Chapter 43

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A few years later y/n and Bucky had made official their relationship and everything seemed to go well. 
Plus the tower had got a new member, Alpine.
A soft white cat, with clear blue eyes.
She was Bucky's cat principally, but she didn't mind getting attention from everyone. 
One morning, while y/n was chilling on the sofa, the cat scurried to her, laying on her stomach and lap, getting some scratches and cuddles from her. 
-Hey, morning Alpine.- y/n whispered, as the cat purred, as she caressed her fur.
Usually Alpine didn't like staying on anyone's lap that it wasn't Bucky's, so the fact that she was laying on her lap made y/n a little confused, but happy, so she didn't thought about it too much.
-Goodmorning, doll.- Bucky said, walking in the room, with Steve and Tony.
-Hey there.- Tony greeted her.
-Morning, y/n/n.- Steve said. 
-Morning, handsome.- she said, as he bent it down, joining their lips for a sweet kiss -Morning Tin Can. Morning Stevie.- 
-Morning Alpine.- he said scratching the spot between her ears -Alpine? On your lap? How?- he asked, when he realised.
-I don't really know, Buck.- she shrugged, as she kept caressing the little creature. 
-Alpine, come here, girl. Come here.- he said, trying to get her attention, but she ignored him -That's weird. She always comes when I call her.- he frowned a bit. 
-That's what y/n does too...- Tony whispered, trying to hold back a laugh. 
-Stark!- Steve, y/n and Bucky yelled at the same time.
Steve blushed a lot embarrassed, as y/n looked amused but still a little angry, while Bucky was shocked and angry. 
-What? Are you telling me she doesn't? Well then one of you has a problem?- Tony counted, getting an elbow from Steve.
-Come on, Stark. Just stop, please.- he said, it looked like he was going to die of embarrassment any moment now. 
-Poor old virgin man is embarrassed.- Tony made fun of him. 
-Trust me, Stark. I do.- y/n nodded. 
-Yeah, I can confirm.- Bucky smirked, making Steve blush even more.
-Just stop, please.- Steve begged, as he left the room red as a tomato. 
-Ops.- they said in chorus, bursting in laughter. 
Tony greeted them and left too, after suiting up and flying away. 
A few days later, when the alarm went on, immediately everyone was on alert. 
-What's happening?- Nat asked, walking into the room, then a few seconds later Wanda and Vision walked in, followed by Clint getting out from the vent and Bruce entering a little concerned. 
-What is the issue, friends?- Thor said, with his usual thundering voice. 
-Avengers assemble!- Steve said as they all ran. 
y/n didn't, though.
-Move your ass, Miss Icy.- Tony announced -We've got a last minute mission. You, me, Capsicle, Male Barbie, Legolas, Miss Triple Imposter, Mr Anger Issues and Metallic hand.- 
-Do I really have to?- y/n answered sighing, not feeling so well. 
-Yeah, you have to. We don't know how danger ous this is. It could be nothing as it could be a bunch of alien killers.- he said, via earphone transmitter. 
-Thor, this better not be your adopted brother again or I swear...- she threatened, as she standood up. 
-It isn't him, Lady y/n. I can promise you. Loki regretted what he did back then.- Thor immediately defended his brother. 
-Yeah, I believe you, Thor, sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.- she sincerely apologized, not knowing why she had said that in such a tone as she suited up.
"He didn't do anything against me. Why am I so moody lately?" she asked herself. 
-Worry not, Lady y/n. I know it was not your intention.- he replied. 
-Stop the chit chat between you two and come here. Thank you.- Steve said via earphone. 
-Yeah, sorry. Just a sec.- she replied, finished suiting up. 
y/n was ready to leave the tower when she felt the need to throw up so she ran to the bathroom and knelt in front of the wc, taking the hair off her face. 
-Are you okay, Miss Rogers? Need anything?- Jarvis asked, in his tone there was a bit of preoccupation. 
-No, I'm quite fine, J. Thanks.- she answered, after taking some deep breaths.
-What's wrong, doll? Something happened?- Bucky asked, in a worried tone. 
He had started thinking the worst scenarios in his mind but as soon as he heard her voice, he calmed down. 
-I just threw up. Nothing serious. I'm coming now.- she said, standing up and walking out of the bathroom. 
-The hell you will.- he said, not wanting to make worse whatever she had. 
-Stay there and don't you dare to come here, y/n/n.- Steve said, agreeing with his friend. 
-Alright, alright. I'll stay here. You don't have to repeat it twice.- she said, closing their way of communication and sitting as Alpine came to her -Looks like I have to stay here. Someone wants cuddles?- she asked as she cuddled up on her lap.
Some moments later she started asking herself when had her period to arrive, so y/n asked Jarvis. 
-Miss Rogers, your period was supposed to start like 2 and a half weeks ago. I think it may be late.- the AI answered, as her heart sank -And keeping in consideration your vomit of a while ago and your actually values, I suggest you to do a pregnancy test.- 
-A...a what, sorry?- y/n asked in a shocked tone. 
-Yeah, also it's a common belief that the animals can feel the pregnancy so they may act weird and be more docile and sweet.- he continued. 
-Okay, I will, but please don't tell the others. Tell them I ate something I wasn't supposed to.- she said immediately as the computer agreed. 
Then y/n, with her heart beating faster in her chest, ran to the bathroom. 
Of course her and Bucky had talked about starting a family, moving away from the tower and stuff like that but she didn't expect it right now. 
Opening the bathroom drawers, she found a pregnancy test, since Pepper had brought a few when she had a period delay, then she found out was pregnant and had Morgan. 
She took a deep breath and took the test. 
During the wait for the test, y/n thought about the whole situation, arriving at the conclusion that she'd be more than happy to be pregnant.
"These are probably the longest ten minutes of my life." she thought sitting on the wc with the little rectangular in her hands. 
After the time passed, when she looked down, from her mouth came out an excited little cry. 
Two lines. 
y/n's eyes immediately started to tear up, as her hand flew to her mouth as the other sweetly caressed her belly. 
She simply couldn't believe it. 
When, less than thirty minutes later, the rest of the team came back, she ran to them and threw herself on Bucky, hugging in a koala style. 
-Doll, what's wrong?- he asked worriedly, cupping her face and noticing that her eyes were glossy. 
-I'm fine, I swear.- she said, kissing him -Or rather, we're fine.- she said, giving him a big smile and showed the test. 
Bucky's eyes flickered from the test, to his girlfriend, to her belly as the team's jaws dropped. 
-W...what?- he said in a whisper -You aren't serious, are you?- he babbled out in a shaky breath, looking at her.
-I am.- y/n said, nodding.
When he realised, he hugged her tightly and kissed her again, as the whole team clapped and congratulated them.
-We are going to be parents. Oh my goodness...I...I can't believe it...- Bucky said with the biggest smile -I love you so much, sugar.- 
-I love you too, handsome.- she said, kissing him. 

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