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Cory's POV
Ever since I got to this earth, I've been on the hunt for a partner. Without the mafia, life has been very boring. My sister just got a girlfriend, Jackson started dating this Hunter girl,  and even Mason is flirting with Claws daughter, Taylor. "Hey Cory" Cacey walked up to my locker. "Hey case" I greeted. "Anyone catch your eye?" She asked. "Not yet" I said. "What about him?" she pointed down the hall. "That's a freshman" I said. "So? I'm dating a sophomore" she shrugged. "I know and I'm not like you" I huffed. "Ok. What about that girl? She's a senior." Cacey pointed to someone else. "Why do you do this? Just let me find someone myself!" I growled. She sighed. "Can you hurry up? You're taking to damn long." She huffed and walked away.

When I got to class, all the seats had been changed again. So I searched around the room for my new seat and sat down. A boy sat down beside me. He was tall, had red hair, fox ears, and a tail. According to the note on his desk, his name is Jason. I stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out where I know him from. Then it clicked. He's apart of the Fate family. One of the twins. He's pretty hot for a fox. Looks like Cacey can stop getting up my ass, because I just found my next target.

When I got to my next class, I sat next to Cacey. "I found him" I announced. "Who?" She asked. "Jason. That ginger kid all the way across the room" I gestured with my head. She looked over. "Good luck" she said sarcastically. "Why?" I asked. "Kat said that Jason plays hard to get" she said. "I can play that game" I said. "But for how long? Jason left a guy hanging for a year" she said. "So? I can do anything. Including him." I smirked. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, but when you get shot down, just remember, I told you so." She said. I glanced over at Jason and ended up staring at him for a while. My tail was wagging and I didn't even notice. I was hypnotized. I only looked away when his brother, Jack, looked at me like I was insane. "You get caught?" Cacey asked. "Shut up." I huffed.

Jason's POV
"Dude Cory likes you" Jack said. "That was random" Taylor raised an eyebrow. "I just caught him staring at you" jack said. "Cory? Like that Cory?" I glanced behind me. Cory's talking to his sister. "Yep that's him" jack said. I turned back to jack. "There's no way" I said. "Give him a shot Jason. You're single and its senior year" he said. "What? You're single!" I snapped. "No. I have a girlfriend" he argued. "Oh are you and Ryann official now?" I asked. "Yeah we- hey! Don't change the subject. You're gonna go out with that guy and give him a real chance or else" he said. "Or else what?" I asked. "Or else I'm burning your mannequin" He threatened. "No! You already tore apart Janessa! Leave Whitney alone!" I cried. "Give him a chance, or it's Whitney's head." Jack threatened. I groaned. "Fine." I huffed. There was a short silence. "Are we gonna talk about how you name your mannequins?" Taylor asked.

Cory's POV
"Hey Jason" I walked up to his locker. "Hey Cory" he greeted. "Do you wanna go out?" I asked. "That's a bit forward. The answers no anyway" he said. "That's not an option" I smirked. "Still no" he said. "I know you play hard to get, but I can play that game for centuries babe" I said. "I'm not your babe" he huffed. "Yes you are. Whether you admit it or not is your choice, but you're mine" I said. "Good luck finding me" he walked away.

Mason and Jackson took me to a skating rink later that night. While I was on the floor, I noticed some wheels that were lit up and flashing. I couldn't see the person wearing them, but it was almost impossible to mistake the tail coming from them. "No way. Looks like it wasn't so hard to find you after all." I smirked to myself. 

Jason's POV
I work at the skating rink most weekends. It provides me the money to run my online shop. I skated over to the wall to meet with my co-workers. "Hey Angel. Hey Tom" I greeted. "Hey Jason" they said. We talked for a bit but then I heard a thump. Someone ran into the wall to stop themselves. "Looks like I found you" I heard. I turned around. "Cory... why are you here" I asked. "I'm here to skate with my friends, but then I saw this guys ass and I thought, I know that tail" he said. "Go be with your friends" I pushed him away. "You're not getting rid of me that easily" he said. "Whos your friend Jason?" Tom asked with a smirk. I growled. "This is Cory. He's a pain in my ass" I said.. "Not yet" Cory smirked. "Cory!" I yelled. He laughed. "We'll let you two talk" angel said. They skated away. "You two suck!" I yelled. Cory just wagged his tail behind me. "What?" I asked. "Skate with me" he offered. "Is that a request?" I asked. "Yes" he held out his hand. I leaned over the wall. "No" I spat, and I took off.

Cory's POV
"He's so perfect" I said to myself. I went back over to my friends. "Hey you took off" Jackson said. "Yeah sorry" I said. We got food and then there was an announcement. "In thirty minutes our glow in the dark skate will start. If you don't have lights, then get them now because you wont be able to skate without them" a guy announced. "Lets go get tickets so we can get lights" mason said. We played the dumb arcade games and got flashing neon lights to wear. Jackson has a necklace, mason has three bracelets, and I have these weird glasses.

When the skate started I saw all the people who had light up wheels like mine. There was a set of orange wheels that caught my eye. Of course it was Jason. He stopped to talk to his friends again so I decided to mess with him. I ran into the wall again. He sighed and turned around. "What is it Cory?" He asked. "Cant I just say hi?" I asked. "Like that's what you were gonna do" he huffed. His friends laughed and left him again. "I hate you!" He yelled at them. "Your glasses look stupid" he said to me. I took them off and handed them to him. "You want them?" I asked. He hesitated but took them. "Now will you skate with me?" I asked. "You cant even skate without these glasses" he said. "Yes I can. My wheels light up" I said. "Since you asked correctly this time sure" he said. "Yes!" I cheered. "Stop acting like a dork" he said.

Jason's POV
"Hey kid" Layla said. "Hi mom" I greeted. "How was work" she asked. "Fun as always" I said. "I only ask cause you brought one of those dumb prizes home and you never do that" she said. I looked down at my shirt. I forgot that I still had his glasses. "Who is he?" Mom asked. "What?" I jumped. "You're blushing. Whos the guy?" she asked. "No one!" I panicked. "It's Cory" jack walked out of his room. "Fuck you" I spat. He smiles. "Whos Cory?" Mom asked. "Cory is one of Quinn's friends from earth 32. He has a thing for me" I said. "You need to stop leading people on Jason. If you like him than tell him" she said. Jack let out a laugh. "You think I cant tell him?" I asked. "I think you wont tell him" he said. I huffed and walked into my room.

He might be stalking me. Cory showed up to my work the next night. "Hey babe" he said. I looked up at him. "Why are you here again?" I asked. "Because I can" Cory shrugged. He sat down next to me. "You never give up do you?" I asked. "You never give in do you?" he mocked me. I smiled and laughed. "I like your smile" he said. "You're a dork!" I said. "But you like it." He smirked. I sighed and looked down. "I guess I do." I admitted. "Wait what? Really?" He asked. I nodded and looked back up at him. "Yeah. Really." I said. "So...?" He asked, confused. I exhaled deeply. "Yes Cory. I will go out with you." I said. He smiled. "Yes!" He cheered. I huffed a laugh and looked away. "I gotta get back to work. See ya." I stood up and skated away.

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