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Connors POV
Max and I are walking to class. "Santana?! Are you serious? She's a whore dude! And you wanna date her?" Max asked shocked. "It's not nice to call our friends whores." I protested. "Why her though? Like I could see if you liked her body like every other fucking guy, but you like her personality!" He exclaimed. "What can I say? I like a strong woman." I shrugged. "Strong gag reflex." He rolled his eyes. "I'll tell Blaire you said that about her best friend." I smirked. "No! Please don't. Look Connor, I know this is your first year at a public school cause your dads homeschooled you for whatever stupid reason, but you have to understand that there are some lines that you can't cross. Dating Santana, is the worst line." He said. "You're overreacting Max." I shook my head. "Ok! But I warned you." he sighed. 

Santana POV
"Hey Satan" Blaire came up to my locker. "Hey Blaire" I said. "So I was with max this weekend and guess what" she said excitedly. "Ooh a night alone with Max? I'd rather not hear the details" I laughed. "No not that! He's a virgin. Anyway, Max said that Connor is crushing on you" she said. "Really? I didn't take Connor for that kind of guy" I said shocked. "He's not. He actually wants to date you" she said. "Date?" I said, surprised. I've never been on a real date. First guy I dated just wanted to hook up. After that I had a glow up and then everyone just wanted to hookup. No one ever wanted a relationship. "Look, Connors a good guy. Maybe you should give it a try" Blaire suggested. "Maybe" I said. I shut my locker and we walked to class.

We're in history class. We're just copying notes from the book. People are chatting and the teacher is on his phone. Seems as good of a time as ever to talk to Connor. "Hey Connor, I heard a rumor that you like me" I said. Might as well get to the point. He went pale. "God dammit Max" he grumbled. I giggled. "Do you wanna hang out at the sports bar tonight?" I asked him. "Wait what?" He looked up at me. I laughed. "Look Connor, I've never dated anyone, so this is new to me, but it'll be better if I get to try it with you" I said. He smiled. "Um ok. Then yeah sure" he said. 

Connors POV
"Hey dude!" I yelled. "Yeah?" Max asked. "What the hell?" I asked. "Oh did Santana find out?" he asked. "Yeah now talk!" I said. "I'm sorry. Blaire was manipulating me" he shrugged. "Ugh, you're lucky this ended well" I groaned. "How? Did you ask her out?" he asked. "No, she asked me" I said. "Well... isn't that good?" he asked confused. "It would be, but now I think she's just doing it to spare my feelings!" I said. "Oh..." he said. I wanna go out with Santana but knowing that she's never dated before makes me worried. Does she just wanna spare me? Is she trying to actually be with me or not? It's confusing.

Santana and I ate dinner and then went to the back to play in the arcade they have. I haven't been here in a long time. I know I had a good reason to not come back but I can't remember it and it's worrying me. "Hey are you ok?" Santana asked. "Oh yeah. Just zoned out" I lied. She laughed. "You cant lie to me. I have powers remember." She said. I sighed. "There's something I cant remember about this bar. It's driving me insane" I said. "Like a person or a thing?" She asked. I shrugged. We heard a loud obnoxious laugh behind us and it all came rushing back to my head. "Now I remember" I said, annoyed. "That girl?" Santana asked. I nodded. I heard a gasp. "Conny!" She yelled. The girl ran to me jumped on me. "Oh my god! Caitlin get off me" I shoved her away. "Why? Aren't you happy to see me?" she asked. "I broke up with you last year, remember!?" I snapped. "Come on Conny. You know you miss me" she said. "Do I? No I don't. You're annoying and you don't shut up" I said. "Well then why are you here? You never come here because I work here" she said. I can see Santana holding in her laughter. Caitlin tried to kiss my cheek but I pushed her away. Santana cleared her throat. "Who are you?" Caitlin asked. "Uh, I'm his girlfriend, so back off" Santana stood up. My eyes widened in shock and I looked at her confused. "What?!" Caitlin exclaimed. "Fuck off Caitlin" I said. "How can you move on so quick?" she asked. "Bitch its been a year! Now back off my guy!" Santana pushed her away. Caitlin tried to come back but Santana snapper her fingers and Caitlin stopped mid step. "What did you do?" I asked. "I froze her. Now lets get out of here before it wears off." She said. She took my hand and we ran out.

"Sorry about that. I really forgot she worked there" I said. "Its fine. I love back talking a bitch" she laughed. "Why did you call me your boyfriend?" I asked. "I didn't. I called myself your girlfriend" she said. "Is there a difference?" I asked. "Not really no." She smiled. "So why'd you say it?" I asked. "It screwed with that girls head, didn't it?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah I guess." I said. There was a short silence. "I bet you'd like me to be your girlfriend." She said. I looked over at her. "Santana, I don't care what you look like or what your reputation is. I just want to be with you." I said. She took a deep breath. "That's hard to believe, coming from a guy." She said. "I can imagine it is, but I promise I will do whatever I have too to prove that I'm not like those guys." I said. She perked up as she got an idea. "Ok. Then I have an idea." She smiled. "What?" I asked. "I'll tell you what Connor. We can give this a shot, so long as you promise to keep it in your pants until I say otherwise." She said. I nodded. "Ok. Sounds easy enough." I shrugged. She huffed a laugh. "You really aren't like those other guys." She smiled. I smiled back. "So. I'll see you later?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "I'll see you at school." She said. 

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