Chapter 32

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-Where are they? It's almost 1 am.- Steve said, walking back and forth in the main room, touring his hands. 
-Don't worry, Mr Rogers. y/n is not alone. She's with Mr Stark.- Peter said, hanging with his feet from the ceiling. 
-That's the problem, kid.- he answered sitting on the couch, next to Bucky and Nat -Hey. Why are you still up? You're supposed to be sleeping.- he said, looking up with widened eyes, scared that he might have fallen at any moment. 
-I was just thirsty.- he shrugged, showing them a water bottle -Now I'm heading to bed. See you tomorrow. Goodnight.- he waved at them, coming back with his feet on the ground. 
-Goodnight, kid.- Steve said, smiling at him and sighed in relief. 
-Night Peter.- Bucky said, passing a hand through his hair. 
-Night night Petey.- Nat waved at him sweetly as the youngest walked away. 
Bucky and Steve hadn't felt that anxiety since the 40s. 
Steve couldn't go to sleep knowing that y/n wasn't there yet. 
Bucky, proposed to stay with him, not wanting to sleep because of his nightmare, but didn't tell Steve or anyone to not alarm them. 
Natasha, from her part, stayed with them just to be sure that the other two didn't kill Tony, in case something had happened to y/n. 
Now it was almost five hours that they were out and Steve and Bucky's nerves were starting to fail. 
-Maybe we should call them?- Steve asked for the umpteenth time.
-Steve, no. Let her live her life. I'm sure she's fine.- Nat said, trying to keep him calm. 
-Alright, alright. Sorry. I'm just...- he said, passing a hand on his face. 
-I know you're worried. But there is no need to be.- she said, placing a hand on his shoulder -She can handle things by herself.- 
-I know she can, but...- Steve started to talk. 
At that moment the elevator opened its metallic doors, letting the other hear some muffled giggles and whispered words. 
-Tony. Shh. They're probably sleeping.- y/n's voice said, trying not to laugh.
-Sorry, sorry.- Tony said, as they walked in the main room. 
The three turned their gaze and saw Tony and y/n. 
Tony's tie was a little loose and, the other noticed, that he wasn't wearing his jacket anymore.
y/n now was barefoot, with her heels in her hand, and Tony's jacket on her shoulders. 
-Hey guys. Still up?- she said with a half smile, seeing them. 
-Hi.- Tony waved his hand a little. 
-We were waiting for you. I couldn't sleep not knowing where you were.- Steve explained, looking at her head to toe, trying to find some signs of any kind. 
But he didn't find anything. 
-See? I told you. Now that you're here and you're fine I'm gonna sleep.- Nat said, yawning -Night everyone.- she said as everyone greeted her and walked away. 
-I'm going too. Night.- Tony said, as y/n gave his jacket back and started to walk away. 
-Hey Tony.- she called him and he turned his head -Thanks for the dinner. And the advice.- she smiled.
-You're welcome. And thank you too.- the genius smiled as he left the room, leaving the three of them alone. 
-So...everything went okay?- Steve asked. 
-Yup.- she nodded, sitting next to Bucky -And don't worry that wasn't a date. It was just an outing between friends.- she explained, taking some hair off her face. 
Bucky couldn't help but look at her. 
The only thought that he couldn't hug her, kiss her or simply take her hand was slowly driving him crazy. 
-Alright, that's good. I mean that you're friends.- Steve said -But why did arrived so late?- 
-We talked about...stuff.- she said -To be honest he asked me for some advice on how to get Pepper back. He loves her and she loves him. I'm happy I could help him.- she smiled a little. 
-So he...he doesn't like that?- Bucky asked, widening his eyes. 
-Exactly.- y/n nodded, looking at him.
The bit of alcohol that was circulating in her blood made her a little more courageous, so she stroked his cheek and put her head on his shoulder, as he froze blushing pretty hard. 
-How much did you drink?- Steve asked, surprised by her behaviour. 
-Not that much. Just half a bottle, but it wasn't strong stuff.- y/n explained, yawning -Well, I'm pretty tired, I'm going to bed. Night boys.- she said kissing their cheeks and starting to walk to her room. 
-Goodnight y/n/n.- Steve said. 
-Night.- Bucky whispered, still a little shocked. 
As she walked, he couldn't help but look at her figure. 
-I'm going to sleep too, Buck, and you should do the same.- Steve advised his friend. 
-Yeah. You can go. I'm going to drink some water then I'll go to sleep.- he said. 
-Alright. Goodnight, pal.- he said walking away.
-Night punk.- he said, walking to the kitchen. 
Bucky sat at the table and leaned his head on his arms, feeling his heart beating faster. 
He didn't want to sleep because he'd have those horrible nightmares and he didn't want to live those moments again. 
Bucky wanted to talk to Steve and y/n about it, but he didn't want to alarm and scare them. 
After a while he had calmed himself he decided to go to his room. 
He walked in and laid in his bed, covering himself up.
He still couldn't believe that he was safe now. 
He closed his eyes and sighed. 
"I'll never be completely free..." Bucky thought, touching his metal arm.
After some struggle he managed to fall asleep.

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