Chapter 13

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Once they were back at the base, they noticed that every man was outside, waiting for them to come back.
-Please not this now...- y/n whispered, sighing as she shook her head. 
The last thing she wanted now was being followed around by assholes like them.
-I'll tell the Colonel to order them to don't bother you, don't worry.- Howard said to her, understanding how she felt. 
They all looked at Steve in total shock.
How could blame them? 
He had left that he was short and small, now he was much taller than anyone and more muscled. 
After a few moments of astonishment, they moved their gaze to y/n.
She was walking barefoot, with a tank top and Howard's jacket on her shoulder. 
Her body had grown a little, of course not as her brother's. 
Steve and Howard used their body to shield her, to avoid the other men looking at her. 
The three of them reached her room and she took off the jacket, handing it to its owner. 
-Thank you...for everything.- she smiled weakly at them. 
-No worries. Just take some rest.- Howard advised her, patting her shoulder sweetly. 
-I will try. Thanks again.- she said as he walked away. 
Steve closed the door as y/n sat on her bed, bringing her knees to her chest, burying her face. 
She was visibly not okay, neither was Steve or Howard.
But they were men, so they didn't have to show their feelings. 
-Hey, y/n/n, you okay?- he asked, sitting down next to her.
She felt the mattress sag under his weight. 
-Mum used to call me that when I was upset or sad. Remember?- she said, smiling sadly at that memory. 
-Yeah, I do.- he said, sighing -You didn't answer my question though.- he pointed out, but he didn't want to make her more upset than she already was. 
-I will be...- she said, bringing her hand to her necklace -I guess I'm just a little shocked and...and I miss our normal life...and Bucky.- y/n admitted. 
-I promise you everything will be okay.- he hugged her, as she hid her head in the crook of his neck, as he stroked her hair. 
This was a thing that he used to do when they were younger and he knew it would calm her down. 
-I really want to believe you...but you can't know that, Stevie.- she said in a whisper, feeling her eyes tearing up, but she fought against them. 
They stayed like this for a few moments. 
y/n had calmed down, she was really happy that she had, at least, Steve by her side. 
y/n without noticing it, started humming the song that her mother used to sing while brushing her hair. 
-I know I can't control it, but I would do anything I can to make it happen.- he said as she broke away and he stood up -I'll let you rest now. I will come to call you for the checks later.- Steve told her, opening the door as she just nodded.
He was about to close the door when she spoke. 
-Hey Steve...- she called him. 
-Yeah?- he asked, turning around. 
-It reminded me of mum...- she said -The doctor's death, I mean...- she added.
-I know, I know. Me too.- he smiled weakly, nodding -Just remember that I'm here, okay? For everything.-
-Thanks, I know. The same works for you.- she said, wiping her eyes -I never said it out loud but...I love you.- 
-I love you too.- he said smiling, before completely closing the door behind him and walking to his room. 
After a few hours later, she had managed to sleep a little, then she woke up when she heard knocking at the door.
-I'm coming, I'm coming.- she said, yawning and standing up. 
She adjusted her clothes then quickly checked the time.
Four pm.
y/n opened the door seeing her brother. 
-Sorry if I wake you up, but it's time.- he explained as they started walking to the infirmary. 
They sat on a chair as some nurses started to take samples of blood.
A lot of samples of blood.
-Think you got enough?- Steve asked her after another withdrawal. 
-Any hope of reproducing the program is locked in your genetics code.- Peggy answered entering the room -But without Dr. Erskine, it would take years.- 
-He deserved more than this.- y/n mumbled as the nurse took off the needle of her arm. 
-If it could work only twice, he'd be proud if it was you two.- she said as y/n lowered her gaze. 
Peggy, Steve and y/n decided to go for a walk when they heard some people, including Howard, talking about something called Hydra.
An organisation who wanted power, like a cult. 
y/n listened to them, without really caring.
She wouldn't go into battle anyway, right? 
Because she was a woman.
Apparently the others had thought about something else for her and her brother. 
The Colonel decided to make a campaign for the Americans to entice them to the war against the nazist so y/n and Steve had to do some trip around the country in some pretty ugly suits.
Steve was known as Captain America
Despite his horrible suit and helmet, men respected him. 
Or well, at least the majority of them. 
While y/n wasn't that lucky. 
The men had nicknamed her American Cutie.
-What the hell?!- she shouted, starting to punch the punch bag the harder she could when she heard it. 
-Yeah, I'm...I'm sorry about that.- Howard told her, sitting down on the floor, with his back leaning against the wall.
He really was. 
-How dare they call me...that?! Ugh!- she complained, starting to feel her hands hurting -I hate them so much!- she yelled, as the punch bag fell on the floor.
After a few moments, when she caught her breath, she sat next to Howard. 
In the last period they became good friends. 
But she never stopped thinking about Bucky, but it was quite some time that she didn't receive letters from him, so she started to worry, but Steve kept telling her to not. 
-They're just jerks. Remember that the doctor Erskine chose you. You're stronger than almost every one of them. So don't worry about them, alright? They are probably just jealous because they can't have you.- he smiled. 
-Thanks, Stark, I needed that.- she smiled back at him, as they quickly hugged. 
-What about we go to eat something?- he proposed. 
-Looks like a plan to me.- she said, as the two of them stood up and headed to the dining room.

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