Chapter 5

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The next morning when Steve woke up and headed to the kitchen, he noticed that y/n wasn't there. 
He walked to the living room and saw Bucky sleeping on the couch. 
The night before they wanted to wait awake for y/n, but they fell asleep. 
-Buck...Buck!- Steve called him, touching his shoulder. 
-What?- he asked in a raspy voice, still half asleep. 
-You have to leave in a couple of hours, pal, and I'm gonna see if y/n is in her room.- he remembered him. 
Bucky immediately sat and his eyes widened. 
-Oh shit.- he stood up, ran to the bathroom and started to wash himself. 
-Language.- Steve complained. 
-It's not funny, Steve.- Bucky yelled from the other room.
The whole night the Sergeant had thought about y/n and that guy.
Howard Stark.
Every minute that passed and she wasn't home, it made him more and more anxious. 
He didn't like it. 
Steve setted the table for three and placed the breakfast on the plates. 
After the table was ready, he walked to his sister's room and knocked at the door. 
-y/n. Are you awake?- 
-Mhmh. Give me a minute.- she said, quickly putting on her first dress she found. 
A simple but cute blue dress. 
When she opened the door, she hugged him. 
-Goodmorning y/n.- he smiled. 
-Goodmorning. I'm sorry if I overslept. I came home a little too late yesterday.- she scratched her neck -You waited for me awake?- 
-We tried but we fail.- he said, shrugging -You had fun? Everything went okay?- he asked. 
-Yeah, totally fine.- she nodded, remembering what had happened. 
Howard and y/n had spent their night talking and laughing, eating cotton candy. 
He was a very charming man, but y/n's mind was focused on Bucky. 
After a while he noticed her gaze.
-Look if there was no sparkle, you can say it, don't worry.- Howard smiled at her. 
-I'm sorry. You're amazing, truly but...- she started. 
-But the other guy had your heart.- he completed, nodding a little. 
-But I really like you. Do you think we can be friends?- she asked, placing her hand on his.
-Yeah, absolutely. Perhaps I can make you change your mind.- he joked and she laughed. 
Then when midnight had passed, he had brought her home and they said goodbye to each other. 
-I'm not as good as you are about cooking but I tried.- Steve said, sitting down. 
-It doesn't look good, but it smells delicious.- she gave him a reassuring smile. 
-C'mon. Why is this stuff so difficult to do?- Bucky complained, leaving the bathroom. 
-Goodmorning Barnes. Everything's okay?- y/n smiled, trying not to laugh, seeing him in trouble. 
He was wearing a shirt but the tie was done in a horrible way. 
-Oh, goodmorning, y/n. Yeah, more or less.- he shrugged, "fighting" with the tie -How was last night?- he asked, but immediately repented the way he had asked it. 
y/n sighed in a bothered way.
"Why does he even care about it if he was that Connie girl?" she thought.
-It was okay. Howard was very nice and sweet.- she answered dryly -And it isn't your business, anyway.- she added, drinking from her mug -How was your date with Connie?- she asked. 
-Not so well, but it's okay. She wasn't my type anyway.- he shrugged, remembering what had happen.
-Since that girl, y/n, went away you aren't even paying attention to me.- Connie said the night before.
-That's not true, Connie.- he had complained. 
-Oh, shut up Barnes.- she snapped -That's it, I'm leaving.- walking away followed by her friend Bonnie. 
He shaked that memory away. 
-You have just another hour, Buck.- Steve remembered him.
-Thanks pal. Are you two gonna accompany me and say goodbye?- he asked. 
-Yeah, of course.- Steve nodded -y/n? Are you coming?- 
-Yeah, I need to buy some groceries anyway.- she said, standing up and walking to her room again. 
-C'mon, Barnes. What do you have on mind asking her about her night?- Steve asked him, sighing. 
-I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to. It came out in a wrong way.- he answered, standing up and running a hand into his hair -I'll apologise, okay? I don't want to leave after we argued.- 
-Good, good.- Steve smiled at him -I'm going to change. Don't make her more nervous while I'm gone.- he joked.
-I can't promise you anything.- Bucky chuckled as the other disappeared in his room. 
Bucky walked in the kitchen and started cleaning up. 
He wanted to do something for her. 
A few minutes later y/n left her room. 
-Boys, we have less than thirty minutes left. I hope you're ready.- 
-I'm ready and Steve is changing.- he yelled from the kitchen.
y/n decided to reach him.
-What are you...doing?- she asked him, looking at him -You cleaned up? Why?- 
-I simply wanted to help you.- he smiled sweetly at her. 
-Thank you, but you didn't have to.- she looked at the clean plates.
-Listen I'm...I'm truly sorry for what I said before. I didn't mean to be rude to you and I can't leave knowing that we had argued and honesty...I don't even know if I will survive...- he said, gradually lowering his tone. 
-Bucky...don't say that, please...- she sighed sadly -It's okay, you don't have to apologise.- she said, throwing her arms around his neck hugging him, and he held her close.
Both of them enjoyed the other's perfume and warmth. 
"I don't want to leave." he thought, stroking her back. 
When they broke the hug, y/n looked at him. 
-This is embarrassing to ask but...- he started, blushing a little. 
-Do you want help with the tie, don't you?- she smiled amused. 
-Yes, please.- he almost begged her.
-Alright, Barnes. Let me fix this mess.- she smirked at him and undoing the knot he had done.
She quickly re-did it in an almost perfect way.  
-Thank you. You're the best.- he smiled, putting on his jacket -Steve, come on. It's almost time.- 
-I'm here. I'm here.- he walked down the stairs. 
-We can go now.- she said as they all walked out.
-Don't do anything stupid until I come back.- Bucky told Steve hugging him. 
-How can I? You are taking all the stupid with you.- Steve answered, as they broke the hug. 
-I'll miss you, y/n/n.- he hugged her tightly. 
-I'll miss you too, Buck. And don't you dare to die, got it?- she told him. 
-Alright, I'll try. If I can I'll send you some letters.- he said, breaking the hug. 
-Good luck.- she said.
Then she kissed his cheek.
y/n didn't know why she had done it, he smiled one last time before he went with the others.

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