Chapter 17

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-What happened to you?- Bucky asked the two siblings, as they were walking out of that lab. 
-We joined the army.- y/n explained in a few words the whole story.
-Did it hurt?- he asked, as Steve walked in front of them to make sure no one was there.
-A little.- the other man nodded. 
-Is this permanent?- Bucky asked, looking at his friend, who was shorter and skinnier than him, when he left.
-So far.- he answered, looking behind his back. 
y/n couldn't believe that they were all together again.
It was too good to be true. 
And yet it was true. 
She was about to say something when an explosion caught their attention. 
Under them there was just fire and destruction. 
Steve leaned against an iron fence, searching for an exit when another explosion made them take a couple of steps behind.
Steve, using his shield protected his sister and his friend, then he noticed some metallic stares and they, without thinking twice, started climbing. 
-Captain America! Miss Captain!- a voice called them -How exciting!- from the opposite part there were two men, a tall one and a short one -I am a great fan of your films!- as he talked, with a weird accent, y/n noticed that on his jacket there was the same symbol that was on the tanks -So Dr Erskine managed it after all.- he was walking to them on an unstable metal bridge, under what there were nothing but flame and explosions, and Steve did the same, while y/n was next to Bucky, who still wasn't at 100% -Not exactly an improvement, but still, impressive.- 
When Steve faced him, immediately punched him in the face. 
-You've got no idea.- Steve answered as the other spectators held their breath. 
-Haven't I?- the German man said, massaging his jaw, then he threw himself on Steve, trying to hit him, but Steve used his shield to parry the punch. 
Then when he looked at the shield he noticed that the fist mark remained. 
And with another punch Steve was on the ground, but the man approached him, Steve hit him with his feet in the chest, making him grunt and lose his balance. 
Noticing that his boss was in trouble, the shorter man switched a level, making the bridge divided. 
-No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see, I was his greatest success!- he said standing up, then he peeled off his face, revealing a bright red skin.
His head now was hairless and noseless.
-You two don't have one of those, do you?- Bucky asked, not being able to not look at that creature. 
-You are deluded, Captains.- the red man said -You pretend to be simple soldiers, but in reality, you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind.- he said as he let his mask go -Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without fear.- he said as the two men walked to an elevator.
-Then how come you're running?- Steve asked as the elevator closed its metal door. 
That man's words had made y/n think. 
What if what he was saying was true?
What if she hadn't more humanity in her? 
What if she had become like him? 
She didn't want to end up like him. 
Another explosion scared them, when Steve looked up he saw an exit. 
-Come on, let's go. Up.- he said, as the three of them started climbing the stairs the more quickly they could. 
The exit was in front of them but to reach it they needed to walk on a thin metal plate.
-Let's go. One at the time.- Steve said to Bucky who was the first who walked to the other side. 
A couple of times the metal creaked under the Sergeant's feet, but he managed to reach a safe spot. 
Both the Rogers let out a sigh of relief when Bucky nodded to them. 
Then it was y/n turn. 
She felt her heart in her throat when she looked down. 
It was too tall and too shaky. 
"You're halfway, y/n, you can do it." she told herself, when the metal creaked under her feet. 
-Shit...- she breathed out, as she noticed that the metal was detached from one side. 
She looked at Bucky who was as scared as she was. 
-Come on, y/n/n. Just another little effort.- he told her with panic in his eyes, but he tried to look calm, the last thing he wanted to do was scaring her. 
-I can't, Buck...I can't.- she said, as she felt a knot in her throat. 
-Just jump. I'll catch you. I promise.- he smiled at her -Like when we were kids. Remember?- he was trying to keep her calm and rational -Trust me. You will be fine.- 
y/n looked down, then took a deep breath and jumped the more she could, closing her eyes. 
For a few seconds she didn't feel anything, then she felt something coming in contact with her body, then fell on the ground. 
-I told you that I'd catch you.- Bucky told her with a grunt. 
His arms were wrapped around her body, keeping her close to him. 
When she opened her eyes he was a few centimeters from her.
Her cheeks immediately warmed up. 
-Thanks Buck.- she said, standing up and offered her hand to him, to help him -You okay?- 
-Mhmh.- he nodded -You?- 
-Totally.- she said, then they looked at Steve. 
The very next moment the metal fell down. 
Now Steve didn't have a way to reach them. 
-Gotta be a rope or something!- Bucky yelled at him. 
-Just go! Get out of here!- Steve yelled back. 
-No! Not without you!- y/n and him shouted at the same time. 
-Hell.- he whispered as a bad idea crossed his mind. 
y/n saw him take a couple of steps behind and immediately understood his idea. 
Steve took a run and jumped. 
Bucky and y/n managed somehow to grab him and help him to climb where they were. 
-Don't do it ever again, please.- she said as her heart was beating so fast that she was afraid that it could explode any second now. 
-I can't promise anything. Sorry y/n/n.- he whispered, chuckling a little. 

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