Chapter 8

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-And here we are.- the doctor said, proudly, as the car stopped. 
There wasn't that much to say about the base. 
It was a normal military base, with a lot of muscled men in their uniforms. 
"Everyone here is bigger and stronger than me." Steve told himself, looking around and starting to regret his decision. 
-Hey Steve. You okay?- y/n asked him, seeing him a bit lost. 
-Mh? Yeah, yeah. Are you?- he asked her, noticing the gazes of every male presence on his sister's body. 
-I will be, don't worry about me.- she smiled, trying to reassure him. 
-Rogers, here's your uniform. Go change then get in line with the others.- the doctor told him, handing him some clothes and Steve walked away. 
-Where I will be staying?- y/n asked him, looking at the building. 
-They are still preparing your room, have a few more hours of patience. We are really sorry for this inconvenience.- he said -But you can look at them while they exercice.- he proposed. 
-Alright, don't worry.- she smiled, thinking of other things she could have done instead of that. 
-Your suitcase will be brought directly to your room, so you don't have to worry about it.- he smiled. 
-Thank you. It's very kind of you.- she said. 
-Let this stay between us, if anyone bothers you in any way come and talk to me, I will notify Colonel Chester Phillips and he will take action.- the doctor whispered. 
-Thanks, doctor Erskine, I really appreciate it.- she nodded. 
At that moment Steve arrived, wearing a grey uniform and hat. 
-You look ready for the fight.- the oldest said. 
-I look dumb.- he complained, looking at the others. 
-No, you don't Steve.- she said, looking at him -Yeah, okay, maybe just a little.- 
-She's coming.- the doctor said -Get in line.-
-Who's coming?- he asked, confused, looking in the same direction, but he didn't see anyone. 
-You'll see. Now get in line.- he repeated. 
Steve listened to him, still not understanding why. 
-Recruits, attention!- a feminine voice said. 
y/n saw a woman walking to those men. 
She was wearing a greenish gray jacket, under it you could see a white shirt and a tie. 
-Who's that woman?- she asked the doctor. 
-Listen.- he simply answered. 
-Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division.- she introduced herself. 
-She's the female agent you were talking about?- y/n asked. 
-Yes, it's her.- he nodded, looking at her.
-What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?- a man in line asked her -I thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army.- 
-How can he talk to her like that? Just because she's a woman.- she said, shocked by his behaviour. 
-She can stand up for herself. Just look.- the doctor smirked. 
-What's your name, soldier?- the agent asked, not letting him demoralize herself. 
-Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty.- he answered, smiling. 
-Step forward, Hodge.- she told him, and he did -Put your right foot forward.- 
-We gonna wrassle? 'Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like.- he had a hateful smirk on his face. 
He had just finished that sentence and she punched him in the face so hard that he fell on the ground, making everyone turn to him. 
-Oh my god.- y/n put her hands her mouth -Well he deserved that.-
-He totally did.- the doctor nodded as a man approached the woman. 
-Agent Carter.- he greeted her. 
-Colonel Phillips.- she said, turning around. 
-I can see that you are breaking in the candidates. That's good!- he smiled, then he talked to that man -Get your ass up of that dirt and stand in that line till somebody comes tells you what do to.- and the man stood up. 
-Yes, sir!- he answered, straightening his back. 
As the colonel talked to the men, Peggy Carter walked up to Doctor Erskine and y/n. 
-Goodmorning Doctor Erskine.- she smiled. 
-Goodmorning Agent Carter. You are enjoying your morning I see.- he smirked, pointing with his gaze at those men. 
-Just a little, yeah.- she nodded -I suppose you're y/n Rogers, the sister of the man who the doctor brought here.- she held out her hand. 
-Yes, it's me. It's a pleasure to meet you, Agent Carter.- she shook her hand.
-Please call me just Peggy.- she smiled -My name is Margaret, but I prefer Peggy.- 
-Okay, Peggy. What you've done was amazing. He totally deserved that.- 
-I'm glad you think so. It isn't easy being a woman nowadays.- she shrugged -If you want lessons for self defence you can tell me.- she smiled.
-I will think about it. Thanks for the offer.- y/n smiled back at her. 
-For anything you can come and talk to me. Among women we need to help each other, right?- 
-Absolutely. Thank you.- 
-Alright ladies, I'll leave you two alone, I'm going to work in the laboratory.- the doctor said.
-We'll see you around, Doctor Erskine.- Peggy smiled. 
-Have a good day, Doctor.- y/n greeted him.
After that the two women said goodbye to the man, he walked away, disappearing in the building. 
Peggy and y/n found themself looking at the men working out. 
-If you want to look at them, be my guest, but if you don't want to, you should come with me.- Peggy proposed, with a smile. 
-Please yes, let's go.- she sighed in relief, not wanting to have all those gazes on her. 
-Do you want me to give you a tour around here?- 
-Yeah, the important thing is that we don't stay here.- she nodded. 
y/n and Peggy walked around, chatting a little and asking questions about themself so they could know each other better. 
Both women enjoyed the other's presence because they both felt alone, but now they weren't. 
Peggy showed to y/n the whole base, inside and out. 
After the tour, Peggy needed to supervise the men, who were working out. 
Among them there was Steve, who was visibly in pain. 
y/n waved slightly at him and him in return smiled a little. 
-Granade!- the Colonel Phillips yelled, throwing a rounded object. 
Everyone ran away, trying to get as far away from the grenade as possible or laying down on the ground.
But not Steve. 
He looked at his sister and didn't think twice about it, he immediately jumped on the grenade. 
y/n was still and scared. 
Everything had happened in only a few seconds and her mind was still trying to process. 
Only Peggy had the courage to take a few steps forward. 
-Get away!- Steve yelled at her -Get back!- 
A few seconds later, everyone started to look at him, surprised that the grenade hadn't exploded yet. 
Then Steve sat up, looking around, confused. 
-It was a dummy grenade.- someone said, calming all the presents. 
The doctor smiled at Steve proudly. 
-Is this a test?- he asked as y/n approached him and hugged him. 
-He's still too skinny.- the Colonel complained, walking away. 

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