Chapter 3

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-Why were you here anyway?- she asked, looking more calm, while they walked to her house. 
-Steve and I arrived home and we didn't find you. So I went to the pub and Mr Miller told us that you had come there earlier to find us, and you should have been home by that time, but you weren't. So I came looking for you.- he explained to her, offering his arm, which she took, blushing a little. 
y/n mentally cursed at herself for her behaviour. 
-Steve did get into a fight, didn't he?- she asked, but deep in her heart she already knew the answer. 
-Yeah, he did. But just a few punches, nothing too serious, don't worry about him. He's okay.- he nodded. 
Only now she had noticed what Bucky was wearing. 
A new uniform. 
It was a greenish gray uniform with pockets, a tie, a belt and a hat. 
-Since when you have a new uniform?- y/n asked him, confused. 
-Well, you're looking at Sergeant James Barnes, 107th.- he smiled proudly of himself. 
-Oh...when are you leaving?- she asked, trying to sound happy for him, but she was worried that he couldn't make it during the war. 
-Tomorrow morning.- he nodded.
He was happy about being recruited for the war and being useful, but he wasn't happy at all about leaving y/n and Steve.
When they arrived home, Steve immediately walked up to them. 
-Hey y/n...what happened, Bucky?- he asked, looking at his friend, while y/n ran to pick some stuff to clean up Bucky's nose and lip.
-Some asshole was disturbing her. I made sure he won't do it again.- he said, sitting on the chair and taking off his hat. 
-You told her?- he whispered -About tomorrow, I mean.- 
-Yeah, I did.- Bucky nodded, lowering his gaze. 
y/n walked in the room with some cotton pads and some water. 
-Okay Barnes, let me see.- she said approaching him and began to dab the wounds the more carefully she could. 
He complained a couple of times, watching her concentrated face. 
From this position Bucky noticed her eyes, they were similar to Steve's, but they had something different.
Something that he had begun to notice only now. 
-Thank you, y/n/n. You're the best.- he told her, caressing her cheek with his index finger. 
-You're welcome...- she muttered, blushing and running away in the other room, trying to hide her reddish cheeks. 
"Goddammit Barnes, why do you have to have this effect on me?" she thought, sighing heavily. 
When she had calmed down, she got back in the kitchen and had lunch together, talking like any other day.
Since their both families had passed away the three of them almost lived together, helping each other the best they could.
y/n, Steve and Bucky had all their meals together at the Rogers's home and sometimes Bucky also slept there, when Steve was ill or he was a little too drunk to walk home. 
After they had their lunch Steve sat on the armchair, turning on the radio and sketching with his pencil.
While Bucky layed on the couch, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the war. 
y/n started cleaning up the table, putting the dirty dishes in the sink and started to wash them, humming the song that the radio was playing. 
After a while she felt two hands on her shoulders. 
-Hey, need a hand with that?- Bucky asked her, resting his head on her. 
She felt butterflies in her stomach and her cheeks burned up. 
-Oh...oh, no, no. Thank you, through.- y/n muttered, continuing cleaning the dishes and trying to ignore Bucky's presence. 
-Let me dry them, at least. Let me help you, you do almost everything for us here.- he said to her, putting a lock of her hair behind her hair. 
-Alright, if you insist, do it.- y/n shrugged, giving him a smile and he returned it, positioning himself next to her and started drying the plates and the glasses -Thank you.- 
-You're welcome but I should thank you.- he told her, looking her into her eyes. 
-You don't have to.- she told him looking away're leaving tomorrow morning...- 
-Yeah, I guess I am.- he answered, shrugging his shoulders. 
-Aren't you happy? It's not what you wanted?- she asked him, curious of his answer. 
-Yeah, I am, truly. But I don't want to leave you and Steve, honestly.- he answered. 
-We don't want you to leave either, but you have to.- she said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. 
-I have and idea.- Bucky's eyes shined -Hey, Steve came here, you punk.- 
The boy sighed, in an annoyed way, but he joined the other two in the kitchen.
-What do you have in mind, pal?- Steve asked. 
-What do you say if we hang out tonight? Since it's my last night. C'mon Steve, please. I can set up a date.- Bucky told his friend, almost begging him. 
-I don't know, Buck. I don't feel really comfortable leaving y/n all alone.- he answered. 
It wasn't totally a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. 
Steve knew that if he went out with Bucky, no one would give him a look.
-She can come too, if she wants of course.- he smiled at her.
-Can you find someone for me?- she asked, trying to ignore the fact that she would have to tolerate seeing Bucky with someone else. 
-I can try, yeah, but I don't promise you anything.- he lied, knowing that he wouldn't have done it.
He didn't know why but everytime he and Steve saw her coming back home after a date smiling, it got on his nerves and he kept telling himself it was because he had seen her grow up, like a little sister. 
-Okay then, I'm going to take a shower then I'm going to pick a dress. I'll see you later, bye boys.- she smiled happily, walking away. 
-Bye y/n/n.- both guys waved at her. 
-You won't find her a date, will you?- Steve asked his friend. 
-I don't know, I'll see who I can find.- Bucky shrugged, starting to walk to the door -Well I'm gonna set up our dates. See ya later, punk.- 
-Bye Buck.- Steve said, continuing sketching.

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