to the ground in pain. Astro got held up by the demons outside. "I don't know who you are, but thank you because I've really been needing to hit someone" she walked towards me again. I felt a pinch and looked down to see my tail is chipped. "Crap." I cursed. A demons tail is very fragile and once they're chipped, they have to be handled with care or else they'll shatter. "Give up kid?" Quinn hovered over me. "Why would I do that?" I asked. I bolted away with my super speed and she followed. Just as we got to the end, I quickly swerved and she ran straight into the wall. She fell and got up, looking dizzy. "My name is Kai, and I'm your daughter" I said. She knocked her head on mine. "Ow! Why did that have to include me!?" I yelled. "I don't know but that hurt" Mom groaned. I hugged her. "Your tail" she said concerned. "Can you fix it?" I asked. "No, but Lyra can, but if you still have to find her I don't think your tail will last" she said. I look back at my tail. "Tail or no tail. I have to get mom" I said.

The adult Fates told me where Lyra was supposed to be, so I went there. I forgot my mom was a party planner. She was setting up a party in a field. "Lyra!" I yelled. "Yeah?" she asked. "Hi I'm kai" I said, and she shook my hand awkwardly. "Do you need something?" She asked. "Yes. You're my mom" I said. She blinked at me a few times and then laughed. "That's a good one, but there's no way" she laughed. "But I am" I said. "Look kid. I have a party to plan and I would appreciate it if you got lost" she snapped. "You are my mom. Cant you feel the demon bond between us?" I asked. Demon bonds are very important. It links demon families together. Lyra snapped and beat me to the ground. "I told you to fuck off!" She yelled. "And I don't listen" I struggled to get up. She struck me again and threw me back across the field. Dragon-like wings sprouted from her back and she flew over to me. She conjured a massive fire ball and was about to throw it at me. One more crack and my tail was gone. I'm in so much pain. "Lyra stop!" Quinn yelled. Lyra immediately dropped to the ground and knelt before her. "I'm sorry your majesty" she said. Quinn looked back at me and smirked. I got up and limped over to her. "Listen to what she says" Quinn ordered. "Yes your majesty" Lyra grumbled. "You are my mother and Quinn is your wife." I said. She fell face forward on the grass. Quinn burst out laughing. "Fuck you all" Lyra mumbled into the grass. She got up and brushed herself off. Mom was still laughing. She hit her with her wing. "Yes your majesty" mom mocked her. Lyra growled. "Oh is my demon mad?" she asked. Lyra slapped her with her tail and snickered. Quinn grabbed her and pulled Lyra into her. "I like the wings. You should keep them out more often." She complimented. Lyra smiled and rolled her eyes. I started glowing. "I'll be back soon. I'll meet you guys in the Chamber." I said, and disappeared. 

Alex and Cal were gone so I guess Lemmy got them. I also noticed Kat was gone. I grabbed Sky and Zane and teleported out. Zane went over to Lila and hugged her. Sky hugged Addison who still didn't have any of her parents. Lizz had gotten Kat. Cal and Alex had gotten Claire and Cleo. Dylan had got Zephyr. Zephyr and Zane left to get Gabe out of a computer. "What happened to your tail?!" Cal exclaimed. I looked back at it. "Oh yeah. You wanna come with me so my mom can fix it?" I asked. "How are you not in pain?! Sure! I'll go with you." Cal panicked. I giggled. "I'm fine babe." I smiled.

Kats POV
"Lizz come here" I pulled Lizz to the side. "I wanna go get Quinn" I said. "I knew you would. Here. I'll cover for you" she handed me the portal button. "Thanks Lizz" I said. 

I found Quinn arguing with someone outside of her house. I've never seen her before. "Maria I don't care! I dumped you years ago! Get over it!" Quinn yelled. A fire lit inside of me and I jumped down in front of them. She immediately pulled out her gun but didn't shoot. "Quinn its me, Kat. Put the gun down" I said, slowly moving towards her. "Stop moving" she said and I did. "What are you doing? Shoot her!" Maria yelled. I rolled my eyes at her. "Why do I know you?" Quinn asked confused. "Because I'm your wife Quinney" I said. "What?" She asked. "Just look at your ring" I said. She glanced down and was stunned. "That's impossible" she tightened her grip on the gun. "Shoot her!" Maria yelled again. "I'm your kitty Kat Quinn" I reminded her. Her eyes softened. Maria got impatient, wrapped her hand around Quinn's and shot the gun. I watched disappointedly as the bullet just bounced off me. Quinn dropped the gun in fear and her hand started shaking. I used my magic and threw Maria down the street. "Its me Quinney" I walked up to her. "Kat?" She asked. "Yes! Its me" I said. She hugged me and I had to take a step back when her head hit my chest. "I missed you" she mumbled into my shoulder. "I missed you too" I said. "That scared out of me" she laughed. "I'm bulletproof babe. Guns cant hurt me" I said. "I know." She smiled. I kissed her and she slid her hand to the side of my face. "You know this makes a lot more sense because Cacey was talking about you earlier and I had no idea what she was talking about." She said. I laughed. "Come on. We could use you on earth 31." I said.

Ambers POV
"So! After talking about it, we've agreed that we need to find Emma" I said. "If we can find Emma than maybe she can help us get riley back" Lila said. "Where is riley?" Dylan asked. "At school" Lila and I said in unison. "Whos going to get Emma then?" Retro asked. "We're sending Kai and Quinn to go get her" I said. "What!?" They said. "Why me?" Quinn asked. "Because you and Kai possess more of Emma's qualities. You both don't care about what other people think and you're both outcasts!" Lila said. "Thanks for pointing that out Lila" Kai said sarcastically. "You guys are gonna take Riley's boat to Teen Island" I tossed them they keys. "How do you have her keys?" Quinn asked. "They were in her room. Now go" I pointed at the door and they left.

Kais POV
"Do you know how to drive a boat?" I asked. Quinn sighed and walked up to the wheel. She turned the key and started getting us out of there. "Oh.... how do you know that?" I asked. "I was in the mafia. I know a lot of things" she said. "Cool" I sat down. After awhile, I got bored. The trip to Teen Island is at least two days long. "Alright hold on to something because I'm speeding this thing up" I said. "What?" Quinn asked. I lifted my hand and the boat started bolting across the water. We should be there in no time. Quinn struggled to get to a seat. "I didn't think demons could do this" she yelled over the wind. "I'm half god" I yelled. 

When we got there Quinn had to take a second to regain feeling in her body from all the wind. I grabbed the keys and we walked up the dock. "Stop! How old are you?" a girl asked. "I'm seventeen." Quinn said. "I'm seventeen too" I said. "Alright, go ahead" she let us through. "This place is weird" I looked around. Quinn pointed to a group of kids. "Think those are the bandits?" She asked. I looked a little closer. "That's definitely Emma" I said.

Quinn grabbed Emma and held a handkerchief to her mouth so she passed out. "You're good" I said, impressed. She picked Emma up, threw her over her shoulder, and we walked away. We pulled her into the boat. We went into the cabin underneath Riley's boat. We tied her to a chair and she woke up. "Hey! What the fuck!" She yelled. "Calm down" I said. "Let me go!" She struggled in the ropes. "Its magic rope. You're not going anywhere" I said. She sighed. "Do you know who I am?" I asked. "A bitchy demon" she snapped. "I meant my name" I growled. "What do you want?" she ignored me. "We need you to fix riley" Quinn said. She looked at us confused. "Come on Emma. They put this spell on you and we need your help to fix this all" I say. She sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry Kai" she said. "Wait what?" I asked, confused. "I'm not under his spell" she said. "Why not?" I asked. "Because he wants me awake" she said.

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