Chapter 29

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On their way, y/n told Bucky a lot of streets and various places that he should have tried as soon as possible. 
Bucky and y/n arrived at the mall and she pulled it into the first clothes shop she saw, despite a lot of people looking at them, they had probably recognised her. 
-Come on, Buck. Let's find something for you.- she said, walking through some shelves full of shirts, stopping time to time to ask Bucky about the new item that she had seen. 
After around an hour, they had found a few t-shirts, the majority of them were long-sleeved, a couple of hoodies, a leather jacket, some pants and sweatpants. 
-Buck, I found this other jacket. It's military green. Do you want to...- she said as she opened the dressing room curtain -...try it?- she breathed out as she saw him, blushing pretty hard, despite it wasn't the first time she had seen him shirtless. 
Bucky was turned from behind, but the mirror reflected the rest.
He was wearing only pants and bare chest so the joint of his metal arm was visible.  
There were some scars where the attachment was. 
Bucky immediately tugged her in and closed the curtains behind her, not wanting people to see him and his metal arm. 
The space in that dressing room was already small, now that there were two of them was even smaller.
Bucky and y/n were almost chest to chest and their breaths were mixed. 
She slowly raised her hand, with her eyes in his, almost inviting Bucky to stop her if he didn't want that contact, but he didn't say anything, so she brought her hand on his shoulder, touching his scars.  
"He probably tried to rip it off a few times." y/n thought, looking sadly at him, as her fingers drew the lines. 
-I...sorry...I know it's disgusting...- Bucky said in a whisper, lowering his gaze. 
-No, absolutely not. Hey. Hey. Look at me, Buck.- she said, cupping his face and raising his face so he could look at her.
-But it's disgusting. I think it's disgusting.- he said, placing his hands on her shoulders and trying to push her away, but she resisted.
-Don't say this, please...Bucky...don't. I don't think it's disgusting. I think it's cool, actually.- she said trying to smile, as she stroked his shoulder. 
-Yeah, sure you do.- he said ironically, rolling his eyes. 
-I really do, Buck. You should know I don't say stuff I don't think.- y/n said, then passed a hand in his hair, making Bucky's heart skip a beat -Will you at least look at me when I'm talking?- 
-Sorry...I'm just...I'm sorry.- he said, looking at her and placing his hand on her, that was still on his cheek. 
-Don't apologise. It's not your fault. Alright? Come on, give me a smile, Sergeant.- she said as he smiled and scrunched his nose. 
-Is this better?- he asked, as y/n's cheek burned up a little, she just nodded and took a step behind. 
-Try these while I'm going to find a dress for the dinner.- she said pointing at the clothes with her gaze as she opened the curtain a little and left Bucky, who had just nodded a little. 
When she was gone he looked at the mirror and started at his metal arm. 
"If she says it's cool, it is cool. She'd never lie to me, right? No, she wouldn't." he thought, shaking his head, trying to calm his heart that was beating too fast. 
Then he tried on the last jacket that she had brought him. 
y/n walked through various mannequins wearing beautiful dresses.
After a careful look, she took two dresses that she thought would look good on her and she headed back at the dressing room.
In that moment Bucky had come out of it with his hands full of the clothes he had tried. 
-Hey y/n/n. I think these are okay.- he said, placing them on a chair.
-Good. I found these and I'm gonna try them on.- she said as she walked in and closed the curtains. 
y/n put on the first dress and looked at herself in the mirror.
It was a light blue smock dress that reached her mid-thigh, with long puffy sleeves that ended up tighter on the wrists and a slight black belt on the waist.
It looked good on her but something felt wrong. 
-Hey Buck. What do you think?- she said, opening the curtains and letting him see her, as she spun around. 
-It''s pretty...very pretty...- he stammered, admiring her. 
"It doesn't look good on her. It does look amazing." Bucky thought as he saw her. 
-It is really pretty, just not for a dinner out, y'know?- she pointed out, frowning a little -But I think I'll buy it anyway.- she shrugged, closing the curtains again.
The second dress was a very simple black sheath dress, very skin tight, that reached just above her knees and low-cut on the breast. 
y/n looked in the mirror and smiled at herself  even if the zip was only half closed because she couldn't close it alone. 
This was the perfect dress for a night out.
Even if for her this wasn't a date though.
But she didn't know if for Tony this was or not a date. 
-You want help with the zip?- Bucky asked from outside. 
-Yes, please.- y/n answered, opening the curtains -Oh and tell me what you think.- 
When he saw her his jaw almost dropped and his heart started racing. 
"She's just...just..." in his mind he couldn't find the word to describe her. 
The way the dress was wrapped around her waist and chest.
Her curves were all where they were supposed to be. 
He tried to keep calm and took a couple of steps forward, as she pushed her hair to one side and he closed the zip. 
-I's...okay.- Bucky said, panicking.
The very next moment he wanted to slap himself. 
That was more than okay, far far more. 
y/n felt a little bad.
"Just okay?" she thought, looking at her. 
-Oh, okay.- she said, trying to shake that feeling away. 
-No, I meant...I do look very good in that dress...more than look amazing.- he said, blushing and stuttering, looking away. 
-Thanks Barnes.- she said as her cheeks rose up.
y/n put back her clothes on and they went to pay, then they came back to the tower. 
As they got back they found Peter walking on the ceiling, who was trying to find Clint.
-Hey sweetie, we're back.- y/n waved at him.
-Hey y/n. Hey Mr Bucky.- Peter waved back at them.
-Isn't he too young to be a superhero?- Bucky whispered to her, looking at the kid. 
-Aren't you too old to be alive?- the spider answered, hearing him. 
-Peter, hey! We are about the same age.- y/n complained, trying not to laugh. 
-Sorry y/n, I didn't mean too.- he said, coming back with his feet on the floor and hugged her.
-Don't worry, it's fine. Just don't spend too much time with Tony.- she joked. 
-I will try.- he smiled sweetly. 

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