Chapter 26

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-Goodmorning.- a feminine voice said, as Bucky heard some people walking in the room, a voice he never thought that he would be hearing again -We were informed that you wanted to talk to me and Captain Rogers. What we can help you...- when she was in front of him, he raised his face and took off his hat -...with?-
She was still as beautiful as he remembered.
His heart skipped a beat when Bucky looked directly at her.
Her big and expressive eyes were widened, like they used to be when Steve and him came home after a fight, her rosy lips pressed together, her hair looked as soft as the last day he saw her.
-Hey...- Bucky said, giving them a half smile, as the two siblings stared at him speechless.
-What...? How...?- y/n whispered and tried to fight against her tears.
He hated to see her like this.
-Who are you?- Steve asked, trying to keep the eye contact with him.
-I'm Bucky. Your Bucky.- he said, in a low voice.
-How can we be sure about it?- he asked, taking a step forward, putting himself between that man and his sister.
Bucky immediately understood the reason for his friend's doubts, his suspicions and his behavior.
-Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.- he chuckled a little looking at Steve, then he looked at y/n -"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" "It has always been." and also I think you still have my tags.- he said pointing at the metallic necklace, that could be seen from the neck of the shirt.
-It's's really you...- she said as she bursted in tears and hugged him tightly, scared to lose him again -Buck...- she whispered between sobs.
As he wrapped her in his arms, Bucky felt complete and happy.
Happy to be reunited with them again.
-Yes, it's me, y/n/'s okay, don't cry.- he said as he stroked her hair as Steve put a hand on his friend's shoulder and gave him a smile, trying to hide his teary eyes.
This time he wouldn't have lost her again.
Bucky had spent the next hours telling the two Rogers how he had survived the fall, how the Hydra had found him, tortured him, gave him a metal arm and some kind of serum, similar to the one that ran through their veins, how he had managed to break free and now that Hydra was completely destroyed, for real this time, he had reached New York and now there were all together again.
For the whole time he had spoken about what had happened to him y/n had never left his hand, from time to time giving it a squeeze, reassuring him.
-You've been through a lot, Buck...- Steve said, after his friend had finished his speech.
-It's all past now. I'm just so happy that I found you.- Bucky smiled.
-How did you know where to find us?- y/n asked, a little confused.
-Well, it's not that difficult to find the only other two people born in the 1910s.- he joked a little.
-I can't say you're wrong.- Steve smiled.
-What about we get to the tower and introduce you to the others? What do you say, Steve?- y/n proposed.
Steve could swear that in the latest years her smile had never been bigger.
-Yes. If he agrees of course. Bucky?- the blonde said, turning to his friend.
-I...uh...I don't know...what if they don't want me?- he asked, lowering his gaze.
-Buck, they are our friends and so are you. They'll understand. Don't worry.- y/n smiled at him and all he could do was nodding.
How could he say no to her smile?
They got up and Steve opened the door, letting them go out first.
Fury, Sam, Maria and Phil were waiting for them.
-Everything is okay, Captains?- the man with the eyepatch asked.
-Yes, Fury. Everything's okay.- she nodded, smiling -Bucky they are Nick Fury, the S.H.I.E.L.D's Director, Sam Wilson, aka Falcon, Maria Hill and Phil Coulson, agents. Guys he's James Bucky Barnes, you can call him Bucky.- she introduced everyone.
-Fury, we wanted him to move into the Avengers Tower. You think it is possible?- Steve asked, and they walked to the elevator.
-Yeah, I think it's possible. Talk to Stark, he's the owner. He won't say no to her.- he shrugged his shoulder pointing to the youngest Rogers.
"Stark is still alive? I thought he'd be dead by now." he told himself feeling like a weight on his heart "I'm sure he found a way to remain young."
The only thought of him next to y/n made Bucky's blood boil.
In the past maybe he had a chance with her, but now he had a metal arm and some trust issues.
"She would never love someone like me."
-Let's go then. What are we waiting for?- y/n smiled at them as they walked out of the elevator and outside of the building.
-We'll see soon, Captains.- the two agents said as the other walked to Sam's car.
-Thank you for calling me Captain.- Sam said, ironically, rolling his eyes.
-Call us when you need to kill aliens or robot killers, or anything else.- Steve joked.
-We will, we will.- Coulson waved at them as they got in the car and headed to the Tower.
For all the trip Bucky looked outside of the car window, shocked and amazed by every little thing he saw.
-Cool, isn't it?- she asked to him.'s weird.- he answered, turning his gaze to her, ending up looking her in her eyes.
-As soon as me and Steve were defrosted I thought the same thing.- y/n admitted -Feel free to ask me question if you don't understand something.-
-Thank you.- he smiled sweetly at her.
-Oh and I think these are yours.- she said, starting to take her necklace off, but he stopped her.
-No, no. It's okay. You can keep them. It's not like I needed anyway now.- Bucky said, as she gave him a thankful smile.
-And here we are.- Sam announced as the car stopped.
When Bucky saw the building he was shocked.
It was a lot taller than it looked from far away.
"This is indeed Stark's work."
-Let's go in. Come on.- y/n said, running and walking in.
Steve and Sam laughed a little, but they were happy to see her smile so much.
Bucky couldn't help but stare at her.

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