Chapter 15

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-Colonel Phillips.- y/n called him, when she saw him. 
He was sitting on a chair, with a lot of papers on his desk. 
-Well if it isn't the Star Spangled Man with a plan and his sister. What's your plan today?- he asked in an ironic tone. 
-We need the casualty list from Azzano.- Steve said, breathing heavily from the run. 
-You don't get to give me orders, son.- he said, looking at three of them. 
-We just need one name, Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th.- y/n said, raising her tone. 
-You and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won't enjoy.- the Colonel said, turning to Peggy, when he noticed her. 
-Please tell me if he's alive, sir. B-A-R...- y/n started talking, her voice wasn't as it usually was. 
It was broken and unsure.
Almost like it needed reassurance. 
And the Colonel noticed it looking in her eyes. 
So he decided not to be an asshole. 
-I can spell.- the man answered.
"Sometimes I think you can't." she thought, sighing.
He thought for a moment, then stood up. 
-I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count. But the name does sound familiar.- he said -I'm sorry.- 
y/n's mind stopped the time for a few moments, the same did Steve's. 
Peggy looked at them, feeling incredibly bad. 
In y/n's mind their last conversation was repeating in her mind. 
-What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?- Steve asked him, after taking a deep breath. 
"How can he think of the other when Bucky could be dead?" y/n asked herself, as her eyes teared up a little. 
-Yes, it's called "winning the war".- the Colonel answered. 
-But if you know where they are, why not at least...- y/n started talking, summoning all her force not to break down at that moment, but the Colonel immediately interrupted her. 
-They're 30 miles behind the lines through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save. But I don't expect you to understand that because you're a chorus girl.- he said, as Steve and Peggy looked shocked at him. 
Steve was about to say something when y/n spoke. 
-I think I understand just fine.- she said, not breaking the eye contact with the man. 
-Well, then understand it somewhere else.- he said, with gritted teeth -If I read the posters correctly, you got someplace to be in 30 minutes.- said then walked away. 
y/n was furious and sad at the same time. 
-Yes, sir. We do.- Steve said looking at the maps as y/n and Peggy looked at him, with a confused look, then y/n understood. 
He started to walk away, followed by the two women. 
Steve and y/n started to pick their costumes and some weapons. 
They were determined to go to that base to save them. 
-He said the name was familiar, not that he read it. Bucky could still be alive.- y/n tried to be optimistic. 
-What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?- Peggy asked, rushing in. 
-If that's what it takes.- he answered, not looking at her. 
-You heard the Colonel. Your friend is most likely dead.- she said, trying to convince him. 
-You don't know that!- y/n said in a hurted tone, looking at her.
-Even so, he's devising a strategy. If he detects...- she started talking. 
-By the time he's done that, it could be too late.- he interrupted her, raising his voice and putting on his jacket, as y/n did the same. 
-Steve! y/n!- she called them, following them outside as they put their stuff in a jeep. 
-You told us you thought we were meant for more than this. Did you mean that?- Steve asked the brunette. 
-Every word.- 
-Then you got to let us go.- y/n said, almost in a begging tone, while they got on the vehicle. 
-I can do more than that.- she said, as y/n smiled at her. 
Less than thirty minutes later the two Rogers were on a plane, with Peggy and Howard. 
-The Hydra camp is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges. It's a factory of some kind.- Peggy explained, pointing it on the map. 
-We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep.- Howard told them, while driving. 
-Just get us as close as you can.- y/n smiled at him, thankful for his help. 
-You two are gonna be in a lot of trouble when you land.- Steve pointed out to Peggy. 
-And you two won't?- she answered. 
-Where we're going, if anybody yells at us, we can just shoot them.- he said, shrugging. 
-They will undoubtedly shoot back.- she noticed. 
-Well, let's hope it's good for something.- y/n said, looking outside. 
-Agent Carter?- Howard caught her attention -If we're not in too much of a hurry, I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late night fondue.- he smirked as no one talked for a second. 
-Stark is the best civilian pilot I've ever seen.- Peggy said -He's mad enough to brave this airspace. We're lucky to have him.- 
-So, are you you...- Steve started stammering as Peggy gave him a confused look -Fondue?- 
y/n mentally cursed her brother for his stupidity.
-Didn't the serum supposed to increase your brain?- she asked, shaking her head. 
-This is your transporter. Activare it when you're ready and the signal will lead us straight to you.- she said, handing it to Steve. 
-Are you sure this thing works?- he asked Howard, a bit sceptical. 
-It's been tested more than you, pal.- he answered as y/n chuckled a little. 
Suddenly something hit the plane. 
They were shooting. 
Immediately y/n and Steve stood up, ready to jump off. 
-Get back here! We're taking you all the way in!- Peggy told them as they sat where the door was, and it was open. 
-As soon as we're clear, turn this thing around and get the hell out of here!- he told her shouting, because all you could hear were those bullets. 
-You can't give me orders!- she tried to complain. 
-The hell I can't! I'm a Captain!- he said, smiling at her, then he threw himself out. 
-Wish me luck!- y/n said, following her brother. 
The agent looked scared until she saw the two parachutes opened. 
When y/n and Steve looked up the plane was turning around, soon they didn't see it anymore. 

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