Chapter 42

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y/n felt her heart sank as the whole team's eyes were on her and Bucky. 
-I'm sorry what?!- Wanda and Nat screamed, with wide eyes, glancing quickly from her to the man and vice versa as Bucky blushed a little and looked away. 
-No, no. That's not what it looks like...- she babbled out, giving a "I'm sorry if I fucked everything up" look at Bucky, that in response gave her a reassuring smile as Steve looked at them in a confused and angry expression. 
-Ah! I knew it!- Tony said, pointing at them, drinking a sip of his coffee, getting a dirty look from the rest of the team and an elbow from Peter, who shook his head, whispered to him to shut up. 
-y/n, Bucky. We want an explanation. Now.- Steve said, with the most serious look everyone had ever seen. 
-There are no explanation, Steve.- Bucky started talking, taking a few steps forward her and taking her hand in his -We're dating.- 
They had already lost enough time, Bucky had thought, he was not going to risk losing her another time.
y/n smiled sweetly at him and squeezed his hand. 
The fact that Bucky had immediately answered Steve, facing him, and told him that they were dating had melted her heart.
-Yeah, we're...we're dating.- she nodded, shifting her gaze from Bucky to her brother. 
-I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations.- Wanda and Nat screamed, hugging them at the same time. 
-Thanks, girls, thanks.- y/n answered, hugging them back.
-How long have you two been...a thing?- Bruce asked, giving them a small smile. 
-It's been like two weeks, right?- Bucky asked, as y/n nodded a little. 
-So you're telling me that you've been with my sister behind my back for two whole weeks?- Steve said in a low voice, that it almost seemed like a growl -I...ugh...- he sighed, passing a hand on his face.
-Listen to me for a second, pal. I know you could not understand this, but I love her. I really do.- Bucky started talking, placing a hand on his chest, where his heart was -I understood that I had feelings for her very late. I already lost her twice, when I went to the front and when I fell from that train. I really thought that I'd never see her again, and you too of course. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid that you would have gotten angry at me. Let me just say that I really, really love her and I just want her to be happy as much as you do, trust me, pal.- he said ah y/n smiled at him -I would never hurt her. I know I did last time, and I hated myself for that, but I promise you I'll try my best to protect her.- then he turned his head to y/n -Even if I know you can perfectly do it by yourself.- 
-I love you too, Buck.- she smiled, walking up to him, as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
-We hope you aren't mad at us, Steve. We just wanted a little bit more time to tell you this with more calm, but here we are.- Bucky told him his friend. 
-I'm not even mad. I'm just disappointed that you didn't tell me sooner.- Steve replied, sitting down again -Like I said to Bucky years ago. I'm not our father. You can make your own decision. If you're happy I'm happy.- he smiled at them.'re okay with it?- y/n asked, a bit surprised. 
-Yeah, of course I'm okay with it.- he answered, as she hugged him.
-Miss Rogers? You said that you started your relationship with Mr Barnes two weeks ago? Right?- Vision asked, as everyone looked at him confused. 
-Yeah Vis, that's right. Why?- she replied, confused. 
-That's why you were in the Sergeant's room the morning that you got the bruise when the Sergeant hit you.- Vision calculated, looking at them, as y/n nodded a little. 
-They kissed in my car later that day, after they accompanied Peter to school, y'know.- Tony added casually, while y/n and Bucky flushed a lot. 
-STARK! You're a dead man to me!- y/n yelled -You have exactly three seconds. One...- she started, holding up her index finger. 
-You're not serious, are you?- Tony asked, chuckling and not taking her seriously. 
-Two...- she continued, holding up her middle finger too. 
-Come on, Icy, I was kidding...- Tony said, starting to get scared.
-Three.- she whispered as Tony started screaming and running away while y/n chased him.
-Rogers, stop your sister! Barnes, stop your girlfriend! Ahhh!- Tony yelled as they both ran under everyone's eyes. 
-Nope, Tony sorry. This is your business.- Steve said, looking at them, holding back a laugh.
-Hell no, Stark. She'd kill me and it's the last thing I want right now.- Bucky chuckled. 
Tony tried to summon his suit, but y/n was too fast managing to catch him and pin him down to the ground, with his face squished to the ground.  
-Okay! Okay! I'm sorry y/n! I'm sorry! I'll shut up! I swear!- Tony said, almost begging and crying out. 
-Please y/n, don't hurt Mr Stark too much.- Peter said, taking a step forward and looking her in the eyes. 
-Alright, sweetheart.- she said, slowly freeing him -You're safe for now, Stark. Don't do it ever again.- she added, holding her hand out as he took it, using it to stand up. 
-I won't, I won't.- he said -Now I get why dad was afraid to contradict you.- he whispered, but everyone heard him. 
-y/n Rogers. The only woman who could scare two generations of Starks.- Nat said, making the whole team laugh.'s okay with you if we date?- Bucky asked Steve, sliding an arm around y/n's waist, making her blush a little. 
-Until you don't break her heart, yes. Yes, I am.- he replied, smiling -As long as you're happy I am too.- he smiled at his sister, hugging them both. 
-Thanks Steve.- she whispered, hugging him back. 
-Yeah, thanks, pal.- Bucky smiled.
Bucky now was feeling happy and completely free.
He hadn't felt like this in a long, long time.
-Now that we finished all this conversation, can someone give me a lift to school, please?- Peter asked, joining the conversation. 
-Nope. You're going to go to school alone today, young man.- Clint replied. 
-Alright, then I'm going to swing to school! Nobody can stop me! Byee!- the youngest said, quickly putting on his mask, yeeting himself off the window, causing the whole team to get a heart attack, as he used his weeb to swing from building to building. 
-I'll kill you when you get back home, kid!- y/n yelled, after making sure that Peter hadn't hit the ground and died. 
-You're in big trouble, kid. Big, big trouble.- Tony added, yelling too.
-They are going to forgive him when he gets back home, aren't they?- Wanda whispered to Nat.
-Of course they are.- she whispered back.

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