Wake Up

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Embers POV
"Babe... babe.... babe wake up" I shook Amber awake. We fell asleep at her house last night, but now we're at mine. "Hmmm, we don't have school today" she groaned. "I know, but we're not at your house anymore. We're at mine" I said. "What?" She said confused. She peeked her eyes open. "How?" She sat up. "I don't know. Do you think somethings wrong?" I asked. "I think you worry to much" she yawned. "Come on babe. You have to admit this isn't normal." I said. She shrugged. "Ill call my moms and see what happened" she said. "Ok" I said. She stepped out of the room.

"Ok this is bad" she came back. "What is it?" I asked. "No one answered their phone except Charlie, and he didn't even know who I was" she said. "What the hell?" I asked, confused. "Is this a prank because I don't think this is funny" she said. I got up and grabbed my phone. "Maybe we should call some of our friends. I'm sure there's someone who will pick up" I said.

Connors POV
I woke up in a huge white room. Across the room were tons of bunk beds with my friends scattered across them. "Where am I?" I asked. I feel like this is a dream. There's a door at the other side of the room. I ran up to it and pulled on it. The handle wont budge. I heard a flush and water running. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Santana opened the door. "Its just a bathroom babe" she said. She walked over to her bed. "Santana what's happening?" I asked. "I don't know. I woke up and we were all here. I thought that was a way out but its just a bathroom" she shrugged. I hit my fist against my head, trying to think. "Their dads!" I remembered. "Whos dads?" Santana asked. "Riley's, Golds, and Reds. I bet they're behind this" I said. "Yeah, because that makes sense" she said sarcastically. "We'll explain when everyone gets up" I said.

When everyone woke up, the arrows and I explained everything. "Ok so what do we do?" Kara asked. "Well who isn't here?" Lizz asked. "Quinn's not here" Kat said sadly. I didn't even notice Kat was here. "Ok who else?" Lizz asked. "Amber and Ember aren't" Kara said. "My siblings aren't" Ella said. "Is that it?" Lizz asked. "Riley and Emma aren't here" Dylan said. "Ok so we're missing people and we don't know what to do because, once again, there are no adults" Lizz said. "I wouldn't say none" Arc walked up to us. "Arc?" we said confused. "Yep. Look, after listening to what you've said, I would think that they've created a world where the arrows never existed. Without the arrows, Apollo wouldn't have had a reason to stay on earth. Meaning she would go back to the moon and Caroline would follow, also meaning Khloe would never come down. All of your parents never got their powers and never became heroes" he explained. "So why are you here?" Santana asked. "Well without Apollo I wouldn't exist, which means that without the arrows, none of us exist" he said. "This is bad" Kat said. "Yeah" Cleo agreed. "But why are all those other people not here" Retro asked. "Well, Quinn would exist without the arrows, and since Riley is Henrys daughter, he's not gonna lock her up. Id assume that he's got Emma locked up somewhere else. Amber and Ember would also exist without the arrows. As for Ella's siblings, I don't know" he said. "Maybe they just forgot?" I suggested. "Maybe. Or maybe he didn't know they existed in the first place" Arc said. "Its not like they've made an appearance" Ella said. "So all our hope is on Ella's siblings and the two time travelers?" Santana asked. Arc nodded. "We're fucked" Cleo said. "No guys. I know they can do this. We have to trust them" Ella said. "We don't have very much of a choice" Cleo said.

Lila's POV
We rushed to HQ immediately. Dad told us about his day at work and we figured something would happen. "Ella!" I yelled. "Dylan!" Josh yelled. "Sky!" Mia yelled. "They're all gone" I said. "So we're all alone, and we have to fight these adult men by ourselves?" Mia asked. "Seems like it" josh said. "Oh ok just kill me now" she said sarcastically. "Guys, this is no time for games. Lets get suited up and figure something out" I said. 

We suited up and started looking around the live room. Josh is brown, Mia is teal, and I'm white. "Josh keep watch while we try to find something" Mia said. He walked to the balcony and watched over the city. "You're gonna trust him?" I whispered. "We don't have a choice" she said. I nodded. "Besides it'll be fun to watch when he dies first!" she yelled to him. "I heard that" he yelled back. 

Ambers POV
We called everyone and the people that did pick up, didn't know us. All of our friends didn't pick up. "Ok so we cant work here because I don't have tools for this, and we cant go to your house because Charlie is there, so where can we go?" Ember asked. "If everyone is gone then lets go to arrows HQ. Maybe we can get something there" I said. She nodded.

We got our sticks and ember used a portal to get us there. We entered the live room and no one was there. "Its empty" ember said. "Don't move" We heard a boys voice. I heard an arrow being pulled back. "Turn around" he said. We turned. "Who are you?" He asked. "Josh?" I asked confused. "Who are you?" he asked again. "We've never met in person, but I know your sisters" I said. "How do you know them?" he asked. "Josh stop acting like an idiot" Lila pushed him away from us. "This is Amber. The girl I told you about from school" she said. He stared at her blankly. "Kara's new sister?" She asked. "Oh! Ok, sorry" he said. "Its cool" I shrugged. "This is ember" I said. "Why are you guys here?" Mia asked. "Well we tried calling everyone but no one picked up, and if they did than they didn't know who we were" I said. "Come on lets go over what we know" she said. 

"We found out that the spell they cast is a time spell. It makes it seem as if the arrows never existed. Meaning that all of our parents are spread out across the world, and in some cases worlds" Lila said. "Some cases?" Ember asked. "Well Heather, Caroline and Khloe are probably on the moon, and Zed is probably on earth 32" Lila explained. "Riley, being the smart girl she is, left a note. It says that she knows that her dad will waist no time to cast this spell. She says that she doesn't know what the spell is or how to stop it but she does know that no one will remember you the same and everything will be different. She also says that all the kids will probably be locked up somewhere so there's no way we can find them" Mia read us the note. "So what do we do?" I asked. "Better question, why are we still here?" Ember asked. "Since the spell was cast by Henry and David, we think that they don't know we exist. But as for you two. You're lives don't depend on the arrows existing, so it doesn't affect you" Mia said. "So, does the rest of the world remember everything like we do?" I asked. "Supposedly, yes, which makes this all the more confusing." Josh said. 

Ember and I de-transformed. Its not like we're fighting anything right now. Mia is trying to read Zill's spell book to find something, but I don't think she can read it. "I got it!" She slammed the book down on the table. The slam woke up Ember and I laughed. "This is the spell. I don't know how to say it but basically it can change two events in the past, and changes everything in the present" Mia said. "So that means Henry and David used the two changes to make things right with their kids" Lila said. "But how do we fix it?" I asked. "To fix it... we have to return everyone's memories" Mia said. "And how do we do that?" Josh asked. "We have to remind them who they are. It says that this is only done when a family member talks to them" Mia said. "Great, so all we have to do is talk to our mom and dad and we're good" josh said. "How am I gonna get to the moon?" I asked. "Good luck?" Lila said. I groaned. "But wait how will we get everyone else, if all the other kids are gone?" Ember asked. "And there's the problem" Lila groaned. 

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