End Cycle

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Kats POV
I'm worried. My eyes are running out of color combinations. Right now they're both black, which means there's only one more combination. Its September and this kid is coming soon. "So how do you know the gender?" Quinn asked. "Uh, its really just a magic x-ray" I said. "Ok, so are you gonna tell me the gender yet?" She asked. "You ask me this everyday" I said. "Because you haven't told me!" She exclaimed. "Fine, you wanna know?" I asked. She nodded aggressively. I used my magic to make a balloon. "Here. Pop it" I said. She took it and pulled out her pocket knife. Then she stabbed the balloon and blue confetti fell from it. She looked at me shocked. "It's a boy?!" She exclaimed. I smiled and nodded. "You better start thinking of a good name." I said. She smiled and hugged me. 

Hiding the secret from my friends has been hard. They're getting suspicious. "So do you girls wanna go get drinks tonight?" Cleo asked. "Sure" Santana said, and Blaire nodded. "I cant. I'm having dinner with Quinn tonight" I said. "Ok" Cleo sighed. That's the only excuse we have and it's getting old. Suddenly, I felt something start to climb up my throat. My eyes widened from the feeling. "Are you ok?" Quinn asked. I put my hand over my mouth and ran out.

Quinn's POV
Her friends looked at me weird. "She probably got food poisoning or something" I said nervously. "Yeah, with you two going out to dinner every fucking night" Blaire snapped. I sighed. Her friends have never liked me. "You act like that's my fault. I just go with what she says" I said. "When you say it that way, it sounds like you're hiding something" Cleo said. "I would never hide anything from Kat, and you guys are just being protective" I said. That's not technically a lie. I wouldn't lie to Kat. Just to them. Kat came back in and sat down slowly. "Are you alright?" I asked. She nodded. "Just don't touch me." She said, nauseously.

Kats POV
"So like this?" Quinn asked. "Yes you did it!" I smiled. Her ferret walking has gotten a lot better. "You're getting really good" I said. "Thanks, but I think its best if you teach him to walk" she said. I laughed. "How about I do ferret form, and you do human form" I said. "Deal" she nodded. I nuzzled into her neck. "Wow... are we really doing this?" Quinn asked. I looked up at her. "Are you afraid?" I asked. "I'm terrified." She laughed. I smiled. "Everything's gonna be ok. I promise." I said. She smiled nervously and nodded.

"Quinn!" I yelled. She came running up the stairs and I transformed her into her ferret form. I was already in mine. "What the-? Its happening?" She asked. "Yeah" I groaned in pain. She knew what to do but I could tell she was anxious. She wanted to help me, but she couldn't touch me. Our bodies raised into the air, and in a small blast of magic, we were lowered. I fell over and Quinn helped me up. I looked down to see a small black ferret with two white stripes on his sides and one green stripe down the middle. I bent down and nuzzled him. He squeaked and it was cute. "So. What's his name?" Quinn asked. "I told you to pick." I huffed. "You made him. It's only right that you name him." She said. I sighed. "Chandler. His name is Chandler William Blaster." I said. "Perfect." Quinn smiled.

I transformed Quinn and I back, and then I transformed Chandler into his human form. I handed him to Quinn and then plopped down onto the couch, out of breath. "Did you put together the crib?" I asked. "Yeah its in the other room" she said. She didn't even look at me. "If I knew you were gonna love him more than me than I wouldn't have done it" I laughed. "You're just jealous" she said. "Yes I am. You're lucky, little man" I said. Quinn sat down beside me and I laid my head on her shoulder. I was to tired to stay awake. The Tublo cycle is meant to have two people. Since Quinn is a human, she couldn't go through the cycle. Doing it all by myself was more draining than I expected.

"Hey Lizz" I walked into the lab. "Hi Kat. What's up?" she asked. "I have something to show you and our dads, so come on" I said. Lizz and my dads got in the car and I started the drive over to my house. "So what are you showing us?" Charlie asked. "You'll see" I said. "Is this what you've been hiding?" Lizz asked. I sighed. "Yes" I huffed. I pulled into the driveway and we walked inside. 

"Babe I'm home!" I yelled. "Shut up!" she yelled back. My dad glared at me. "She has a good reason dad" I said. Chandler must be sleeping. I brought them upstairs and Quinn hugged me. "You guys ready?" I asked. They nodded in confusion. I opened Chandlers room door an Lizz freaked out. I had to hold her mouth shut with my magic so she wouldn't scream. "He's sleeping" I growled. She stopped squirming and I let her go. "You had a child!?" Zed whisper yelled. "Yes dad, and don't be mad, because this is something that Quinn and I both wanted" I said. "What's his name?" Charlie asked. "Chandler" Quinn said. "Why didn't you tell me I'm an aunt!?" Lizz snapped. "It was a surprise" I shrugged. "He's so cute" Lizz looked down at the small ferret. "I'm happy for you girls" Charlie said. "Great! Because we have a favor to ask" I said. He raised an eyebrow. "Could you watch him while we go to school? We've been trading off days" I said. "Of course Kat. We'll watch him for you" Zed said. "I can't believe you're so calm." Quinn said nervously. "Tublos often have kids when they're young. Zed and I were really late with you two." Charlie gestured to me and Lizz. "I'm not calm. I'm screaming on the inside." Lizz said. "Ha! You and me both." I agreed. 

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