Chapter 30

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After a few minutes everyone was in the main room again.
y/n started talking to Nat and Wanda, and from time to time she looked over at Bucky who was talking to Steve and Sam, just to check on him.
After a while she noticed that Peter was asking Bucky a lot of questions about the 40s and the war as Bucky asked him some questions too about the present.
y/n smiled sweetly at the interaction between the two.
She enjoyed seeing him being so comfortable to talk to someone who had just met about the war.
-Friends, I am hungry. Does anyone else want to join me for the lunch?- Thor asked, walking in as everyone nodded in agreement.
After deciding what to eat Tony ordered and after a while the food arrived.
y/n was sitting between Bucky and Peter, while Steve was in front of her.
Time to time she managed to steal Steve's fries, without him noticing.
-Hey kid, why don't you tell y/n and everyone the joke you told me earlier? The one about Capsicle here.- Tony smirked as Peter swallowed and his smile got bigger.
-Sure.- he nodded, turning to Steve -I'm sorry for this, Mr Rogers.- then he turned to y/n -What's Captain America favourite coffee?-
-I don't. Which one?- she asked, after thinking about it.
-It's the Iced Americano.- Peter said, as everyone burst into laughter.
Even Steve.
-Yeah, okay. This was good.- the Captain admitted, trying not to laugh.
After they finished their lunch, Steve and Sam went to workout, Thor decided to pay a visit on Asgard, Wanda, Vision and Clint tried to cook some brownies, Bruce and Nat decided to go for a walk, the only ones who were left were Tony who were sitting on the couch, fumbling with something, and Peter and Bucky who were talking.
y/n looked at her watch and decided to go.
-Excuse me, but I have to go and start to get ready for this evening.- the younger Rogers said, looking directly at Tony, who smirked.
Bucky's heart skipped a beat and his jaw clenched.
"Why didn't I ask her out when I could?" he thought, staring at her with a blank gaze.
y/n left the main room and headed to her room.
She walked in her bathroom and asked Jarvis to lock the doors.
She underdressed herself and went into the shower.
After a shower y/n put on her underwear and she began to dry her hair as she found herself thinking that just a couple hours ago she and Steve had got their best friend back.
y/n looked at her figure in the mirror, passing a hand on a couple of small scars that had remained from some missions from the 40s and some more recent ones.
As she finished, y/n put on bit of makeup, just some mascara, a line of eyeliner and some reddish lipstick, as Natasha and Wanda had taught her
Closing lipstick and putting it back in the beauty case, she noticed that it was almost time so she wore the black dress, took her jacket and walked back to the main room, where now almost everyone was talking.
As they heard the footsteps, the whole team turned to look at her and their jaws dropped.
Bucky, despite having already seen her in that dress, couldn't help but stare at her perfect figure.
He thought that her body was perfect the way it was.
-Looking hot, Rogers.- Nat said, looking at her, head to toes, standing up.
-You're gorgeous.- Wanda said, following the redhead admiring their friend.
-Thanks, Romanoff and Maximoff.- the woman said.
-You look amazing, y/n.- Steve said smiling as he looked at her -You could have bought something a little...less low-cut, but you look very good.-
-Thank you, Steve. Now, Jarvis, could you please ask Tony if he's ready?- she asked at the AI.
-Mr Stark said that he'll be there in a couple couple minutes, miss.- the voice answered.
Bucky in that moment felt the same feeling that he used to feel when, in the 40s, y/n usually went out with someone on a date.
That feeling, he had understood just years later, was jealousy.
-Jarvis, can you make Tony hear what I'm about to say?- Natasha asked, with a smirk, as everyone looked at her confused.
-Sure thing, Miss Romanoff.- the AI answered.
-I could be a better boyfriend than him. I would never let you wait.- the Russian spy said to the younger Captain, with a wink.
-I know you wouldn't, Romanoff, I know.- the other winked back as everyone's eyes widened in surprise, making Wanda laugh.
At that moment Tony walked in, adjusting his shirt collar, wearing a black suit and his usual glasses.
-Sorry for the wait. Ready to go?- Tony asked, eyeing her up and down, focusing on her cleavage of her breasts.
-Hey. Eyes up, Stark.- she said snapping her fingers in front of his face -Thanks.- she said ironically, rolling her eyes.
Wanda and Nat had noticed that Bucky and Steve had clenched their jaws but didn't say anything.
-Stark. I will personally kill you if you do something that she doesn't want.- Steve said, walking up to the genius.
-And I will help.- Bucky said, with a killing stare.
-You two act like I couldn't do it by myself. I have the serum too, y'know?- y/n asked, a little annoyed.
-We know you could. We just saying.- Bucky said, raising his hands in surrender.
-I promise I won't do anything stupid.- Tony said, bringing a hand on his chest -Now can we go, please? I'm starving.- he said offering his arm to y/n, as she linked her arm to his, a bit concerned.
-We'll see you later. Bye.- she waved at them.
-And don't...fondue.- Steve said, as they got on the elevator.
-Steven Grant Rogers!- she yelled blushing as Tony chuckled a little, then she turned to him -You know what that means?- she asked.
-Yeah. My father told me about that episode a couple of times. It's my favourite honestly.- he joked.
-Of course he did. It's Howard.- she said, shaking her head laughing a little.

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