Chapter 35

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Ten minutes later y/n, Bucky and Peter were in one of Tony's cars driving to school, with the radio at low volume.
-Thanks for accompanying me, y/n and Mr Barnes.- Peter said, from the back seat, drumming his fingers on his thigh following the music.
-You're welcome, sweetie, I adore spending time with you.- y/n replied with a lovely smile, turning her head as she stopped in front of a stoplight and he smiled back.
-Call me just Bucky, kid.- the dark haired man said.
-Alright, sorry Mr Bucky.- the youngest said, looking out of the car window and y/n held back a laugh, while Bucky sighed softly.
-I meant...nevermind.- the dark haired man breathed out, smiling -Call me what you want.-
When the song finished and another started Peter immediately kindly told y/n to turn up the volume since he loved that song.

I know that you're waiting for me like a dog
But have some patience for the part of me that's lost
There's been a hundred times
When I don't recognize
Any of you that love me
I try to memorize and identify
But it's all getting foggy

While Peter hummed the song, Bucky widened his eyes, hearing the lyrics.
He almost thought that the person who was singing was talking directly to him.
For a second his breath inched and his heart beated faster.

My head is in the clouds right now
Just pray I come around, around

Hello, hello, are you lonely?
I'm sorry, it's just the chemicals
Hello, hello, do you know me?
I'm called Mr. Forgettable
Mr. Forgettable
Mr. Forgettable

Also the part of the chemicals and name, Bucky thought, was appropriate for him, because the chemicals remember him from the Hydra lab and the name because no-one after the incident seemed to remember him, apart from y/n and Steve obviously.

The old me hides
While the new me fights
Look in my eyes
He's still in there, right?
Did the kitchen change?
What about your name?
You used to be my heart
And now you're just a face

His thoughts immediately passed on y/n when he heard the other verse.
"You used to be in my heart..." he repeated that part in his mind "..and you still are" he changed the final part.

My head is in the clouds right now
Just pray I come around, around

Hello, hello, are you lonely?
I'm sorry, it's just the chemicals
Hello, hello, do you know me?
I'm called Mr. Forgettable
Mr. Forgettable
Mr. Forgettable

Hello, hello, are you lonely?
I'm sorry, it's just the chemicals
Hello, hello, do you know me?
They call me Mr. Forgettable

Everything in this song reminds him of something.
It was almost like it was written for him.
And this scared Bucky a lot.
y/n noticed Bucky's gaze and placed a hand on his hand, which was resting on his thigh.
-Everything okay?- she asked, sweetly.
-Yeah, don't worry.- he nodded, trying to keep it cool.
After the cat stopped in front of the Midtown High School, Peter got out of the car.
-Bye y/n. Bye Mr Bucky. Thanks again for accompanying me.- the kid said, adjusting his backpack.
-You're welcome. Bye sweetheart, have a good day.- she said, waiving back at him with a smile.
-Bye Peter.- Bucky said, with a small smile as they watched him walking to two a girl with brown and curly hair and a shorter and chubby guy, who y/n identified as MJ and Ned, Peter's best friends.
-A while ago we narrowly escaped it. Fortunately Jarvis didn't tell them everything. Right?- y/n said, started talking with her eyes fixed on the road, as they drove away from the school.
-Yeah.- he nodded, looking around amazed by all the tall buildings and skyscrapers.
-So, there is a museum not far from here, where there is a part dedicated to the Second World War, Steve and me, and well...I managed to convince them to put some information about you. I hope you don't mind.- she said, parking the car.
-No, I don't mind at all. It's a cute thing to do, thank you.- Bucky said as they got out of the car and walked to the museum.
Several times some kids with their parents stopped y/n for a photo or a word and the supersoldier smiled softly at the kids.
Bucky looked at her while she had a conversation with a little girl, and couldn't help but remember when they were kids.
He lost himself in his thoughts until y/n placed a hand on his shoulder.
-Buck, are you good?- she asked, worried for her friend.
-Yeah, I was just thinking when we were her age.- he looked over at the young girl.
-Yeah, I miss the old times too sometimes.- y/n nodded, smiling nostalgically -Come on, let's go. The museum is in that way.- she said, lifting the hood of the sweatshirt over her head, not wanting everyone to notice her.
Bucky walked by her side for the whole time.
At some point he found the courage and took her hand in his.
"Now or never." he told himself.
He had already almost lost her twice and he was scared that he might have lost her again, but this time for real.
y/n felt Bucky's hand touching hers, she immediately blushed and her heart raced in her chest.
When he noticed that she hadn't gone away, he smiled softly.
They walked in the museum and, luckily for them, at that moment no-one was in that area.
The room was filled with information, old photos and old objects related to the two superheroes.
Bucky's memories started to come to his mind.
-When you feel that it's too much just tell me, please. I want this to be a nice experience to you.- y/n smiled, squeezing his hand as he just nodded, reading some information on a wall.
After looking at the whole room, he had summoned all his courage to talk to her.

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