Happy Birthday!

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Lizz POV
"Happy birthday" Kara walked into our room. "Did you let me sleep in?" I asked while I stretched. "Of course" she at down beside me on the bed. "Its not like we have school" she said. I grabbed Kara's arms and dragged her down on top of me so I didn't have to get up. "Ah! Lizz! The door is wide open!" She laughed. "I don't care. I wanna hold my girlfriend." I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. "I'm your wife babe." She corrected. "That's even better." I kissed her and she smiled against my lips. "Will you two get up? I want to eat." Zephyr peeked her head in the door. I looked over and Kara glared at me. "Told you so." She said. I rolled my eyes and got up. 

"Happy birthday Lizz!" Heather smiled at me. "Thanks" I smiled back. I'm not all that thrilled for my birthday. I'm a twin and I don't think I've ever spent one birthday with Kat. She always has a party on earth 32 and I always have a party here, so it's not like we have much time to see each other. Our dads switch over every year so they get to see us. I was confused seeing Charlie in the kitchen. "Hey dad... why are you here? I thought it was Zeds year." I said. He panicked but tried to hide it. "It is. He'll be here soon enough." He shrugged. "And why are you here? Go see your other daughter!" I said. "I have to wait for Zed! And you need to watch your mouth." He said. I sighed and shook my head. 

Earth 32
Kats POV
I open my eyes to find no one here. I got out of my cage and changed into my human form. I got dressed and walked out of Santana and I's bedroom. I walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of orange juice. I took a sip, set it down on the counter, and then pulled out my phone. I raised an eyebrow at the date. "Do I have something to do today?" I asked myself. Aurelia 32 walked past me and then stopped. She backed up and looked over at me confused. I looked at her. "What?" I asked. She stared at me a minute more. "Isn't it your birthday?" She asked. My eyes widened. "Oh shit! Yeah it is!" I said. "Happy birthday." She shrugged and walked away. "Thanks." I said. 

I walked back to my room, still confused on how I forgot it's my birthday. Santana 32 looked over at me. "Happy birthday Kat." She smiled. I looked over at her. "Thanks" I said. "Your dad wants to see you." She pointed at the floor. I nodded. "Ok. I'll go see him." I said. I teleported down to the basement and looked around. "Dad?" I called out. "Kat! Over here!" Zed yelled. I ran over to him. "Happy birthday." He smiled. "Thank you. Weren't you here last year?" I asked. "Yes, but your dad and I have a special gift for you and Lizz." He said. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm gonna give it to you first. But you have to promise not to tell your sister until later tonight ok?" He said. I nodded. "Ok. Does that mean I'll actually get to see her tonight?" I asked. "Open your gift and find out." He opened his phone and handed it to me. I took it and looked at his text messages. My eyes widened. "You canceled the party?" I asked. "Yeah. Because you'll be going to a different one." He said. I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you dad!" I exclaimed. "Of course. Now you better hurry and get to earth 31. Your friends are waiting for you. And remember, don't let Lizz see you until later." He said. "Ok!" I grabbed my portal button and quickly pressed it.

I fell out into the driveway on earth 31. I stood up and brushed myself off. Blaire ran up behind me and hugged me tightly. I squealed. "Ah! Blaire... you're crushing me!" I exclaimed. "Not possible. I don't have super strength." She said. She put me down and I smiled at her. "I do!" Santana punched my shoulder. "Ow! That really hurt." I rubbed my shoulder. She laughed. Cleo honked the horn from in the car. She stuck her head out the window. "Are you guys coming or not?" She asked. "You can't drive! Get out of my seat!" Santana yelled. "Hurry up then!" Cleo smiled. We all went to the car and I got in the back with Cleo. "Hey there Kitty Kat. Happy birthday!" Cleo said. "Thank you Cleo." I said. "So when's the wedding?" Blaire asked. "What wedding?" I asked. "Yours. Don't you have to get married when you're sixteen?" She asked. "Well first of all, I'm single. And second, I actually don't. Tublo council doesn't know I exist so I'm not under their rule." I said. "So, if you're single, does that mean I can still sit on your lap to look out the window in my dog form?" Cleo asked. We all looked at her weird. Even Santana, once she stopped at the light, turned around and looked at her weird. "What? It's for stability." Cleo said. I rolled my eyes. "Can that be my birthday present from you? You not sitting on my lap?" I asked. "Sure! That saves me money." Cleo shrugged. "You suck." Blaire laughed. Cleo shrugged.

Lizz POV
Kara is taking me around town while the adults set up my party. I'm in the car with my head against the glass. "Where are we going?" I asked. "I told you. We're going to pick up some special people" she said. "We are no where near a train station or an airport" I said. "I know. We're going to this field" she pointed at the GPS. "That's in the middle of nowhere!" I exclaimed. She sighed. "Will you stop being difficult" she said. I huffed.

We walked into the field and waited for a minute. "I'm bored." I groaned. "Be patient babe. They're right there." She pointed into the sky and I looked up. A small ship flew down and landed in front of us. "No way that's who I think it is." I said. The small door opened and three ferrets hopped out of it. They all shifted into their human forms and then looked over at us. "Aunt Blaze!" I smiled. "Hey Lizz. Happy birthday! ...Ugh I hate this form." Blaze looked down at herself. "You're just as sexy as you ever were babe." Jay smirked at her. "Hey! Not in front of the kid." Blaze exclaimed. "It's her birthday! She's an adult as far as I'm concerned, and that's her wife." Jay shrugged. "I meant our kid." Blaze groaned. Jay looked at Ritz who was not paying attention. "She's heard worse." Jay shrugged. Kara giggled. "Come on. Charlie's waiting." She said. We followed her back to the car. 

Kat's POV
The girls and I came back to the house and the party began. "Lizz!" I hugged her. "Kat!" She was stunned. "Aunt Blaze?" I asked confused. "What's going on? This is a weird birthday" Lizz asked. "Well we wanted to give you the gift that you both wanted. Each other" Charlie said. I hugged him. "Thanks dad" I said. "Kat you may want to wait on the thanks because you're probably gonna hate me" he said. "Why?" I asked. "There's another reason Blaze is here today" Zed said. I turned to face her. "I'm apart of the council. ...They found out about you" she said. My eyes widened. "Am I gonna die?" I asked. "No, but you do have to get married. Since you're related to me, you have until your eighteenth birthday. I'm really sorry Kat" she said. I just stared at her for a minute. "It's ok. It's not your fault." I shrugged. I walked away.

Lizz followed me out. "Are you ok?" She asked. I took deep breaths and shook my head. "No. I'm gonna die." I said. "You're not gonna die." She said. "How can you be sure of that?! I haven't dated anyone in years, and even then it wasn't that serious!" I panicked. "You have time Kat. Everything is gonna be fine." She tried to calm me. "No you don't get it Lizz. It's different for me. Earth 32 is way different than earth 31. Tublos don't even exist there! How could I possibly find someone I love enough to marry, get them to feel the same, get married, and then have to explain this jumping back and forth bullshit! People on that earth don't think that deep. I'll never find anyone who can understand my lifestyle!" I exclaimed. "Your lifestyle?" Lizz asked confused. "This, Lizz. Jumping back and forth. Living on both worlds. Knowing two versions of everyone. Not being able to speak my mind because I might expose something I wasn't supposed too. Like when Sky transitioned. I already knew! But I couldn't say anything, could I? It's really hard to live my life Lizz. Really, really, hard." I said. She frowned and kept quiet. "You got so lucky Lizz." I said. She walked to me and hugged me. "You don't need to find someone who can understand. You need to find someone who can learn. And no ones a better teacher than you. You're the strongest, bravest, most talented, person I know Kat. You're gonna make it through this." She said. I rested my head on her shoulder. "Happy birthday Lizz." I said sadly. "Happy birthday Kat." She responded. 

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