Chapter 44 (the end)

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-Bucky dear, come on! We need to go now.- y/n called her husband, as she took her bag and he rushed down the stairs.
-Why? What happened, sugar?- he asked as they walked out and got in the car.
-I've got a call from school. Apparently George got into a fight.- she said, sighing heavily while putting on her jacket.
-What? Our son? Are you sure?- he said, quite surprised.
George had never shown any signs of being a violent or problematic kid, on the contrary, he was the most calm and rational kid of all, for how much a child can be rational at that age of course.
-Yeah, that's what I thought too.- y/n nodded as they drove to the school -I'm scared Buck.- she admitted, breaking the silence.
-Everything will be okay. Don't worry. I'm sure no-one is hurt.- he tried to reassure her, placing his hand on her thigh.
Because of the serum in hers and Bucky's veins, the serum was also in George's veins, which made him incredibly strong for being a 10 year old boy.
-I really hope so.- she replied, looking outside the car window.
"What if he hurted someone and the social services take him away from us, deciding that he's 'too dangerous'?" she thought, starting to panic.
Bucky noticed that y/n had started shaking a little so he took her hand and placed it under his, on the gear change.
-You're overthinking, aren't you?- he asked, turning his head for a second to look at her.
-How could I not? They could take him from us if he did something bad.- she said, raising her tone a little.
-We're the Avengers, sugar. They wouldn't do such a thing. Even if they did, we would do anything to take him back. Don't worry.- he said as the car stopped and he kissed the back of her hand.
-You're right, you're right. Sorry if I raised my voice, I'm just scared.- she apologized.
-It's okay, doll, I understand.- he smiled, as they got out of the car and walked to the building.
As they entered the edifice all the eyes of the kids were on them.
The two superheroes waved at them, putting on the best smile they could.
-Sergeant Barnes. Captain Rogers. Goodmorning, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry I had to call you here on such short notice.- the woman said, holding her hand out for them, that they shaked -I think you know why you're here.-
-Yeah, we know. Can we see George, please?- Bucky asked, almost like he had read his wife's mind.
-Yeah, follow me.- she said, leading the way to the infirmary.
Then they saw him, George was sitting on a chair and was torturing his hands.
y/n and Bucky immediately rushed to him, and she knelt in front of the kid, so she could be at his height.
Now that they were closer they noticed that he had a little bruise on his cheek, some blood coming out of his lower lip and some red staines were on his shirt.
-Oh, honey.- she said, caressing his cheek very carefully, trying not to hurt him.
-What happened, bud?- Bucky asked, placing a hand on his shoulder, in a firm but calm tone.
-I didn't start, I swear.- he said, making a grimace of pain, when he touched his lips, to make sure it wasn't bleeding anymore as the teacher walked to them.
-Honey, we know you, don't worry. But you need to tell us what happened.- she said, ruffling his hair.
-Dudley was making fun of Ethan. So I intervened. I got in the way and protected him. I couldn't stay there and not do anything. Uncle Steve always says that bullies are bad.- he explained.
Immediately both, y/n and Bucky, turned to the woman, with a serious look.
-I...we didn't know about that...I'm...I'm going to talk to Ethan.- she muttered stammering, disappearing from the infirmary in a rush.
-Oh goodness.- y/n sighed loudly, placing her hand on her child's shoulders.
-Did I do a bad thing?- George asked, worried with a little frown -I thought I did a good thing...I'm sorry, mum and dad.- he lowered his head.
-No, no, hunny. Absolutely not. You did an amazing thing. Don't apologise.- y/n hugged him.
-Your mum's right. You did good. Very good. Our little man is growing.- Bucky smiled, patting his shoulder.
-I know, I know. We're proud of you, honey, very proud.- y/n smiled, kissing George's forehead as he smiled, relieved that they weren't angry.
At that moment a forced cough interrupted them and the teacher walked in.
-We talked to him and some friends of his. All of them agreed with George's version. You are free to go. I'll go to talk to Dudley's parents. Sorry for the bother.- she apologized as they greeted her and left the building.
-Did you punch him, right?- Bucky asked, as they got in the car.
-Yeah, I did. Two punches. One on the nose and one on his cheek. And a kick in the leg.- he said, proudly.
-Did he bleed much?- Bucky asked, with a grin.
-Bucky!- y/n called him, in a shocked tone -Don't encourage him to use violence, please. Honey, use violence only to defend. Never to attack. Alright?- she asked, turning to him, who was sitting in the back seat.
-Alright, mum.- he nodded, smiling.
-Did he, though?- she asked, trying to not smile too much.
-Yeah, he did. It even got some blood on his shoes.- George replied.
-Okay. Someone here deserves an ice cream. What do you say?- Bucky asked, as he stopped at the traffic light.
-Yes! Yes! Ice cream! Ice cream!- he said, happily jumping on the seat -Can we call Peter? Please? Pretty please?- he asked, making puppy eyes.
-Yeah. I don't see why not.- y/n smiled calling him and told him to meet them at the nearest ice cream kiosk.
-Peter!- George screamed, running at him and hugging him.
-Hey, George.- he hugged him back -Hey y/n. Hey Bucky.- he said when they broke the hug -Thanks for inviting me.-
-Hey Pete. You're welcome.- Bucky waved.
-Hey there, sweetheart. We're happy to have you here.- y/n greeted him, hugging him.
-How are you? How was school?- Peter asked, smiling at George.
-I'm okay. I got into a fight to protect a boy.- he said, proudly.
-Wow. That's amazing. Very well. By doing so you will become a true superhero.- he said as they walked in front of Bucky and y/n talking about something.
The couple looked at them, smiling.
Bucky put his arm around y/n's shoulders, holding her closer to him.
-I never thought I would be so happy and free. And I thought even less that I would have a family. Instead now I have both, freedom and family.- Bucky whispered to his wife as George and Peter ate their ice cream -And it's all thanks to you, my doll. I love you so much.- he said, looking at her.
-I love you too, handsome. And, well, I have to thank you too.- she smiled as she kissed his lips.
-Eww. Mum. Dad. Stop. We're eating here.- George complained, covering his eyes as they all laughed.
-Sorry, buddy, sorry. We love you.- Bucky said, taking George on his shoulder.
-We love you so much.- y/n said kissing her son's cheek -And we love you too, Peter.- she said, kissing his cheek too.
-Yeah, Pete. You're part of this family. If you want to be, of course.- Bucky added.
-I...I love you too...thank you so much...- he said, as his eyes teared up a bit, and he hugged them tightly.
-You're welcome, Peter.- they said in chorus, smiling as their eyes teared up too, a little touched.

The end

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