Capitolo 1

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y/n's first memory of her childhood was happy and sad at the same time. 
Happy because she had met a person who changed her life.
Sad because she had lost someone who was important to her. 
She was barely six and she was crying because she had skinned her knee. 
The next moment an older kid with blue eyes and short brown hair approached her, kneeling next to her on the ground. 
-Why are you crying?- he asked her in a calm tone. 
-I...I hurt my knee...- she sniffled, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. 
-It doesn't look so bad.- he said, looking at it -Here, let me fix it.- he smiled at her, taking a napkin from his pocket and putting it on her knee as a bandage -See? It's okay now.- he said, holding out a hand for the little girl. 
She took the boy's hand, a bit unsure, and she stood up. 
-T...thank you...- she muttered, smiling at her "saviour" -What's your name?- 
-I'm James Barnes. What's yours?- he asked, returning the smile. 
-I'm y/n Rogers.- she introduced herself. 
-Can you walk? Does it hurt too much?- he asked.
-Not that much.- she shook her head.
-Where do you live? I can accompany you.- he proposed. 
-I live in Brooklyn.- 
-I live there too, let's go.- he smiled as they started walking to her home. 
When they got there and knocked at the door, immediately her mother, Sarah, went to open the door and saw the two kids. 
-Oh goodness, y/n what happened?- she asked, noticing the bandage on her knee. 
-I fell and I got hurt, mommy, but my new friend James helped me.- she explained, as the woman let them in.
-Oh, hi James. Thank you so much.- Sarah said to him, smiling. 
-Good afternoon, Mrs Rogers. You're welcome.- the boy greeted her.
The three of them went into the kitchen so Sarah could clean y/n's little wound. 
-Steve and I started to worry.- she said to her daughter.
-I'm sorry mommy.- y/n answered, in a guilty tone -I didn't mean too.- 
-Don't worry, my sweetheart. Steve! Come here, please.- Sarah said, raising her voice. 
-Coming mom.- a voice said from the other room. 
The door opened and a boy walked in.
He was as tall as his sister, if not a little shorter than her, despite their year of difference. 
When Steve saw the other boy he widened his eyes.
-Bucky?- he asked in surprise.
-Oh, hey Steve.- James greeted him, looking at him with a confused smile -She's your sister?- 
-Yeah, she is. Why are you here?- Steve said to him, approaching them.
-She was crying because she hurt her knee.- he said.
-And he helped me.- the little girl stood up, smiling at them.
-You know him, Steve?- Sarah asked her son, picking up the stuff that she used to clean up y/n's wound. 
-Yeah, he's my friend Bucky. I told you about him, remember?-  
-Oh, yes. I'm sorry.- she smiled sweetly at the three kids -Why don't you three go and play for a little? I'm baking some cookies.- 
-Alright, see you later mommy.- the youngest hugged her mother, kissing her cheek, then they left. 
When the woman was sure that they had left, she coughed, noticing some blood on her hands. 
She felt her head spinning around before losing consciousness, falling on the floor and hitting her head.
Alarmed and worried by that sudden noise, the three kids ran into the kitchen.
Immediately y/n kneeled down next to her, with tears in her eyes. 
-I'm going to call someone.- Bucky said, running out trying to find some grown-ups to tell them what had happened. 
Steve walked next to his sister, placing a hand on her shoulder. 
-It's going to be fine. Don't worry.- he said, trying to comfort her and not crying. 
He was a man and he didn't have to cry. 
In the next hours their mother passed away and the two children were left alone with their father, Joseph, who died some years later, during the war. 
He wasn't the best father and from that day both kids decided to count only on themselves and Bucky. 
Steve and y/n eventually grew up. 
Steve was short for his age and fragile, because had some health problems, like asthma, high blood pressure, heart trouble, and others, but like these wasn't enough he often was attacked by bullies on the streets and Bucky had to save him. 
y/n, unlike his brother, was healthy and had inherited her mother's beauty but also her father's stubbornness.  
During his final years of life, Joseph tried to get y/n to marry someone, but she claimed she didn't want to be remembered as someone's wife and always rejected any guy her father tried to get her to marry. 
She had always had a soft spot for her brother's best friend, James Bucky Barnes. 
y/n couldn't remember when these weird feelings started, but one day she realized that when he gave her a simple compliment, she found herself blushing pretty hard and she stammered a "thank you".  
During the years she understood that, for him, she was just "Steve's little sister" and nothing more, and this made her a little sad, but she didn't give up on going on some dates with almost any gentleman who asked her out.
This situation began to bother Bucky more and more, year after year.
He kept telling himself that it was simply because he saw y/n as a little sister and nothing more and because he didn't want her to feel bad for some jerk who didn't understand how amazing she was.

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