Chapter 10

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The day of Steve's injection arrived.
That night Steve managed to sleep a little, despite his anxiety. 
But y/n couldn't. 
She was too worried. 
For her brother, for Bucky.
For literally everything. 
That morning, she stood up, rubbing her eyes. 
She headed to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water, thinking that was a good idea for waking herself up a bit. 
When the water came in contact with her face, she felt a shiver of cold go through the back. 
She dabbed her face with a towel, one of the few clean in that base, luckily she and Peggy had them. 
y/n opened her wardrobe, or better her suitcase, and took some clothes trying to decide what to wear. 
Then she opted for a white shirt, a black pencil skirt and a pair of comfortable black heels. 
She thought that she kinda looked like Peggy used to dress. 
"Everything is gonna be just fine, y/n. You are worrying for nothing." she told herself, looking in the mirror "Steve and Bucky will be okay, and everything will be as before. As if nothing ever happened." then she smiled, before leaving her room. 
Peggy and her had breakfast together like every other day. 
Peggy had noticed her behaviour, but didn't say anything, not wanting to make her upset. 
y/n had her stomach closed, she couldn't eat anything. 
She forced herself to eat at least a toast, and she did. 
-Listen y/n, I have to accompany your brother. Do you wanna come with us?- Peggy asked her. 
-Can I come with you? Are you sure?- she asked, widening her eyes and looked around, making sure no-one had heard them talking. 
-Yes, I'm sure. Doctor Erskine is already there for the last adjustments. They are waiting for us.- she smiled at her, standing up -So?- 
-I'm coming.- y/n nodded, and followed her friend. 
Steve was waiting for them outside, next to a car, wondering if everything was going to be alright.
When he saw them, Steve waved at them, catching their attention. 
-Goodmorning Agent Carter. Goodmorning y/n.- he greeted them.
-Morning Rogers.- Peggy said, sitting in the back seat.
-Goodmorning Steve.- she weakly smiled at him, sitting in the front seat. 
She had a feeling that his brother would have liked Peggy so she decided to let them sit next to each other.
The trip in the car was silent for the most of the time, except when Steve tried to make conversation with Peggy.
Then, after a while, the car stopped in front of the Brooklyn Antiques, a little antique shop, which she had passed a few times. 
-This way.- Peggy led the way as they got out of the car, and walked to that shop. 
-What are we doing here?- Steve asked her. 
-Follow me.- she simply said, walking in, followed by the confused two siblings. 
An elderly lady, probably the owner of the shop, saw them and smiled sweetly. 
-Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?- 
-Yes, but I always carry an umbrella.- Peggy answered. 
The lady walked to the desk and touched something under it. 
The three of them walked through a door, in a corridor there was a big library full of books, somehow it opened revealing a passage through it.
It was a laboratory. 
Surprised Steve and y/n looked at the other in disbelief. 
Peggy walked around looking proudly and y/n really envied her. 
Everyone was looking at them, and this made y/n and Steve a little uncomfortable. 
Once they walked through the door, they looked down and saw a lot of technological stuff, buttons, lights and a weird machine was in the middle of the room. 
Doctor Erskine immediately waved at them as they walked down the stairs, reaching him.
-Goodmorning.- the elderly man said, shaking his hand as someone took a photo with a flash -Please, not now.- he said, then he moved his gaze on Steve again -Are you ready?- Steve nodded a little -Good. Take off your shirt, your tie and your hat.- he quickly looked at his sister and Peggy, then he took them off, handed them to a nurse. 
y/n looked around and saw a familiar face. 
-Howard? What are you doing here?- she said, smiling. 
-Oh y/n. How good to see you.- he smiled back, surprised -I work here, actually. Why are you here, though? Oh, that guy who the doctor brought here is your brother, isn't he?- he asked.
-He is, yeah.- she nodded, looking around -The flying car wasn't enough for you?- 
-No, in fact it wasn't. This was more fun to work on honestly.- he moved his hands to indicate the whole laboratory. 
-Yeah, it is. Don't worry.- he tried to reassure her -What would you say if we go out to eat some time?- he asked -As friends of course.- he immediately added. 
-Yeah, why not?- she smiled, turning her gaze on Steve who layed in that machine.
They greeted each other and y/n reached Peggy. 
-Comfortable?- the doctor asked him. 
-It's a little big.- he answered, making the doctor laugh a little -You saved me any of that schnapps?- 
-Not as much as I should have. Sorry. Next time.- he answered -Mr. Stark, how are your levels?- 
-Levels at 100%.- the man answered, approaching them. 
-We may dim half of the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we'll ever be.- Howard told Steve. 
-Agent Carter. Miss Rogers. Don't you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?- the elderly man asked. 
-Yes, of course. Sorry.- the two women said in chorus. 
-Good.- he walked away. 
They walked to the stairs, but before starting walking up, y/n turned to Steve and smiled at him. 
Once they were with the other men, the doctor took the microphone, turning it on. 
Now the show was about to start and y/n's heart started to beat faster.
She had a bad feeling.
Something was about to happen.
But she didn't know what that was.

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