Chapter 25

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-What happened?- y/n asked the man, looking at the back of the two guy's heads as they sat in the car.
-Something happened and we need to help or what?- Steve asked, moving his gaze on his friend. 
-I can't say it until you see it. Order of Fury, sorry.- Sam said, keeping his eyes on the road, but he increased his grip on the steering wheel -I don't even know how to tell you such a thing.- he shook his head, a little frustrated. 
"What's so important that he can't even talk about? And why just me and Steve?" she asked herself, looking out of the window, letting out a sigh, as she got more comfortable in the back seat and fiddling with the tags. 
That cold feeling between her fingers and that metallic sound that they made when they came in contact was two of the few things which calmed her almost immediately and sometimes, when she was nervous, she found herself fidgeting with them without even noticing it. 
After twenty minutes of driving, which seemed a lot more, they arrived in front of a tall and light grey building, with a grey circle and a black stylized bird as an emblem. 
The S.H.I.E.L.D's base. 
As they passed the big metallic gates, y/n immediately thought of her and Steve's first visit to that base. 
They had just known that they were 70 years in the future and probably everyone they knew were dead and everyone in that building seemed to know exactly who they were and what they did, it had been really overwhelming for the both of them, but after a while they got used to all those gazes and "popularity". 
Especially after the Battle of New York, in 2012, and the formation of the Avengers. 
At the entrance Maria Hill and Coulson were waiting for them, dressed perfectly as always. 
-Hill. Coulson. Morning.- the three superheroes greeted them. 
-Morning Captains. Morning Wilson.- they said, going to their side, and started walking, passing a lot of people who saluted them as they returned the greetings. 
The interiors were how they remembered it.
A lot of agents, some of them ready for a mission, others who just came from one, people carrying around papers or weapons and still others working on computers, trying to decrypt data and information. 
-Fury's office is it?- Steve asked, as they got on the elevator and the doors closed themself. 
-Nope. Not this time, Captain.- the woman gave them an half smile, pressing the button for the lowest floor -We're going down today.- 
-Why are we here?- y/n asked impatiently but trying not to sound rude. 
-In a few words: someone you know came here and asked to speak to you.- the agent started -But we'd advise you to not...freak out when you see him. So try to keep it as rational as possible.- 
-He also may not remember some things, we don't know that.- the woman continued. 
-Are you trying to scare us or something?- y/n asked, chuckling, trying to hide her confusion and fear. 
-No, absolutely not.- Coulson said -We're just trying to prepare you. We don't know how you will react at this.- 
"I wonder who it could be." she asked herself, as her mind ran wild, repassing mentally every person that could have been, but nothing came to her mind. 
Before she could notice the elevator stopped and they got out. 
After walking through a corridor they saw Fury standing there waiting for them. 
-Morning, Director.- they said when they saw him. 
-Morning, Captains. Sorry for the short notice but it's important. Really important.- Fury said, looking at them with his only eye. 
-Alright. I think we're ready. Right, Steve?- y/n asked, moving her gaze on her brother. 
-Yeah...yeah. Let's go.- he nodded. 
-That way.- the director pointed to the door -Just for you to know, we can see and hear what happens in the room, but you can't see and hear what happens outside of it.- the two siblings just nodded and headed to the room. 
Steve lowered the handle and let y/n in first, then after he walked in, he closed the door behind him. 
The mysterious man was turned from behind and his face was not visible, but the two Rogers noticed that he was wearing a hat and he had long brown hair that reached his shoulders.
-Goodmorning.- y/n started as she was walking to the guy -We were informed that you wanted to talk to me and Captain Rogers. What we can help you...- she said as he raised his face and took off his hat -...with?- 
Steve and y/n's heart dropped when they saw his face. 
Her eyes widened as her heartbeat became irregular. 
"It can't be can't..." she thought. 
Her mind was spinning and she almost fell on the ground, but luckily enough she kept her balance holding on to the table. 
Steve from his part was shocked and still.
His mind had stopped thinking the moment he saw the mysterious man's face. 
He had seen him die with his own eyes and he couldn't believe he was alive and in front of him right now. 
-Hey...- Bucky said, giving them a half smile, as the two siblings stared at him speechless. 
-What...? How...?- y/n whispered and tried to fight against her tears. 
-Who are you?- Steve asked, trying to keep the eye contact with him. 
-I'm Bucky. Your Bucky.- he said, in a low voice. 
-How can we be sure about it?- he asked, taking a step forward, putting himself between that man and his sister. 
-Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.- Bucky chuckled a little, trying to remember, then he looked at y/n -"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" "It has always been." and also I think you still have my tags.- he said pointing at the metallic necklace, that could be seen from the neck of the shirt. 
-It's's really you...- she said as she bursted in tears and hugged him tightly, scared to lose him again -Buck...- she whispered between sobs. 
As she felt his arms around her waist, she could recognise his touch and she hid her face in the crook of his neck. 
-Yes, it's me, y/n/'s okay, don't cry.- he said as he stroked her hair as Steve put a hand on his friend's shoulder and gave him a smile, trying to hide his teary eyes.
From the other side of the wall, the woman and the three men, they were moved by the tear-jerking scene. 

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