Marrige Issues

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Heathers POV
I heard Santana's door slam and it made me jump. "I thought I told her to stop doing that." Aura grumbled. "I'll go talk to her." I said. I walked across the house to my kids hallway and knocked on Santana's door. "Hey, are you ok in there? Your mother is gonna yell at you if you don't have a good reason for slamming the door." I said. "Sorry mom! I uh... just a second!" Santana called. I stood there for a moment waiting. Soon, Santana came to the door. She looks nervous. "What happened?" I asked. "Um..." She didn't know what to say. She just backed up so I could come in. I peeked my head in and my eyes widened. Blaire was sitting in Max's lap, crying her eyes out. Cleo was sitting next to them rubbing Blaire's arm. "What's going on?" I asked concerned. "Chloe and Lea were fighting again. Last night Lea packed a bag and left without a word. She hasn't come back, and Chloe hasn't said anything about it." Santana explained. "Blaire thinks they're... well..." Cleo led on. "She's gone Cleo! Just say it! They're getting a divorce!" Blaire yelled. My eyes widened. "I'll be right back." I said. "Wait mom, don't!" Santana yelled, but I had already darted out the door. 

Chloe's POV
I was pulling weeds in the garden outside when it randomly started pouring down rain. I groaned and looked up. "What the hell!" I yelled in frustration. I heard thunder rumbling. "Oh shit." I said shocked. I wasn't expecting rain today but it sounds like I should go inside now. As I walked to the door, I realized that the rumbling was getting closer. I turned around to look and saw something flying at me. I panicked, but before I could even react, I was snatched off the ground, flown up into the air, and slammed back down into the earth. I groaned in pain just as Apollo bolted down and pinned me to the ground. "What did you do?!" She yelled. I just groaned in response. Everything hurts. "Ugh! You're such a pussy." She rolled her eyes. She got up, grabbed my arm, and dragged me inside. 

After sitting on the couch, wrapped in a towel, for a few minutes, I could finally breathe normally again. "What do you mean, 'what did I do?'" I asked. "Where's Lea?" Apollo asked. "Business trip." I shrugged.  "And did you ever bother telling Blaire that?" she asked. "Oh! I knew I forgot something." I said. She groaned and looked down. "What? Lea and I were fighting about her going away for so long. And this morning, things weren't any better. So we forgot to tell Blaire." I shrugged. Apollo wiped her hands down her face. "Are you guys getting divorced?" She asked. My eyes widened. "What?! Dear god no! Why would you think that?!" I shrieked. "I don't! But you know who does?!" She asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Your fucking daughter! The girl who's sitting in Santana's room with all her friends and her boyfriend, crying you fucking eyes out right now! You and Lea have been fighting for so long, that she thinks you two hate each other!" Apollo exclaimed. My jaw dropped. "What? No! No we don't hate each other!" I said nervously. "Why are you explaining this to me?! Go tell that shit to Blaire!" She yelled. "Ok! Ok, I'm going." I said.

Blaire's POV
There was another knock on Santana's door. I had managed to stop crying and now was just sitting in Max's lap. Santana opened the door and immediately backed up to let the person in. She looked stunned. I glanced over and my eyes widened when my mom stuck her head through the door. "Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked. She frowned. "I uh... I heard you needed some clarification." she said. "Oh no. I'm out." Santana left and Cleo followed. "Do you want me to go?" Max asked. I sniffled and thought for a moment. "Yeah. Just stay by the door." I said. He nodded and left. Chloe came in and closed the door. 

"Heather went to find you?" I asked. Chloe nodded. "She's my best friend. Of course she did. She definitely loves you more than she loves me though because she beat my ass in the front yard at the thought of me hurting you." She said. I huffed a laugh and looked down. Chloe sat down beside me. "Blaire, I love your mother, and she loves me. Nothing in the world could ever change that. We are not getting a divorce Blaire. I'm so sorry that we made you believe that." She spoke slowly. "Then why are you always fighting?" I asked. She took a deep breath. "Ever since Lea got her new job a few years ago, all she ever does is complain about it. She hates that job. Hates the place, her co-workers, her clients, everything. It's been making her depressed, so I've been pushing her to quit. I know I've been pushing a little to hard, but I swear it's for her own good. She doesn't see it that way though. That's why we're always fighting. I just want her to be happy again. She doesn't want to quit because I don't make a whole lot of money, and she doesn't want us to drop into poverty if she quits." She said. "But I have a job!" I said. "Blaire, you and I make minimum wage. And you're a kid. You deserve to get to spend some money on useless stuff before life swings in and takes those things away." She said. "There's no way we'd drop into poverty mom. With where she works now, I'm sure it'd be really easy for her to get another job." I said. "I know that, and she does too. But I guess the fear in her head is louder than the reasoning." She said. "So then why'd she leave this morning?" I asked. "She's just on a business trip. Another thing we fought about because she really didn't wanna go." She sighed. "Oh." I said. "I'm so sorry Blaire. We never meant to upset you." she said. I smiled. "It's ok mom." I said.

We left the room. "What happened?" Max asked. "It's ok." I smiled. I hugged him and he rubbed my back. "I'm gonna go home. I'll see you tomorrow." I said. "Ok. I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said. I walked out into the living room and stopped. "Heather?" I asked. She looked over confused. "My mom told me what you did." I said. She just blinked a few times. "Ok?" She asked. I walked to her and hugged her. She hesitated but hugged back. "Thank you." I whispered. She smiled. "You're welcome Blaire." She said.

When we got home, Lea was on the couch watching tv. Chloe and I looked at each other confused. "Mom? Why are you back?" I asked. "Trip got cancelled." She said as she flipped through channels. I was gonna go upstairs to my room but Chloe stopped me. "Wait Blaire. You need to talk to her too." She said. Lea got confused. "Talk to me about what?" She asked. I sighed and walked back over. "I uh... I thought that since you've been fighting so much that... that you were gonna get divorced." I said. Lea dropped the remote in shock. "And she spent an hour at Apollo's crying about it!" Chloe added. Lea stood up and walked to me. "No! God no. I'm so sorry Blaire." She said. I hugged her and closed my eyes tightly. "I know. It's ok." I said. I pulled away from her as the tears started to form again. I took a deep breath to hold them back. "We're never getting divorced Blaire. I promise." Lea said. I nodded. "Yeah, and just for good measure-" Chloe walked to Lea, pulled her in by her waist, and kissed her passionately. My face grew red and I looked away as Lea wrapped her arms around Chloe's shoulders. "Woah... you haven't kissed me like that in a long time." Lea said breathlessly. "I know." Chloe smiled. Lea laughed and stared at her for a moment. She huffed. "Ok. Fine." She caved. "What?" Chloe asked. Lea shrugged. "I'll quit." She said. "Really?!" Chloe exclaimed. I smiled. "Yeah! Ok I'll quit! I'm gonna find a new job before I do that because I don't trust my luck, but yes, I'll quit." Lea said. Chloe kissed her again. I laughed and went back up to my room.

There was a knock at my window. I looked at it confused and walked over to it. My eyes widened in terror and I quickly opened the window. "Lime arrow, what the fuck are you doing here?!" I snapped. "I wanted to make sure you were ok." He said as he climbed through my window. I helped him down and closed the window. "I'm fine. My moms are fine." I said. "That's great!" He smiled. "Shh! They can't know you're here!" I whisper yelled. "You want me to leave then?" He asked. He took a step back towards the window and I grabbed him by the sides of his jacket. I pulled him up close to me. "Now I never said that." I smiled. He took his mask off and smiled at me. I leaned in and kissed him passionately. He was stunned. "What was that for?" He asked. I shrugged. "I wanna love you the way my moms love each other." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "By fighting?" He asked confused. I laughed and shook my head. I turned him around and shoved him down on my bed. I climbed over him and straddled his lap. "I guess you could call it fighting." I smirked. His eyes widened and he sat up. "Blaire I've never done this! Also I'm supposed to be on patrol right now, and let's not forget that your parents are home!" He said. "They're downstairs, and I can guarantee they're doing the same thing I'm suggesting right now. Also, once Connor and Santana have their first, you and I will be the least of the arrows problems." I smirked. He gulped. "I... ok." He said nervously. I leaned down to him. "It's ok Max. I promise. I would never do anything to hurt you. I want to do this because that's how much I love you." I told him honestly. "Ok Blaire." He smiled. I kissed him again. "I love you Max." I said. "I love you too Blaire." he said.

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