Chapter 34

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The next morning when y/n woke up, she didn't immediately recognise the room she was in. 
The dark and the weird shadows of the furniture didn't help her recognise where she was. 
After a moment of confusion she remembered everything about the last night. 
The "date" with Tony, their talk in the park, the drinking, the arrival at home and lastly Bucky's nightmare and their kiss. 
When she realised that she had slept on Bucky's chest the whole night, her cheeks became crimson red.
-Morning doll...- a raspy voice said as y/n's eyes opened wild and her heart raced. 
-Morning Bucky.- she said, yawning and sitting up, but they both immediately missed the other's warmth -Sorry if I bothered you last night. I hope you slept well.- she said, taking some hair off her face. 
-Don't apologise. I slept very well, helped me...I didn't have my usual nightmare after you arrived.- Bucky admitted, giving her a soft smile. 
-I'm happy to hear this, truly.- she said as she crossed her legs and facing him -Do you...wanna talk about..about yesterday?- y/n said, trying to keep the eye contact with him. 
-After breakfast we can go for a walk and talk about it. Is that alright?- he asked, taking her hand and caressing it sweetly. 
-Alright. Yeah.- she nodded, smiling and blushing a little.
y/n stood up and started walking out of the room when Bucky called her.  
When she turned her face to him she saw him handling, or rather struggling, with his necklace and metallic tags. 
He managed to take one of them off and handed the necklace, with still one tag on, to her. 
-Here. I want you to have one of them.- he said as she stood  there surprised -And I'll have the other one.- he shrugged a little. 
-Thanks Buck.- she said taking it and wearing it immediately, wrapping her fingers around it -When we'll go out we can go and buy another necklace for you.- she said fidgeting with it.  
-That sounds great.- he nodded -You can start walking to the kitchen. I'll be there shortly.- he smiled as she nodded and left the room. 
As y/n joined the others for breakfast, she saw Peter walking on the ceiling and trying to drink some juice, Tony yelling at him to stop while Thor was hyping him up to continue, Steve was just looking at them shocked, Bruce and Natasha were having a lovely conversation, like Wanda and Vision, while Clint was drinking his coffee with his hearing aid in his hand and a face that said "I'm so fucking done". 
-Hey, good morning y/n.- Clint said, looking at her. 
-Morning Clint. Morning everyone.- she said as she made the signs for Clint. 
-Oh, here you are. Please tell Peter to stop and to come down.- Tony said as some drops of juice hit his shoulder, soiling his shirt -Peter Benjamin Parker...-
-Oh full name. You better run, sweetheart.- y/n said, smiling at him, as he swallowed scared -What happened?- she asked as Tony walked out, to change his shirt.
-I'm very sorry, Mr Stark!- Peter yelled, coming with his foot back on the floor -Mr Thor said that I couldn't been able to drink upside-down and I wanted to show him that he was wrong.- he explained as y/n glanced over the norse god, with a "are you serious" look. 
-I deeply apologise. It was not my intention of annoying Tony or make him scold the man of spiders.- he said in a guilty tone. 
-Don't worry Thor, Tony won't be mad at Peter for too long, he's too cute.- y/n said, squeezing his cheeks. 
-Thanks y/n.- Peter said, passing her a plate of waffles -Can I ask you something?-
-Sure thing. What is it?- she asked, sitting down and starting eating. 
-Do you think you, Mr Rogers, Mr Barnes and I can drink bleach? Because y'know we have a very fast metabolism.- he said as Steve spat out his coffee and y/n almost choked. 
-Peter, are you out of your mind?!- Steve asked, widening his eyes. 
-Hey, I'm being responsible. If I was out of my mind I wouldn't have asked and I would have already done it, but I didn't and I asked you first.- he defended himself, raising his hands.  
-I don't know and I don't think I wanna know it. But please don't try.- y/n answered then continued eating, as Steve just shook his head sighing and murmuring "kids".
In the meantime Bucky had reached them and, after he sat down next to Steve, he started eating.
-Everything okay? You slept well?- the blonde asked. 
-Yes...yes, don't worry.- he said, looking at y/n for a second.
-Good to know.- he smiled, nodding. 
-Miss Rogers, you should check your bruise. I suggest you put some ice on it.- the AI said, as her face fell.
-Thanks J...- she whispered, cursing mentally against the artificial intelligence. 
Bucky's chest immediately felt heavier and remembered what he had done. 
-What does that mean, y/n?- Steve asked, turning to her with a worried look, like everyone else. 
-Nothing to worry about. I...hurt myself yesterday night because...- she said trying to come up with a lie -Because I was thirsty and I wanted a glass of water. I hit the table with my belly. That's all.- she said. 
-Jarvis. Tell us what really happened last night.- Tony said, walking in, buttoning the last button of the shirt.
In that moment Bucky and y/n's hearts felt heavy and they both hoped that Jarvis wouldn't mention their kiss or I would have been a real mess to explain. 
-Mr Barnes had a nightmare and Miss Rogers went to check on him, when she approached him he punched her in the stomach. I did the scan and kept it under control the whole night and nothing is wrong, no broken or cracked ribs, so don't worry.- Jarvis explained. 
-He did what?!- Tony and Steve shouted at the same time, shocked as everyone else held their breaths. 
-He...he didn't mean to...he'd never hurt me...-she said, looking at them, as Bucky took a deep breath, feeling guilty -Steve, you know him.- she said, turning her gaze on her brother 
-No, they're right to be worried about you. I hurt you...- Bucky said, lowering his gaze. 
-Buck, we already talked about this. You were having a nightmare, you didn't know it was me. I already forgave you.- y/n said as Nat handed her some ice, that she pressed against her bruise. 
She felt bad knowing that Bucky felt guilty when it wasn't his fault. 
-I know you wouldn't, Buck, I trust you. Don't worry.- Steve said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. 
-You''re not mad at me?- he asked, confused.
-Of course not. I could never. Till the end of the line. Remember, pal?- he asked, smiling. 
-I do...thanks, bud.- he said, hugging him. 
-We just want to help you, Mr Barnes.- Peter said, smiling at him -But now I should be on my way to school or I'd be in trouble.- he scratched his neck, embarrassed.
-When is your aunt coming back from her trip, anyway?- Wanda asked him. 
-Probably next week. Now I have to go. Bye everyone.- he said, picking up his backpack. 
-Wait Peter, do you want a lift?- y/n asked him. 
-I mean, if it's not a problem for you.- he shrugged. 
-Just give me a minute to dress up. Buck, wanna go out?- she asked him, who looked shocked. 
-Uhm...I...ehm...yeah. I just need to change.- he nodded, disappearing in his room. 

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