Chapter 27

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y/n, Steve, Bucky and Sam went up to the main floor and found only Peter, Natasha and Wanda, who were talking on the couch. 
-Look who's back. Hey there.- Nat waved at them. 
-Hey everyone. We brought someone directly from the past.- y/n said, smiling at them -Jarvis, can you please call everyone here. Tell them it's urgent.- 
-I just did, Miss Rogers. Mr Stark asked if he could not come.- the voice said as Bucky flinched in fear, not knowing where the voice came from. 
-No, tell him that he's got to do with this. And tell him that this it's an ordered.- she said looking around.
-The voice you just heard it's Jarvis. You can ask him everything and he will answer.- Steve explained to Bucky. 
Less than two minutes later, Clint got out of the vents, while Vision passed through the wall, Thor entered from the door, followed by Bruce and Tony. 
Bucky didn't see Howard and started wondering when he'd be arriving. 
-So bossy, Miss Rogers. I like it.- Tony said, smirking at her. 
-Shut it, Tin Can. I'm still older than you.- she said, facing him, jokingly. 
-Technically I'm older since you're still in your 20s and I'm in my 30s.- the genius said, pretending to do some calculations mentally. 
-I was born first anyway. Now shut up, Stark.- she said as Bucky widened his eyes.
"He isn't Howard Stark." he thought, looking at him. 
-Sorry, Miss Icy.- he said, going to his shelf and taking a bottle. 
-Why did you summon us, Lady y/n?- Thor asked, sitting on the couch. 
-As you may remember this morning Sam came here to pick us up, because Fury wanted to see us.- she said pointing to herself and her brother -When we arrived we found this man waiting for us. Everyone says hi to Bucky.- she said as he shyly waved at the team.
-Bucky was our pal back in the days.- Steve said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. 
Natasha and Wanda immediately gave a knowing look at y/n. 
"Oh shit. I'm fucked." y/n thought as she remembered that she had talked to them about him. 
-Can you excuse us for a second?- Wanda said, as she and the other redhead linked their arm to y/n's, starting to try to get her out of the room.   
-Steve, please. Don't let them take me away.- she said, in a way too dramatic tone, trying to oppose the two. 
-Nope, I won't go against Natasha or Wanda. They can easily beat me up.- he said, raising his hands in surrender as the two women laughed a little. 
-Tony, please.- y/n cried out. 
-Nope, sorry.- he said, smiling. 
-Anyone? No? I hate all of you.- y/n said -But not you Peter. You're a cutie.- 
The three girls left the room, leaving the eight men and the robot confused. 
-I'm done with this.- Clint said, taking off his hearing aid and climbing on the vents again.
-Bye Mr Barton.- Peter said, while gesturing in ASL. 
Meanwhile the girls were in y/n's room. 
-So?- Wanda and Nat said in chorus. 
-So what? What do you want me to say?- she asked, sitting on her bed. 
-He's here. You're here. Aren't you gonna tell him what you feel?- Nat asked. 
-Hell no. It's been 70 years. I don't even know if he wants something with me. And honestly, I don't think he wants.- y/n said, but lowering her gaze.
-From what you told us I'm sure he liked you, trust me.- Wanda said, sitting next to her friend -If you want I can always...y'know, use my magic.- she said, making her own hands sparkle in red. 
-No, don't, please. I really appreciate it though. Thanks.- y/n smiled -Now let's go back to the other, before they destroy everything.- 
-Yeah let's go.- Nat said, as the other two stood up and opened the door -But you still like him, right?- she asked, smirking. 
-Nat! Shut up!- y/n yelled, blushing. 
-It's a yes, then. Good.- the Russian said, pleased. 
-I'll kill you if you say something to Steve about this.- the Captain said, trying to calm her heartbeats. 
-I won't, I won't.- she smiled, as they entered the main room. 
-They're back.- Vision said, smiling at the women. 
-We already did the presentations, since you three went away.- Bruce said, as they all sat together. 
-That's good.- y/n smiled -So, Tony...- she started, turning to him, who looked at her a little confused -Please, can Bucky stay here?- she begged him. 
-Yes, he can...- he answered, as y/n hugged him. 
-Thank you, Tony. You're the best.- she said happily. 
-But at one condition.- he continued, with a smirk. 
-I knew it was too good to be true.- she sighed, making everyone laugh -What do you want?- 
-A dinner out. Just me and you.- Tony said, taking a sip from his glass, as everyone gasped in surprise. 
It often happened that Tony flirted amicably with y/n, almost teasing her, and she always replied to him, teasing him back. 
They all knew Tony and Pepper were taking a break, but they didn't think he would immediately hit it off with y/n.
Bucky's fists and jaw clenched and he tried not to punch that man.
-At least your father asked me more kindly, without having to "blackmail me".- she joked -But if it means that Bucky can stay here, then okay.- she smiled. 
-Tony I swear...- Steve started talking, with gritted teeth but Thor blocked him -y/n/n, you don't have to if you don't want.- he told his sister, with a softer voice. 
-I know, Steve, I know. I just want to see what have in his little mind.- she answered, then moved her gaze on Tony again -When?- 
-Perhaps today? 8 pm?- he asked, giving a pleased smile to Steve. 
-Sounds good. Now if you excuse me, come on Bucky. I'll show you the tower.- she smiled sweetly at him.
As y/n left the room, he followed her. 
-I'm going back to the lab. See ya later.- Tony said, getting on the elevator. 
-What the frick frack diddily dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac is this shit?- Peter asked. 
-What the fuck, kid?- Steve asked looking at him confused.
-Language, Captain.- he said, proudly as everyone tried not to laugh. 
-I'm going to train.- he said, standing up.
-Maybe you meant under a train?- Nat said, high-fiving Peter as everyone burst out laughing. 
-I'm so done.- he said, sighing and leaving the room. 
-Jarvis, did you record it, right?- Bruce asked, wiping his eyes. 
-Yes, I did, Doc Banner.- the metallic voice said. 
-Good, send it to Tony and y/n, please.- Wanda said, standing up followed by Vision.
-I just did, Miss Maximoff.- the voice answered.

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