Chapter 4

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That night y/n wore a red dress with some white flowers, a pair of black shoes and for makeup just a reddish lipstick. 
She looked in the mirror and smiled at her reflection. 
"Looking good, Rogers." she told herself, adjusting the skirt with her hands. 
She walked out in the living room and her brother looked at her. 
He always knew his sister was pretty, but that night she was even more beautiful. look amazing, y/n.- Steve told her, giving her a warm smile. 
-Thank you, Steve.- she hugged him. 
-It''s mom's dress, isn't it?- he asked, admiring the dress. 
-Yeah, it is. I thought...I thought it was a shame to leave it there in the closet.- she answered, with a half smile. 
-You look so much like her...- he breathed out, looking away, but she didn't hear him. 
A couple minutes later someone knocked at the door. 
-We're coming! Steve, let's go. Bucky's here.- she said, smiling at him. 
She opened the door, finding Bucky in his uniform in front of her.
When he saw her his jaw almost dropped.
He had never seen someone as pretty as she was that night. 
-Hey Barnes, you okay?- Steve asked him.
-Yeah...yeah, I'm okay.- he shook his head to drive those thoughts away remembering that she was his best friend's sister -Can we go? Our dates are waiting.- he said. 
-Yeah, let's go.- Steve answered him. 
-By the way, y/n/n, you look stunning, sugar.- Bucky smiled at her.
She widening her eyes, feeling her cheeks burn up and her heart beating faster. 
-Thanks Barnes, you look good too.- she tried to play it cool -Did you find a date for me?- 
-I couldn't find any, sorry. No-one I knew was worthy enough for you.- he shrugged, as they walked to the place of the appointment. 
-So I can just go back home then.- she said in an angry tone and sad tone. 
-Why? Just because you don't have a date it doesn't mean you can't go out, y/n.- Steve told her.
-Steve is absolutely right. You look too good to stay home.- Bucky nodded, trying to convince her.
She smiled at both of them. 
-Alright let's go. You don't want to make two ladies wait, do you?- 
-Let's go then.- they told her, continuing walking. 
Once the two girls joined them, they headed to the Expo. 
As they walked through the Expo there were a lot of amazing things and stands, and y/n looked amazed by all of that stuff. 
-Jamie, I want popcorn.- Bucky's date said in the sweetest tone y/n had ever heard. 
And she didn't like it, but she couldn't say anything about it.
-Sure thing, Connie.- he answered her, smiling as she took his hand in her -y/n, do you want some?- he asked, turning to her.
-No, thanks. I can buy them by myself.- she said, rolling her eyes -I don't need a man to buy me stuff.- she added, muttering to herself. 
-Do you want some popcorn, Bonnie?- Steve asked the girl, who in answer gave him a "who do you think you are to talk to me" look. 
-There is the Stark stand there, let's go.- Connie squealed excitedly. 
-Who's that on the stage?- y/n asked, confused. 
She had never seen that man before.
He was good-looking, not as much as Bucky, but still good-looking. 
He had charmed the whole crowd, just with his words. 
-That's Howard Anthony Walter Stark. He is an inventor, scientist, engineer, businessman and movie director.- she said, indignant -How do you not know who is he?- 
-Unlike you I have stuff to do in my life...- y/n whispered, but apparently Bucky had heard her and chuckled a little. 
-Look! Look!- Connie tugged his arm.
When y/n looked, she saw a car fly.
In fact it had risen at least a meter before falling, making everyone present laugh.
-That was cool.- she said, amazed, turning to her group. 
Then Howard looked in her direction and winked at her.
She, unsure what to do, just waved back at him with a shy smile. 
Probably she wasn't the only one who noticed, because the next moment Connie turned to her and with the angriest look, Bonnie and Steve seemed surprised while Bucky was somewhere in between jealous and angry. 
-Did you see that?- Steve said to Bucky. 
-Yeah, I did.- the other nodded, keeping his gaze on Howard. 
"Why is this even bothering me? I'm with Connie." he told himself, but he couldn't shake that feeling away. 
y/n was still looking at that man, as he gestured to her to wait for him. 
Howard made space in the crowd until he reached them. 
-Hey.- he smiled at her, approaching them.
-Hi.- she said, looking at him a little confused. 
y/n couldn't understand what he could want from her. 
-I'm Howard Stark. And this beauty is...-
-I'm y/n. y/n Rogers. Pleasure to meet you, sir.- she said blushing, holding out her hand, which he took and placed a kiss on it.  
Bucky had to summon all his strength to not kick him. 
-Hi, I'm Connie.- she said, doing her doe eyes. 
-Hey.- he looked at her for a second, before moving his gaze on y/n again -I noticed you and I wanted to tell you that you that you look absolutely breathtaking, in case nobody had told you that.- 
-Yeah, I did. So back off.- Bucky said, activating its battle mode, placing himself by y/n's side. 
-Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that she was taken.- he said, raising his hands in surrender. 
-I'm not taken, actually.- she said, smiling and giving Bucky a bad look. 
-Oh, that's amazing. Can I invite you to come with me for a while? We could walk around, could eat some cotton candy or popcorn, if you want.- he proposed. 
-Yeah, yeah. I would like it.- she smiled. 
It was time to repay Bucky with the same coin. 
-y/n, just don't come back home too late and be safe, alright?- Steve smiled at her. 
-Don't worry, Steve.- she nodded. 
-I will bring her home, she'll be perfectly fine.- Howard smiled at him -Let's go then.- he said as they walked away, chatting. 
-Why did you make her go? He could be dangerous.- Bucky snapped at his friend. 
-I'm not our father. She can make her own decision.- Steve said.
After a while Bucky brought the girl to dance, but Steve didn't want to go.
Instead he met someone who made it possible for him to join the army.

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