Chapter 37

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As y/n and Bucky got in the tower, and Jarvis let them in, immediately Tony rushed to them, with a grin that went from ear to ear. 
-I know.- the genius whispered, as their faces turned pale and their eyes widened. 
-You know what?- she asked, trying to play it cool and looking around, making sure that no one else was there. 
Luckily enough it was the three of them. 
"Maybe he's just bluffing. You know how Tony is. Calm down, y/n, and everything will be okay." she thought, taking a deep breath, while Bucky stood there, not knowing what to say or what to do without messing up the situation even more. 
-I know about your smooching last night.- Tony smirked, raising his eyebrows. 
Bucky and y/n's heart skipped a beat when finished the phrase. 
-How?- Bucky whispered.
-I simply asked Jarvis to see the footage of the Sergeant's room and he showed me.- Tony explained in an obvious tone -It was actually pretty cute if you ask me. Your speech was very touching. Dad had told me about your "relationship".- 
-There is no relationship. There never was a relationship.- she said, trying to convince him. 
-Oh, come on.- Tony threw his arms in the air in a very dramatic way -In every car of mine there is a hidden microphone so I accidentally heard you.- he said, as his smirk grew.
y/n was convinced that he had done it voluntarily, but there was no way to be sure of that.
"We're fucked." y/n and Bucky thought, looking at each other.
-Tony, please don't say anything to Steve or anyone. Please, please, please.- y/n begged him, bringing her hands together. 
-Hey, hey, calm down Icy. I hadn't any intention of telling him. Do you really think so little of me?- he said, in a fake offended tone as y/n and Bucky sighed in relief. 
-Thank you, Tony, so much.- she said, hugging him, as he raised his hands, showing Bucky that he wasn't touching her, making the supersoldier smile in amusement -What do you want me to do this time? I know you want something.- she said when they broke the hug, in a joking way. 
-Nothing, y/n/n, why do you think that?- he said in a weird smile. 
-I know you wanted to ask me something. So? Go on, come on.- she said. 
-So...May called me a while ago and told me that Peter's teacher wanted to talk to her, but since she is out of the town asked me to go.- he explained. 
-You're asking me to go?- 
-Ehm...yeah.- he nodded -And once you're there you could pick him up.-
-Yeah, alright. I can do that.- y/n nodded, smiling -Any idea on why they want to talk about him? Peter is such a cute and educated boy.-
-Not one. Now, excuse me, but I need to go, I have a meeting with people and Pepper will be there so I need to get there in time. Bye.- he said, walking to the elevator. 
-Bye Tony. Good luck and say hi to Pepper from me.- she said, sitting on the couch, followed by Bucky. 
-I will try.- the genius said with a smirk, disappearing as the metallic doors closed themself. 
-Hey Jarvis. Where are the others?- Bucky asked, looking around. 
He wanted to hold her hand but he didn't know if anyone else was around. 
-Captain Rogers, Mr Wilson and Mr Odinson are training, Miss Maximoff and Vision are out, Mr Barton went to his family, Miss Romanoff went to visit her sister, while Doctor Banner is at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, I think Doctor Selvig needed help with something, and Mr Stark just left the tower.- the AI explained. 
-Okay, so it's just me and you.- y/n said, fixing her gaze on his blue eyes -There is something that could make you feel a little better?- she asked, repassing mentally all the things that they used to do back in the days. 
She wanted to make him feels safe and comfortable after all those years that he had passed being tortured and alone. 
Bucky smiled involuntarily as her face wrinkled and squeezed her brains out. 
He had almost forgotten how cute was when her nose scrunched up.
-I don't really know.- he said, thinking about it -What about a cake? You used to make all those good cakes.- Bucky said, remembering it. 
-Yeah, I used to follow mum's recipes. But honestly it's years that I don't cook one of those.- y/n admitted, smiling nostalgically. 
-Come on, I'm sure you still can.- he encouraged her, placing a hand on her knees, without noticing it -But I want to help too.- 
-Alright, Sergeant.- she nodded -Which one do we want to make? Cinnamon apple bundt cake? Butter half cake? Orange cake? Red velvet cake? Coconut cloud cake?- she began to list them, counting on her fingers. 
-What would you say if we start with a simple chocolate cake?- Bucky said, scratching his neck a little embarrassed, because he didn't know how to cook.
-Sure thing. For the beginners it's the perfect.- she smiled sweetly at him. 
They both stood up and walked to the kitchen, asking Jarvis if there were any ingredients they needed to buy.
Once they were sure they got everything, they placed dark chocolate, butter, sugar, flour, cocoa powder, eggs, baking powder for cakes on the table, and started mixing the ingredients. 
-Do you want some music while you two cook, Miss Rogers and Mr Barnes?- Jarvis asked. 
-Yes, J. Thank you. Put on some old music. Y'know, 40s stuff, if you find something.- she answered, mixing the eggs. 
-Sure thing, Miss Rogers. You may like this.- the metallic voice said as the music started. 
The old nostalgic music filled the room as y/n and Bucky started to swing their body a little, but without getting closer. 
Once the cake was in the oven they gave each other a high five.
-It smells delicious.- Bucky said as his nostrils filled with an amazing smell.
-It looks delicious.- y/n added, taking off her apron, as he did the same. 
-You have some flour there.- he pointed to her cheek and she wiped it. 
-Is it gone?- she asked. 
-Nope, it's still there. Wait.- he said, taking a couple of steps forward and wiped carefully her cheek with his thumb, making her blush at that contact -Now it's gone.- he smiled. 
-Thanks.- y/n simply said, kissing his cheek. 
At that moment a familiar song started playing. 
It's been a long, long time by Harry James. 
-Can...can I have this dance?- Bucky asked, offering her metal hand to her, which she immediately grabbed.
-Yes, you can.- she replied, nodding. 
Bucky's hands were placed on her waist and y/n's arms were around his neck. 
Their faces were a few centimeters from the other as their breaths were mixed. 
Their bodies started moving around the kitchen like everything else around didn't matter anymore. 
-Kiss me once. Then, kiss me twice. Then, kiss me once again. It's been a long, long time.- Bucky sang, while y/n rested her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. 
They felt good. 
Too good to be true.
But it was and they still couldn't believe it was true. 
When the song finished they stayed in that position for a little longer, not wanting to let the other go.
Suddenly Jarvis talked, making them both flinch for fear. 
-Miss Rogers, Mr Stark wants me to remember you to pick up Parker from school.- the AI said.
-I know. Thanks for remembering it to me, J.- y/n said nodding -Please don't tell anyone about this, okay? Not even Tony.- 
-Alright. I also apologise for this morning.- the voice added.
-Don't worry. It's okay.- Bucky said. 

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