Fates Find Love...Again

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Cals POV
Kai and I were hanging out in my room when she randomly just stood up and turned to me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Are your sisters single?" She asked. "I seriously doubt they wanna date your demon friends Kai, but yes they are." I said. "What? No, that's not what I meant. And for that matter, you know I don't have any demon friends." She said. "Ok, then what did you mean?" I asked. "I just feel like it would really help them. I mean, it sure as hell helped me when I was in a hard spot! And Zeus knows they're both in horrible spots. Alex has body issues and Lemmy can't get two words out without shaking like a leaf." She said. "I can't force them to date people Kai." I glared at her. "Who said anything about that?! I'm just suggesting we give them a little push. That's all!" She said. I squinted at her for a moment. "What's in this for you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What? Nothing!" she lied. "Babe. Let's not do this. We both know you're lying. Just tell me the truth." I groaned. She rolled her eyes. "If they get partners, maybe they'll stop bothering us when we're trying to have alone time." She growled. "What? When have they ever done that?" I asked. On que, there was a knock on the door. "Hey! Seeing time. Let's go!" Alex called. Kai raised an eyebrow and smirked. I rolled my eyes. "That's just my job babe, but maybe you have a point. Maybe a little push wouldn't hurt." I shrugged. 

"Hey Alex." I greeted her as I walked into the string room. "Hey Cal... why do you look weird weird?" She looked me up and down. "Oh no reason.... do you know John from school?" I asked. "Yes. Why?" She asked. "Did you know he's single?" I smiled nervously. "Ok, first of all, get that shit eating grin off your face. You look stupid. Second, I'm not interested." she said. I frowned. "I just think you should get out there. Into the dating pool." I suggested. She cut a string and then turned to me. "No. End of discussion." She put the scissors down and walked away. "That was Kai's idea! Don't be mad at me!" I yelled.

Cleo's POV
"Why are you always like this?!" I yelled. "It's not my fault you can't drive!" Claire snapped. My sister, Claire, and I live together. She moved out when she turned eighteen and our parents thought it'd be a great idea to send me with her. That was the worst idea they've ever had. Claire used to be annoying, but now she's just unbearable. She acts like she's mom. She thinks that because she's older than me that she can boss me around. "Claire, I have to go to dance practice. I'm not sacrificing my spot on the team for your stupid date!" I growled. She rolled her eyes. "That sucks for you." She shrugged and stormed out the door. I called Max. "Hey Cleo. What's up?" He asked. "Tell coach my sister is being a bitch again." I growled. "Seriously? Again?" He asked. "Yep. I would never make it if I walked. Even if I took my hoverboard, I'd still be late." I said. He sighed. "Ok. I'll tell coach. See you." He hung up. I went to my room and grabbed my stick. Maybe there's a robbery I can stop or something. I need a distraction. 

Alex POV
When Lemmy came out of the seeing room, she quickly ran over to me. "I think we should call the heroes." she said nervously. "We can't share the things we see in the seeing room Lem." I reminded her. She nodded. "I know, but Cleo went out to fight, and now she's kinda stuck." She said. "Stuck how?" I asked. "She's surrounded by a group of supers. They'll full grown men. She can't take them down." She said. "She'll be fine. Cleo isn't set to die for a long time." I said. "But she could get hurt." Lemmy worried. I smiled. "It's sweet that you care so much about our friends. If it worries you that much, I'll go check on her." I said. She smiled. "Thank you." She said quietly. 

Cleo's POV
I swung my stick around and whacked one of the guys on the head. I smirked as I heard the loud crack. I clicked a button on the stick and it started sparking at the end. A guy charged me and I stabbed him with the electricity. He jolted and his hair spiked up. I laughed at the sight. He slowly fell backwards and I too busy watching it happen to notice another guy run up behind me. I turned around just as he was about to punch me but his hand stopped. I jumped back and looked around in confusion. Everything is frozen. "Need some help?" I heard. I turned and saw Alex walked up to me. "You did this?" I asked shocked. She nodded and my jaw dropped. From what I understand, time freezing spells are really difficult. "Isn't this illegal?" I asked. "I'm a goddess Cleo. I can do whatever I want. Come on." She held out her hand and I blushed. "Um... ok. Thanks for the rescue." I said, taking her hand. She opened a portal and we walked through. 

The portal led out into my room. "Oh! I'm home. Thanks for the ride?" I said, confused. I'm not sure if this counts as a ride. "No problem. Lemmy saw you and was worried you'd get hurt." She shrugged. "Oh yeah? Were you about to kill me?" I asked jokingly. She smiled and shrugged. "Maybe I was." She joked. I laughed. "No, I wanted to get out of the house anyway. Cal keeps bothering me to start dating." She groaned. "Why don't you?" I asked curiously. "Ha! Look at me! Who would want to date a fat ugly bitch like me?" She asked. I was baffled. "You're not any of those things." I said. "You're a horrible liar." She huffed. "I'm serious! You're not fat Alex. You just have a wider frame. And you're definitely not ugly. You're a goddess for Christs sake!" I exclaimed. She glared at me. "Oh sorry. For uh... Satan's sake?" I suggested. "Better." She shrugged. "Ok well, anyways. You're not ugly, or fat. In fact, if you were gay, I'd tap that." I smirked. Fer face flashed red immediately. "I'm bisexual Cleo." she mumbled. My tail started wagging. "Perfect! Then will you bestow me the ultimate honor of taking you to dinner some time?" I asked. She laughed. "Are you serious right now?" She laughed. I smiled and nodded. "Yes I am." I said. She grew redder and took a deep breath. "Well?" I asked with a sly smile. She slowly smiled and bit her lip. "Ok... yes I will grant you this honor." She laughed. I smiled. "Great. Where would you like to go my goddess?" I asked. She just laughed and looked down.

Lemmy's POV
Marlow had come over and we were watching a movie when Cal burst in through my door. "Hey Cal. Can we be of your assistance?" Marlow asked. I giggled at her sarcasm. "Oh, sorry guys. I just wanted to talk to Lem but I didn't know you were here." Cal said. Marlow and I just shrugged. Cal went to leave but then stopped and turned around. "Why aren't you two dating?" She asked. I choked on my own spit and Marlow smacked my back to help. "I mean, you two are always together. Why not just make it official?" Cal asked. I took deep breaths to get my breathing under control. "Seriously Cal?" Marlow asked angrily. "See! You even stand up for her all the time." Cal smiled. Marlow rolled her eyes. "Leave us alone Cal!" I exclaimed. She put her hands up and walked out.

I was still coughing as she left. "Are you ok? Do you need some water?" Marlow asked concerned. "I'm fine." I waved her off. She laughed a little. "Cal's not wrong you know. I'm the only person you talk to. We could always tie the knot right here and now!" She joked. "You know, down here in hell that isn't very uncommon!" I joked back. We laughed together. "I wouldn't mind though. You're my best friend Lemmy. I don't even think I can imagine you being intimate with anyone now that I think about it." Marlow said. "Yeah. That's cause I'm not interested in doing anything like like. Asexual over here!" I announced. She smiled. "I know. Still, I wouldn't mind making us 'official' like Cal said." She smiled. I blushed. "Ok. If you really want too." I shrugged. She smiled and took my hand in hers. "That wasn't so hard was it?" she asked. I rolled my eyes and we looked back to the movie.

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