Chapter 19

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A couple of days later Steve was recruiting some of the men he had rescued, then approached Bucky, who was sitting at the counter drinking.
In the tavern everyone was celebrating the end of the war. 
The atmosphere was happy and there was the sound of people chatting happily, drinking and a pianist too. 
-See? I told you. They're all idiots.- Bucky chuckled as Steve sat next to him. 
-What about you?- Steve asked, smirking -You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?- he asked. 
-Hell no.- he answered, turning to him -That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight. I'm following him.- he told him, as Steve looked away for a second, not knowing what to say -But you're keeping the outfit, right?- Bucky joked. 
-You know what? It's kind of growing on me.- the other answered, looking at himself on a poster.
In the very next few seconds everyone suddenly stopped talking as two figures walked in the tavern catching everyone's attention and eyes on them.
Peggy walked up to Steve wearing a red beautiful dress which exalted her body.
-Captain.- she greeted him.
-Agent Carter.- he said as he and Bucky stood up.
-Ma'am.- the captain's friend greeted her kindly.
-Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning?- she asked him, ignoring Bucky.
-Sounds good.- the Captain nodded. 
-I see your top squad is prepping for duty.- she pointed out.
-You don't like music?- Bucky asked her, but she didn't move her gaze from Steve.
-I do, actually.- Peggy answered -I might even, when this is all over, go dancing.-
-When what are we waiting for?- Bucky tried to hit on her.
-The right partner.- she said -At 8, Captain.- she said, starting to walk away.
-Yes, ma'am. I'll be there.- Steve said, lowering his gaze. 
-I'm invisible. I'm turning into you. It's like a horrible dream.- Bucky joked at his friend, when she had left.
-Don't take it so hard. Maybe she's got a friend.- Steve answered, smiling amused. 
At that moment another woman approached them.
She was wearing the same dress Peggy had but in a darker red, almost burgundy color.
The dress wrapped her body and waist perfectly, her hair was down, and probably Peggy had styled them. 
Bucky's jaw almost dropped when he saw her. 
He couldn't lie to himself. 
She was absolutely breathtaking. 
"If only y/n would be Peggy's friends who she'd bring to a double date." he thought, then immediately drove away those thoughts. 
-Hey fellas. Did you see Peggy?- she asked, smiled at them. mean...uh...- Bucky stammered, looking at her, from head to toe. 
-She went away. She told me to meet her and Stark at 8 tomorrow.- Steve explained. 
-Oh damn. Well, I guess we'll have fun without her.- she smiled, sitting between the two men -You okay, Buck?- she asked, trying not to laugh.
-Mhmh. Totally fine.- he nodded, composing himself.
Bucky had thought a lot about y/n lately. 
Especially when he thought he was about to die.
And he started thinking that maybe he didn't see y/n as a little sister anymore. 
Now he was starting to think of her as the woman she was. 
An independent, beautiful, intelligent and strong woman who had saved him. 
Something unlocked in his brain. 
How could he be so blind for all this time?
Now another question made space in his brain.
"Does she feel something for me?"
Bucky didn't know and, of course, he couldn't ask Steve such a thing. 
After a few minutes he decided to give himself time to try to understand if she felt the same. 
After the three of them drank a bit, Steve excused himself remembering that he had to be ready for the 8 am next morning to see Peggy and Howard. 
When he walked away, Bucky and y/n were left alone. 
-Care for a walk, Miss Captain?- he asked, offering his arm. 
-Don't call me that, please.- she said chuckling as her arm linked with his -But yes, let's go.- 
-Do you prefer American Cutie then?- he teased her, as they walked out of the tavern. 
-No, that's even worse.- she laughed -What about y/n? Just y/n. I'm still me after all.- she shrugged. 
-I know. Don't worry.- he said up at the sky, which was cloudless.
The moon was almost full and the stars shone in the black sky of the night. 
-Let's sit there.- she said, noticing a bench and began to pull Bucky towards it, as they sat they admired the moon -The moon is beautiful, isn't it?- she said, dreamily.
-It always has been.- he sighed, looking at her, for a few seconds they enjoyed the silence of the night then Bucky spoke -Are you coming with us? For the mission, I mean.- he asked.
-No, I'm not.- she shook her head, still looking up. 
Bucky admired her profile for a few moments. 
-Why not?- he asked, confused, as she turned to him. 
-I simply understood that I prefer missions where I don't need to hurt people. Or at least hurt them only if I really need to. I'd prefer being an undercover agent, y'know. Disguises, stealing information and data, lies and stuff.- she admitted. 
-That sounds really cool. But I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda sad that I won't see you kicking some asses.- he told her, making her laugh.
For Bucky her laugh was the most amazing sound he'd ever heard. 
He involuntarily blushed a little. 
She looked at him and couldn't help herself but staring at him.
He was fascinating to her.
A cold breeze made her rub her arms with her hands, trying to warm herself up a little. 
Bucky, without saying anything, took off his jacket, placing it on her shoulder. 
-Oh, thank you Buck.- she said, snuggling in his warm jacket. 
-You're welcome, sugar.- he said, smiling at her -Oh and in case nobody told you that you look absolutely beautiful.- he said.
-Thank you. Howard did actually.- she said trying not to laugh, seeing his expression, then she bursted in laughter and Bucky joined her. 
Then he noticed the necklace and stared at it for a few seconds, then smiled, shifting his gaze.
-What crossed your mind, Sergeant?- she asked, tilting her head.
-I noticed your necklace. I had almost forgotten about it.- he admitted. 
-Yeah, me too. I found it a few minutes before leaving the house, to come here.- she said, bringing a hand to it. 
They talked for a while about their childhood memories and their adventures when they were separated, until y/n started yawning. 
-Sleepy?- Bucky asked, amused. 
-Just a little.- she said -Training is pretty tiring. Colonel Phillips doesn't go easy on me at all. But I appreciate it.-
-That's a good thing to hear.- he said, standing up. 
Then Bucky accompanied y/n to her room. 
-Here's my stop.- she said, stopping in front of a door -Thanks for walking me here, Buck.- she smiled. 
-It was a pleasure and I also missed you, so I'm trying to make up for the time we lost.- he said, hugging her.
As his arms wrapped around her waist, he brought them around his neck, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. 
-Goodnight, Sergeant.- she said.
Then she summoned all her courage and kissed his cheek.
-Goodnight, Captain.- he smirked, turning around.
-Hey wait, Bucky.- she called him, taking off his jacket -That's yours.- she handed it to its owner.
-You can keep it. In case you miss me too much while I'm on a mission.- he shrugged with a smirk on his face.
She sighed, trying not to laugh and shook her head.
When she had closed the door of her room, she threw herself on the bed, with a smile on her face.
Needless to say that he was smiling too.

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