Chapter 18

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When, the next morning, Peggy walked around, waiting for Steve or y/n's news, she heard the Colonel speaking, as a man was typing on the typewriter. 
-Senator Brant, I regret to report that Captain Steven G. Rogers and Miss y/n Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third. Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful. As a result, I must declare Capitan Rogers and Miss Rogers killed in action. Peridot.- he finished his dictation, as he noticed Peggy walking up to him. 
-The last surveillance flight is back. No sign of activity.- she sighed. 
-Go get a cup of coffee, Corporal.- he ordered. 
-Yes, sir.- the man answered, going away. 
-I can't touch Stark. He's rich and he's the Army's number one weapons contractor. You are neither one.- he said, raising his voice. 
-With respect, sir, I don't regret my actions. and I don't think Captain Rogers and Miss Rogers did, either.- she said. 
-What makes you think I give a damn about your opinion?- he said, with a look full of scorn -I took a chance with you, Agent Carter, and now America's golden boy and a lot of other good men are dead, 'cause you had a crush.- 
-It wasn't that. I had faith.- she said, not breaking eye contact. 
-Well, I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down.- he said then he turned his head to all the men who were running outside -What the hell's going on out there?- he asked, following the others.
Peggy did the same, hoping to see their two familiar faces.
Meanwhile, Steve, Bucky, y/n and the other soldier, followed by some tanks and trucks, had just reached their base. 
Everyone cheered up, seeing their companions alive and safe. 
-Look who it is!- someone yelled. 
The three of them walked up, until they faced the Colonel, behind who was Peggy, who was smiling. 
Steve and y/n saluted the Colonel.
-Some of these men need medical attention.- Steve said, pointing at the men with his gaze. 
-Medic, we got wounded. Right over here.- she pointed to the men who were injured as the doctors arrived. 
-I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action.- Steve said with a serious face. 
-Yes, me too.- she added, not wanting to leave him alone. 
-That won't be necessary.- he said, looking at them, almost smiling. 
-Yes, sir.- they said in chorus, smiling. 
-Faith, huh?- the older man asked, turning to Peggy, then he left.
Peggy walked to them, placing herself in front of Steve.
-You're late.- she said as her eyes flicked between his eyes and lips.
-Couldn't call my ride.- he explained, showing her the broken transporter, smiling at the woman.
-Did I miss something?- Bucky whispered to y/n who chuckled a little. 
-Yes, yes, you did.- she shrugged a little.
-Hey! Let's hear it for Captain America and Miss Captain!- Bucky yelled at the other soldiers, who immediately started clapping and shouting. 
-Let's go to the infirmary. We need to be checked out.- y/n told the two men, who followed her inside. 
Once the nurse had stitched them up, she told them to rest for at least a day. 
When they were on their way to their room, someone's voice arrived from behind. 
-You don't use the transporter so I don't know where you are, you made me worry all night and when you came back you either care to tell me you're here. You're trying to get rid of me?- the masculine voice asked, there was no seriousness in his voice.
The trio turned around and when she saw Howard she ran to hug him. 
-I'm not. I swear.- she laughed a little, as his arms wrapped around her. 
When Bucky recognised that man, his smiling face changed, turning into an annoyed and frowned expression. 
-You better don't. Do I need to remind you that I'm a weapons contractor?- he smiled at her. 
-No, you don't, Stark. I know.- she laughed. 
-He is the one of the Expo, isn't he?- Bucky asked his friend, as his hands clenched into fists.
-He sure is. He built the machine for the serum and he was driving the plane that brought us to the hydra base.- Steve shrugged, not moving his gaze from the two who were having a chat.
-I need to kill you now, through.- she said becoming a little more serious -You said it was safe, then why a man, with bright red skin, without nose and hair tried to kill us?-
-So you met him. Well...- Howard looked away. 
-Are you telling me that me and Steve could end up like him?- she said, scared. 
-No, of course not.- he immediately added -You two are good people. He was a monster even before the serum. That's why the doctor chose you.- he explained, reassuring the girl. 
-Then alright. I feel a little better now.- she said smiling sadly at the memory of the doctor. 
-I'll let you rest. Good job Captains.- he smiled -I'll see you around?- 
-You will.- she nodded, then walked away.
y/n reached again her childhood friend and her brother, as they walked all in her room, which was the biggest, so they could talk a little.
-Anyway, what part of "don't do anything stupid until I come back" you didn't understand?- Bucky asked as he and Steve laughed.
But not y/n.
She was still thinking about Schmidt's words. 
Bucky noticed her expression.
-y/n, are you okay?- he asked her.
-Yeah, Buck. Don't worry.- she shrugged, not wanting to make them worried.
-If you are thinking about what said, don't worry. You're better than him. I've known you and Steve for more than 10 years. You are nothing like him. You're one of the you're the most amazing woman I've ever met. You care about others, you have done things for anyone who needed help, and everyone knows that. So never, ever again compared yourself to that monster. Okay?- he asked, taking her hand in his.
-Thank you, Buck.- she nodded, smiling and feeling her heart lighter.
-He's right, y/n/n. Howard, for how much I hate to admit was right. Remember that the doctor chose us.- Steve said as y/n smiled at them, happy to have them by her side. 
Now the three of them were together again as they used to be. 
But for how long? 

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