Chapter 7

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The next morning, Steve ran in the room with an envelope in his hand.
-From Bucky.- he just said, with a smile, sitting on the armchair. 
y/n brought her hands to her mouth, surprised. 
He opened the envelope and found two letters. 
"For Steve" and "For y/n". 
She picked her letter and started reading it. 
The same did Steve.

"My dear y/n, 
I know that I just left yesterday but unfortunately we already got attacked and I wanted to let you know before you could read it in the newspaper, because I know you would be worried. 
But don't start to panic, please, I can feel it.
Don't ask how I do, I just do. 
I swear that I'm totally fine, actually nobody is dead and we defeated them pretty easily. 
I just got a few bruises and a bleeding nose. 
I really wish you were here to fix it, you're way more gentle than me, I'm causing myself even more pain trying to fix it. 
You know how I am. 
This morning they woke us up with a trumpet. 
Yeah, a goddamn trumpet. 
You know that I never complain about anything but now I really have to. 
God, I miss waking up with the smell of your breakfast and even your scream everytime me and Steve walked in after a fight. 
I swear I'll try to do whatever I can to be home as soon as I can. 
I'm also kinda worried for Steve, but please don't tell him. 
But now I should stop talking about me. 
How are you? 
Do you miss me? 
I hope you do and that you don't say it just because you want to make me happy, because I will know.
Trust me, doll. 
Write to me when you can.
I'll be waiting for your letter. 
P.S. I miss you. 

Your favourite Sergeant
Bucky x"

She involuntarily smiled at the letter and blushed a little. 
"He thinks about me...he misses me." she thought, feeling her heart beating faster.
He missed her like hell. 
Bucky wanted to tell her that he missed seeing her smile, hearing her laugh or her voice or eating her cooking, but he didn't. 
He wanted y/n to be by his side, but he knew that it wasn't possible. 
At least for now. 
y/n brought the letter to her chest and hugged it, like it was the most important thing in this world. 
And for her it was. 
A couple days has passed and, just when they were losing hope, a car stopped in front of the Rogers's house. 
When y/n noticed it, she immediately went to call Steve. 
-Steve. I think there's your ride outside.- she said. 
-What are you talking about?- he asked, confused, raising his gaze from the newspaper. 
-There is a car out. I think it's the doctor.- she pointed to the door with her gaze.
-Oh shit.- he widened his eyes, standing up immediately, running up the stairs and taking his suitcase. 
-Did you take everything you could need?- she asked him. 
-Yeah, I did. Did you?-he asked, while checking his stuff. 
-Yes, I packed all my things, but I don't know Steve...- she said, looking away. 
-You're my sister, y/n, I can't go there alone. I need you. You are the only family I've left...please.- he said, in a begging tone. 
y/n's heart ached. 
She couldn't leave her brother alone.  
-Ok, but only if he says that I can come.- she smiled at him.
-Perfect.- he nodded, then they heard someone knocking at the door -Coming!- he shouted, running to open the door. 
-Goodmorning Rogers.- a known voice said. 
-Goodmorning to you, Doctor Erskine. Is everything ready?- Steve asked, letting him in.
-Yes, everything is ready.- he smiled -About what you asked me for y/n...- 
-Morning Doctor.- she said, walking to them. 
-Goodmorning, I was just to talk about you, y/n. What would you say about coming to the base with us?- he asked, smiling at her. 
-Oh...yeah, yeah, I would like it.- she said, looking at her brother, who gave her a slight nod. 
-Please go and pick your stuff, we'll wait for you outside. Alright?- he asked, placing his hand on Steve's shoulder. 
-Alright.- she nodded and went to her room. 
y/n looked at the four walls which she grew up in. 
She remembered sitting on her bed as her mother combed her hair, singing. 
Her eyes teared up a little. 
"I won't be gone forever. I'll be home before I could even imagine." she told herself, smiling sadly. 
She took her suitcase then went downstairs. 
She passed in front of the kitchen and arrived in the living room. 
For a moment she saw and heard Bucky and Steve laughing on the sofa. 
Only at that moment did she remember that she had forgotten to take something, so she ran back to her room. 
y/n opened the first drawer of her bedside table and picked a small puffy bag. 
Inside of it there was a necklace. 
A silver necklace with three quite big and white pearls. 
She sighed, smiling. 
"I can't believe that I almost forgot it." she thought, smiling at the memory of when she got it. 
It was her seventeenth birthday when Steve and Bucky had given her that present. 
The two of them had worked for almost six month to buy it. 
-One is you, and the other two are me and Bucky.- Steve had said. 
-So every time you are wearing it, you will think of us, if we aren't with you.- Bucky added. 
-It's beautiful. Truly, guys. I love you so much.- she smiled, hugging them. 
-You're welcome.- they said in chorus. 
-Want help to put it on?- Bucky asked. 
-Yes, thanks.- she blushed, handing him the necklace and moving the hair to one side -How do I look?- 
-It suits you.- Steve said, looking at her smile. 
His and his sister's life hasn't always been easy, so seeing her smile made him feel a little better. 
-You look beautiful, y/n/n.- Bucky told her. 
The noise of the honk brought her back to reality, stopping her memories. 
She checked the last things quickly, so the house wouldn't have caught on fire, then she closed the door behind her. 
-Are you ready?- he asked her. 
-Yes, sorry if I took too long.- she apologized. 
-Don't worry, it's okay. Now let's get in the car.- the doctor said, smiling. 
They all got in the car and headed to the base. 
Now their story begins. 

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