Chapter 31

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As they walked out of the elevator, Tony and y/n headed to his garage. 
-Which car should we take?- he asked, as the keys clattered in his hands. 
-What about the blue one with tinted windows? So nobody sees it's us and weird rumors don't start spreading?- y/n asked pointed at a car. 
-Why? Are you worried about some paparazzi?- he asked, opening the car to let her get in. 
-No, I'm more worried about Pepper.- she answered as Tony's breath inched -I have a good relationship with her and I don't want to ruin it just because we went out for a dinner and some paparazzi saw us.- she explained as Tony sat in the driver seat and turned on the car. 
-You're right, but don't worry.- he said as the gate opened up and Tony started driving towards the city. 
The night in New York looked almost like day, because of all the lights from illuminated signs, houses and buildings. 
Of course y/n had seen the city during the night, but somehow this time was different. 
Maybe it was the expensive car she was in, maybe it was the dress, maybe it was Back in Black by AC/DC shot at the maximum from the speakers of the car, maybe Tony's presence.
She didn't know.
-So where are we going to eat?- she asked, looking out of the cat window. 
-I have booked a table in the fanciest restaurant in New York. Sounds good?- he asked, turning to her, while the car was stopped at the traffic lights. 
-Yeah, I guess it's fine.- she shrugged a little. 
Once they arrived at the place, Tony left the car to a man there, to park it, then helped her to get out of the vehicle.
He walked forward and opened the door, letting y/n pass first. 
-Good evening. I have booked a table name...- the genius started talking but was immediately stopped by a woman. 
-Stark? Yes, yes, follow me, please.- she said, bringing the two at their table -We hope you spend a lovely evening.- she said, passing them two menus, as they sat down -Someone will come and take your ordinations shortly.- then she left. 
The hall was big and very well decorated, with a candelabrum full of little gems which reflected the light. 
The tables were well settled, with four different forks, two knives and two glasses per person. 
Everything in there looked very expensive. 
The other people in the room were all used to that type of lux, because they all seemed calm and like they knew what they were doing, things that made y/n even more nervous. 
-You already know what to order?- she asked, passing her gaze from the menu to Tony. 
-Not really. You?- he asked, browsing the menu. 
-Nope. Not a clue.- she said, placing the thin book on the table. 
At that moment someone walked in the hall and when this man saw Tony, he immediately walked up to him. 
-Look who's here. Tony Stark.- a man with glassed approached him and y/n -What a beautiful surprise.- 
-Justin Hammer. Hi.- the genius smiled forcefully. 
-And y/n Rogers is here too. What a pleasure, my dear. I'm Justin Hammer, enchanted.- he said taking her hand and kissing it. 
-My pleasure.- she nodded, asking Tony for help with her gaze. 
-What are you doing here, Hammer?- he asked immediately, bringing an arm around the other man's shoulders, holding him a little further away from her. 
-I just saw her and decided that I could have said hi to you and introduced myself to this ravishing woman.- as he talked his gaze was fixed on her, which made y/n feel pretty uncomfortable. 
-Oh, fuck.- Tony said, picking up his phone and looking at it -I wish we could stay more, but the others just told me that we have a meeting at the last minute. Let's go y/n. Sorry again, Hammer. I'll see you around.- he said, placing an arm around y/n's shoulder -Maybe. Or maybe not.- he added once they were out -You okay? Sorry for that.- 
-I'm fine. Who was that anyway?- she asked as they got in the car. 
-Just an asshole. It's better if you don't know him, trust me.- Tony said, sighing. 
-Well, since we can't go to that restaurant, why don't we go get a cheeseburger?- y/n proposed. 
-Not my usual idea of dinner out, but yeah. I don't see why not.- he smiled, turning the key and starting the car.
Tony drove to a fast food restaurant and ordered two cheeseburgers, then arrived at the nearest shop to buy some alcohol. 
After about less than thirty minutes they arrived at a park and parked the car. 
No-one was there at that moment. 
The only sound you could hear was AC/CD music, now lower, and the two who were talking. 
-Could you lower the roof of the car, please?- y/n asked, as Tony passed her a glass full of some drink, then she took a sip. 
-Yeah, just a second.- he said, putting down the bottle and pushing a button. 
The car's roof retracted and the dark sky of the night was now visible.
-Here is your dinner, Mr Stark.- she said, with an amused smile, passing him his cheeseburger.
-That's very kind of you, Miss Rogers.- he held the game. 
-So...- she started talking, as she finished the drink in her glass -...why did you ask me out for dinner?- 
-Well...I'll be completely honest with you. I like you...- Tony said, looking at her. 
-Whoa, whoa. Let me stop you right there.- she said, widening her eyes -Tony, I'm sorry but...-
-What? No, let me finish. I like you...but I love Pepper.- he said, lowering the seat back and admiring the stars -And I wanted to ask you some advice for getting her back.- 
-Oh, okay, good, because I was already trying to find a way to reject you without breaking your heart.- she laughed a little, letting out a sigh of relief.  
-And besides dad told me you, don't like, but love. That you loved Bucky. And I'm sure you still do. Plus I invited you because I wanted to piss off America's ass a bit.- he laughed.
-I do like and love him as a friend, Tony. Nothing more.- she said refilling the glass and quickly drinking the contents. 
-Still denying, I see. Trust me, I saw the way you look at him. You love him.- he said, as she lowered her seat back too. 
-How do you know?- she asked him, in a curious tone. 
-That's easy. It's the same way I look at Pepper.- he admitted -You already lost him two times. Do you really want to risk another time just because you're scared? I think you should tell him.- Tony said, drinking from his glass. 
She thought for a moment, then looked at him. 
-Damn you, Stark.- y/n, whispering under her breath -Pass that fucking bottle.- she said to him. 
-You know I'm right, don't you?- he said, chuckling a little and passing her the bottle as she started drinking -Slow down, Miss Icy. Leave some for me.- Tony complained pulling the bottle from her hands, as she giggled a little. 

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